Monday, January 14, 2013

Golden Retriever Chewing on His Paws

Q;  My Golden Retriever chews on his paws a lot.  We use a flea preventative and I don't think he has fleas.  Why is my Golden Retriever chewing on his paws?

A:  Be sure to bring your Golden Retriever to the veterinarian to make sure there isn't some hidden wound or injury.  Sometimes dogs lick incessantly on their paws because something is hurting them.  Once you know that is not the case, then another possibility is that your dog has allergies.  Golden Retrievers can be prone to allergies.  Many dogs will chew on their paws, their hind legs and groin constantly because it is itchy.  This can create a lot of skin sores, hot spots and blackened skin.  The fur (especially the white fur) can appear rust-colored from staining due to the saliva.

Since Golden Retrievers are susceptible to allergies, you need to be really careful about the food and treats you give your dog.  Avoid chicken, beef, dairy and grains in particular.  These foods can be allergens for many dogs.  Try to give your dog fresh vegetables such as green beans instead of dog biscuits which contain wheat and can cause many dogs to itch, scratch and chew on their paws.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wheat Gluten in Pet Food: Can Be Harmful to Your Cat or Dog

Buyer Beware: Wheat Gluten is a Common Ingredient in Many Pet Foods. Here are just a few examples: Fancy Feast, Nutromax Cat, Natural Choice (the list goes on....). What is wheat gluten doing in the food? It's a cheaper source of protein than using real meat to convince you that your pet is getting nutrition when in fact, your pet is not. Wheat gluten is highly allergic and any cat or dog with bowel problems should not be eating food that contains it. If your pet has unusual, hard to diagnose problems such as hair loss on the tail, bouts of occassional vomitting or diarrhea, constant scratching---check your pet food label.  Look for grain-free, high moisture diets such as Instinct, Ziwi Peak and Primal.  

Many pet owners have cats or dogs that are having digestive issues such as inflammatory bowel disease or allergic scratching and itching.  Change your pet's diet!  Look for grain-free, high moisture diets such as Instinct, Ziwi Peak and Primal.  Just like with people, "you are what you eat".  Cats, especially are carnivores and have no need for food fillers such as corn.  It's very important to check the labels of your pet food.  In addition, all cats or dogs, regardless of their lifestage can benefit from two important nutritional supplements:
1)  Probiotics---these "friendly" bacteria provide the reinforcements for your cat or dog's immune system.  Probiotics are especially important if your pet has ever been on antibiotics.  We have had excellent success with the veterinary-recommended Power Probiotic.   
2)  In addition, it is essential to add purified, highly therapeutic fish oil to your cat or dog's diet.  Be sure the fish oil is purified for heavy metals and environmental toxins.  Fish oil may be added to some pet food brands, but pets generally need more than the small amount included in the food.  Fish oil provides many benefits including a lustrous coat, joint support, reduces allergy symptoms and so much more.  Amazing Omegas is purified with the highest standards and is third party tested.  Here is how the label reads:  Ask Ariel's Amazing Omegas For Pets: "This fish oil has not been chemically modified and hence supplies the Omega-3 fatty acids the way nature provides them. It is processed without solvents and is completely free of chemicals such as hexane. Third party testing also GUARANTEES that it is free of pesticides, PCBs, Dioxin and heavy metals including mercury."  

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Tired of Giving Cat Antibiotics

Q:  I am so tired of giving my cat antibiotics.  My cat takes one prescription of antibiotics after another for a chronic upper respiratory infection.  The antibiotics help my cat for awhile but then the infection just never seems to clear up all the way.   My cat sneezes, has runny eyes and often has goopy mucous (discharge) coming from her nose.  Are there any immune support supplements that can help?

A:  So sorry to hear that your cat has been on antibiotics for so long.  Yes, there are excellent immune support supplements such as Notatum and Argentyn that will really help your cat.  Antibiotics can be helpful but if your cat's immune system is constantly fighting an infection, your kitty just gets worn down.  Chances are your cat has an underlying virus that is making it hard for her to fight the upper respiratory infections.  For example, feline herpesvirus 1 can weaken your cat's immune system and make her prone to infections.  Be sure to discuss all the possible testing for your cat with your veterinarian.

Antibiotics treat a bacterial infection but to help your cat's overall immune system, diet and supplements are needed.  There are several supplements that will help your cat's immune system:

Silver Support---these easy to administer drops help fight bacterial and viral infections

Notatum --many cats respond extremely well to this homeopathic remedy and it greatly improves their immune function

Power Probiotic -- this easy to use supplement is a must for all cats, even tiny kittens.  It supports the immune system by replacing the good flora that are killed off by the antibiotics

Be sure you are feeding a completely hypoallergenic, grain-free diet.  Use brands of cat food such as Instinct canned  rabbit which is a novel protein.  Many cats are allergic to grains and also poultry which can weaken their immune system.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy German Shepherd Had Allergies But is Not Scratching and Biting Constantly at Her Tail

If your German Shepherd is scratching and chewing on her tail,  learn more about how how allergies  can be helped using an improved diet and natural supplements to stop the itching.  Helpful article about dogs scratching, chewing, itching and themselves constantly.

"Hi Susan,
 I am writing to let you know that Maya is 99% scratch free. She no longer bites at  her paws or tail, no longer scratches her face after our walks. Just overall she is fantastic.

In case I have not said it already, I think the world of you, and your passion and love  for dogs is evident every time I need your help. You have transformed my baby, from a dog who had diarrhea almost every week, scratched constantly and very nervous about everything to what she is today. Picture perfect healthy.

    Our sincerest thanks and appreciation,
       Olivia, Miti  and Maya
                July 2011

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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dog Dragging Butt on Carpet

Many clients have wondered "why is my dog dragging his butt" leaving nasty marks on the carpet?  While it might seem odd or amusing, the dog is uncomfortable and trying to relieve the itch or pain.  Thus, it's  important to understand what causes dog butt scooting, so that you can help them feel better. 

What Causes Butt Scooting In Dogs?

There are various reasons why dogs drag their butts on the ground, carpet or floor. Here are some common reasons why dog butt scooting:

Anal Gland Issues - Your dog has small sacs, located on either side of the anus, that can become impacted or infected, leading to discomfort.  Dog butt scooting may be an attempt to express their anal glands and relieve the discomfort. In healthy dogs, these glands empty naturally during bowel movements, but some dogs may require manual expression if their glands do not empty adequately on their own.

  • Treatment: Expressing the anal glands may be necessary. This can be done manually by a veterinarian. In severe cases or recurrent issues, dietary adjustments or fiber supplements might help regulate bowel movements and promote natural expression. 

Worm Infestation- Intestinal parasites, such as tapeworms, can be irritating around the anus, leading to your dog butt scooting. If you look closely, visible segments of tapeworms may also be present in the feces or around the anal area.

  • Treatment: Deworming medications prescribed by a veterinarian can address the underlying parasitic infection. Regular parasite prevention measures are essential for long-term health.

Allergies or Skin Irritation- Skin allergies or irritation, particularly around the anal area are a common reason why a dog is dragging his butt.  This may be a result of an allergic reaction to food, environmental factors, or contact irritants that may contribute to discomfort.

  • Treatment: Identify and address the underlying allergy. This may involve changing the dog's diet, using hypoallergenic grooming products, and addressing environmental factors. Topical or oral medications or supplements can help relieve itching.

Fecal Contamination- Residue from feces left around the anal area can cause itching and discomfort, leading to scooting.

  • Treatment: Ensure thorough cleaning of the anal area after bowel movements. Regular bathing and maintaining good hygiene practices can prevent fecal contamination.

Perianal Fistula- This is a painful condition involving the formation of tracts or openings in the skin around the anus. Dogs with perianal fistulas may scoot as a response to the pain and discomfort.

  • Treatment: May require surgical intervention, and medications, such as immunosuppressants or antibiotics, to manage inflammation and infection. It is important to see your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Rectal Prolapse- Rectal prolapse occurs when the rectum protrudes through the anus. This condition is painful and may cause scooting. 

  • Treatment: Rectal prolapse often requires immediate veterinary attention. Treatment may involve manual reduction of the prolapse and addressing the underlying cause, which can include dietary adjustments, medication, or surgical intervention. 

Infections or Tumors- Infections or tumors in the anal or perianal area can lead to discomfort and scooting. 

  • Treatment: Depending on the diagnosis, treatment may involve antibiotics for infections or surgery for tumor removal. Your veterinarian will be able to accurately diagnose your dog and help formulate a treatment plan. 

These are all reasons why dogs drag their butts and it's best to consult with a veterinarian for a thorough examination and diagnosis. The underlying cause may vary, and proper treatment will depend on the specific issue identified.

Natural Remedies For Butt Scooting In Dogs

Fortunately, veterinary-approved probiotic supplements such as Power Probiotic can stop the scooting and dragging of the rear-end.

What we have found is that dogs that have anal sac problems can frequently have an allergy to food and also need digestive support.  Many times dogs that are scooting and dragging their butt also are itching, getting ear infections, and may have bouts of loose stool and gas. . Once you address the dietary issue and add the natural supplements, the problem usually goes away. 

The first step is to add the Power Probiotic to your dog's regimen.  This will repopulate good flora in your dog's intestines, boosting immune function and reducing odors overall.   Power Probiotic is a veterinary-approved probiotic that is 3rd party tested for potency and is easy to give both cats and dogs--just open the capsule and sprinkle on food.  Even if you have tried other probiotics, this one will greatly help to improve the dragging and scooting and digestive problems.

Feeding a low carbohydrate, novel protein diet is also helpful for dog butt scooting.  Raw frozen diets are the gold standard for dogs with allergy problems.  They contain vegetables, omegas and a variety of protein options--without the high carbohydrate content.  Adding fiber in the form of pumpkin, squash or other pet fiber products can greatly help. Dogs that have anal sac issues are often eating dry kibble that is high in carbohydrates which can lead to yeast, allergic reactions and itching.

Use natural dog allergy supplements such as AllerEaze which helps to reduce itching and allergic response.  K9 Yeast Defense would also help as many times dogs are licking and chewing on their butt and groin due to allergies.  Many dogs that have ear infections and are licking at their genitals have an overgrowth of yeast.  The K9 Yeast Defense can give your dog relief in a few days. 

If a dog is dragging their butt or displaying butt-scooting behavior, see your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and make a treatment plan that includes both conventional and natural remedies. 

Author:  Diane Messenger
Originally Posted:  12/30/2012
Revised and Updated:  3/6/2024
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Interstitial Cystitis in Dogs and Cats

Updated 4/8/24

Interstitial Cystitis is a condition in which the bladder wall becomes inflamed and may even hemorrhage. Dogs and cats can both get Interstitial Cystitis, but it is especially prevalent in cats. In cats, the condition is referred to as feline interstitial cystitis (FIC).   With interstitial cystitis, there may be an infection or the “start of infection” and sometimes there may be no infection at all.

Causes of Interstitial Cystitis In Cats

Several factors may contribute to the development of FIC in cats. 

Stress: Stress is believed to be a significant trigger for FIC in cats. Environmental changes, such as moving to a new home, introduction of new pets, or changes in routine, can lead to stress and exacerbate symptoms.

Diet: Certain dietary factors, such as high mineral content in food or a diet low in moisture, may contribute to the development of FIC in cats. Lack of proper hydration can lead to concentrated urine, which may irritate the bladder lining.

Genetics: There may be a genetic predisposition to FIC in some cats, as certain breeds appear to be more susceptible to the condition.

Urinary tract issues:  Chronic urinary tract infections as well as structural abnormalities in the urinary tract  may increase the risk of FIC.

Nervous System Dysfunction: abnormal communication between the bladder and the brain, may play a role in the development of FIC.

Signs Your Cat May Have FIC (Insterstitial Cystitis)

Urinary urgency: Cats with FIC may have an urgent need to visit the litter box more than usual.  You may notice them strain to urinate.

Painful urination: they may experience discomfort or pain when urinating. Which can cause them to cry out while in the litter box.

Urinating outside the litter box: you may find them urinating outside the litter box in an attempt to find relief from the discomfort associated with the litter box.

Blood in the urine: You may see blood in the urine or it might be microscopic which would require a laboratory test to find see it.

Frequent grooming of the genital area: Cats may excessively groom their genital area in an attempt to alleviate discomfort

What About Dogs And Intersitital Cystitis?

While dogs may not typically develop interstitial cystitis like cats or humans do, they can still suffer from a range of urinary tract problems. These issues can include urinary tract infections, bladder stones, bladder tumors, and other conditions that cause inflammation or irritation of the bladder. UTIs and interstitial cystitis are distinct conditions, but chronic or recurrent UTIs could potentially lead to inflammation and irritation of the bladder and over time could contribute to the development of interstitial cystitis, especially if your pet is predisposed. If you suspect your dog is experiencing recurrent UTIs, it's important to consult with a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Treatments For Intersitital Cystitis

Treating interstitial cystitis (IC) in both cats and dogs involves a comprehensive approach aimed at managing symptoms and improving overall comfort and well-being. This typically includes:

Stress reduction: Creating a calm and stress-free environment is essential for both cats and dogs with IC. Minimizing environmental stressors, providing enrichment, and maintaining consistent routines can help reduce anxiety and alleviate symptoms.

Dietary management: Switching to a high-quality, wet food diet or a prescription urinary diet may be beneficial for both cats and dogs with IC. These diets can help increase water intake, promote urinary tract health, and reduce the risk of flare-ups.

Increased water consumption: Encouraging both cats and dogs to drink more water can help flush out the bladder and reduce irritation. Providing multiple sources of fresh, clean water and using fountains or running water bowls may entice them to drink more.

Medications: Your veterinarian may prescribe medications to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, or relax the bladder muscles in both cats and dogs with IC. These medications can help manage symptoms and improve comfort levels.

Environmental modifications: Ensuring easy access to clean litter boxes for cats and appropriate outdoor areas for dogs is important. Using unscented, clumping litter for cats and keeping litter boxes in quiet, low-traffic areas can help minimize stress.

Behavioral therapy: Some cats and dogs with IC may benefit from behavioral therapy techniques, such as desensitization and counterconditioning, to help reduce stress and modify unwanted behaviors associated with the condition.

Regular veterinary check-ups: Regular veterinary visits are essential for monitoring your pet's condition, adjusting treatment as needed, and addressing any potential complications or underlying health issues.

By working closely with your veterinarian and implementing these strategies, you can help manage IC in both cats and dogs and improve their quality of life.

Can Holistic Care Help?

Absolutely. Holistic care should not be a replacement for conventional veterinary care but can help if your pet has Interstitial Cystitis or UTIs. Holistic care offers you more choices and treatment options to help your pet but work with your veterinarian to monitor your pet’s progress using laboratory tests and even in-home periodic pH urinary test strips that you do yourself.

Natural Supplements For Interstitial Cystitis and UTIs

Akutur Drops
Akutur UTI Support Drops -  Promotes healing of the urinary tract and bladder. It provides pain relief in the urinary tract, reduces inflammation and helps restore balance in the bladder and pelvic floor. Akutur drops help prevent bacteria from hiding within the bladder walls and help to clear out toxins in the urinary tract. It’s especially helpful for pets with a history of urinary plugs, interstitial cystitis and bladder cancer. For best results, combine with Olive Leaf Extract and NOT Drops.

Happy Paws Drops For Interstitial Cystitis

Happy Paws Hemp Extract Drops is a high-quality hemp  extract    that can help relieve pain and inflammation.  Since stress is often a trigger of interstitial cystitis, the calming effects of Happy Paws can be especially helpful.  Organically grown in Colorado.  Easy to administer to cats and dogs.

Author: Susan Blake Davis, Pet Nutritionist
Revised and Updated 4/8/2024


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Yorkshire Terrier Vomits and Has Yellow Bile. Natural Alternative to Pepcid?

Q:   We have a 4 year old Yorkshire Terrier and every morning, she has a small amount of vomit which looks like yellow bile.  We have brought her to the vet and he suggested giving her a snack at bedtime which helps.  He also recommended that we use Pepcid.  I would prefer to use something natural.  Is there a natural alternative to using Pepcid?

A.  Some supplements might help.  Try Gastro ULC and Power Probiotic.    These products really seem to help dogs and cats with acid stomach.  Sometimes pets can vomit bile simply from not eating for a long period of time.  Also, ApoStom is a gentle homeopathic remedy for acid stomach which can help as well.   Be sure to avoid giving your dog too much protein as some Yorkshire terriers can be very sensitive.   Regularly check your yorkie's liver enzymes as well. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Is Curcumin (tumeric) Safe To Give Dogs? What are the benefits of giving Curcumin to Dogs?

Q:  My 7 year old german shepherd is slowing down.  I  give him glucosamine but had read about curcumin and was wondering if it was safe to give my dog and also would like to know the benefits.  Can you explain why to use curcumin and how it might help my german shepherd?

A:  Curcumin is an excellent product for pet joint support, cancer and inflammation.  This product is a powerful anti-inflammatory that is backed by extensive research.  We have seen excellent results with older dogs that are stiff and uncomfortable in helping to improve mobility and reduced pain.  Curcumin (aka as turmeric) is also helpful for cats.  It is easy to administer and economical.

Benefits of Curcumin for Dogs and Cats:
1)  Curcumin stimulates bile production.Helps to cleanse the blood of toxins and impurities by improving liver function.  
2)  Is a natural painkiller and cox-2 inhibitor.  In some studies, it has been shown to work nearly as well as anti-inflammatory drugs.
3) Very helpful for hip dysplasia, arthritis and pets that are slowing down because of it's anti-inflammatory properties
4) Benefits the circulatory system because it is a blood thinner and helps to prevent clots and excess cholesterol accumulation.
5) Powerful antioxidant which can lessen free radical damage
6) Some evidence on turmeric and cancer indicate that curcumin may help control cancer growth

Curcumin would be an excellent addition to any senior pet and especially any dog or cat that shows signs of fatigue, difficulty getting up and down stairs, limping or having trouble moving around.  Older big dogs such as german shepherds would especially benefit from using curcumin.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Holistic Supplements For Puppy With Demodectic Mange (Demodex)

Q:  My puppy has demodectic mange.  What holistic supplements would be helpful for me to use along with the vet's treatment?

A:  Generally, when puppies have demodectic mange, they tend to have a weakened immune system and can have flareups for the rest of their life.  It is very important to give puppies with demodectic mange a high protein, grain-free diet.  Use fresh vegetables and plenty of omega oils to help their coat and skin.  Avoid grains and fillers.

Holistic supplements that will help boost your puppy's immune system and fight the demodectic mange include the following:

Amazing Omegas---delivers therapeutic levels of fish oil which will improve coat quality and reduce inflammation.
Colostrum for Pets + Power Probiotic---provides immune support and assists in the recovery of demodectic mange.   Especially helpful if your puppy has had worms or giardia.

Immunitone Plus--- 
Blend of essential nutrients for immune support including arabinogalactans, green tea, beta glucan and a variety of medicinal mushrooms

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Female Dog Licking Genitals Due to Yeast or Allergies

Q:  My girl dog licks her vaginal area and I have brought her to the vet and he said to just wipe with baby there anything else I can do? She scratches and itches a lot and I am using a good brand of dog food--Nutromax. Anne in Ohio

A:  Female dogs can be licking their vaginal area frequently due to pain, itching or discomfort.  This could be due to a yeast overgrowth, allergies or urinary tract infection.  Be sure that you get a urine analysis done to rule out a urinary tract infection.  Try switching dog food and using a high moisture, grain-free, hypoallergenic diet such as Instinct raw and canned rabbit.  Nutromax contains grains, beef and poultry and overall, dry food is not nearly as nutritious as canned, raw or homemade dog food.

Here is a list of ingredients for the Nutro Mini Chunks Chicken and Rice Formula:

Chicken Meal, Ground Whole Wheat, Wheat Flour, Ground Rice, Rice Bran, Chicken Fat (preserved with mixed Tocopherols), Corn Gluten Meal, Dried Plain Beet Pulp, Natural Flavors, Potassium Chloride, Salt, Choline Chloride, Taurine, Zinc Sulfate, Vitamin E Supplement, Ferrous Sulfate, L-Ascorbyl-2-Polyphosphate (source of Vitamin C), L-Carnitine, Potassium Iodide, Copper Sulfate, Niacin Supplement, Calcium Pantothenate, Biotin, Manganous Oxide, Thiamine Mononitrate (source of Vitamin B1), Vitamin A Supplement, Sodium Selenite, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (source of Vitamin B6), Riboflavin Supplement (source of Vitamin B2), Vitamin D3 Supplement, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Folic Acid

There are quite a few ingredients that can contribute to yeast overgrowth and allergic response in your dog.  The grains:  wheat, rice and corn are definite culprits.  The poultry could also be a problem if your dog has allergies.  Diets that are high in carbohydrates also contribute to yeast overgrowth.  Instead look for brands that are higher in protein and don't contain grains.

Finally, using a few supplements would definitely help relieve your dog's symptoms.

K9 Yeast Defense Package   This package relieves symptoms of yeast overgrowth and also enhances your pet's immunity.  Very helpful for pets with ear infections, scratching and itching and genital licking.

Power Probiotic--superior manufacturing ensures that the friendly bacteria will survive the stomach acid and are third party tested to ensure that the product contains the ingredients promised.  This product is widely used by thousands of cats and dogs with excellent results.  Useful for overall health,digestive support--especially in puppies and kittens as well as for fighting yeast and infections.  Anytime a pet has taken antibiotics or steroids, it is important to replenish the good bacteria using this probiotic.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Golden Retriever Dog Scratching, Itching and Chewing Constantly!

Dear Ask Ariel:  Our 6 year old Golden Retriever Goldie  has been constantly scratching, itching and chewing on herself.  She licks on her paws until they bleed.  I give her flea medication and don't see any fleas.  When I bring her to the veterinarian, he gives her a cortisone shot which helps and
some antibiotics.  But, within a few weeks, it comes right back.  Any suggestions?  Betsy

Dear Betsy:  So sorry Goldie is so uncomfortable and is scratching and itching constantly.  Right now we are in the itchiest part of the year in some places.  There is a lot of environmental allergens which can make our pets miserable.  Supplements such as AllerEaze, Proaller and Notatum can really help control allergic reactions in pets. It is very important to give your dog Omega 3s daily as part of Goldie's regular diet.  Omega 3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and are very helpful for allergies.  We highly recommend Amazing Omegas because the impurities in the fish oil have been removed.

Be sure that you are not giving Goldie any foods that she could be allergic to.  Certain foods promote a lot of allergies such as grains.  Grains are found in many dog treats and dog food.  Grains include rice, quinoa, corn, wheat, flour, wheat gluten etc.  You would be surprised how many dog treats have hidden sources of gluten and grains in them.  Many dogs can become very itchy after consuming grains.  Also, be sure to avoid dairy, beef, chicken and peanut butter as these can make dogs very itchy as well.
Friday, May 18, 2012

Milk Thistle for Dog and Cats

Liver & Gallbladder Nutritional Supplement For Pets
90 capsules

Excellent for pets and people. Indicated for: gentle liver support, gallbladder support, improved digestion, constipation, pancreatitis

Who Can Benefit From Liver & Gallbladder Natural Supplement For Pets?

1) Pets with elevated liver enzymes
2) Pets with pancreatitis (aids in fat digestion but use with Lypozyme)
3) Pets and people with indigestion following eating fatty foods (especially gas, heartburn, acid stomach)--for best results, use the Livre & Gallbladder Package which includes Lypozyme and Power Probiotic
4) Pets taking medications such as NSAIDs for pain (e.g. Rimadyl)
5) Pets and people with gallbladder concerns

Liver & Gallbladder Natural Supplement For Pets is gentle and easy to administer to even the smallest pets. The capsule can be opened and a small amount can be sprinkled on food. It is very helpful for improving liver and gallbladder function as well as helping any pet or person having trouble digesting fats. It can help detoxify the liver when you are giving your pet medications, especially for pain such as Rimadyl or Deramaxx. Liver & Gallbladder Supplement For Pets is a broad-spectrum product that is effective for pets with all types of liver disease. It is very helpful for pets and people with signs of gallbladder disease (e.g. trouble digesting fats) and pancreatitis.

Liver & Gallbladder Natural Supplement For Pets is a comprehensive formula that includes a blend of important lipotrophic nutrients, combined with methyl donors and herbs that are used to support bile flow and healthy liver function. We like this product because it not only contains liver glandulars and other nutrients but it also includes Milk Thistle and Dandelion, time-tested herbs, backed by research, that have been used successfully for liver detoxification. In addition, Liver & Gallbladder Natural Supplement For Pets also helps with bile flow. Bile flow is critical for the digestion of fats and proper absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids. The liver is the largest organ in the body and plays a vital role in digestion, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, the storage of nutrients and detoxification of the body. What makes this product so unique is that Liver & Galbllader Natural Supplement For Pets is a quality, whole food nutritional product using raw materials that are primarily grown organically and processed using gentle manufacturing processes that preserve the natural content of the ingredients. Why is this so important? When you or your pet has liver issues, it is vital that you limit the amount of new toxins coming into the body as the liver is already in a state of toxic overload. Using natural ingredients will assure that you get the benefits of the product without introducing new synthetic substances often found in many supplements. This excellent liver support formula is commonly used by people and pets with liver conditions and those that just want to support good liver health.

Get more value by using our Liver & Gallbladder support packages. For pets or people who get indigestion from eating fatty foods OR with pancreatitis, we recommend the following regimen: Liver & Gallbladder Support + Lypozyme + Power Probiotic. Liver & Gallbladder Natural Supplement For Pets is also available at a reduced package price with Lypozyme.

Click here to view all of our liver support products

Benefits of Liver & Gallbladder Natural Supplement For Pets
Reduces abdominal ascites and swelling due to liver problems
• Reduces elevated liver enzymes
• Aids fat digestion and improves digestive disorders
• Improves bile flow and provides nutrients to support healthy gallbladder function
• Supports healthy liver function
• Supports Liver detoxification

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Power Probiotic For Dogs and Cats

Power Probiotic For Dogs and Cats

Indicated for: bad dog breath, IBS, skin problems, pets that have been on antibiotics or steroids, diarrhea, chronic urinary infections, yeast, stomach upset, eye stains, poor digestion, immune support, stomatitis, pets eating a raw food diet This fabulous product has so many benefits:

*Supports digestion and overall good health (great for all pets!)
*Powerful immune support
*Helps with allergies, digestive problems and ear infections
*Essential for pets that have taken antibiotics or corticosteroids
*Helps stop bad breath
*Reduces tear stains

Not all probiotic supplements are alike. In fact, many lose their potency before you ever open the bottle. And... many probiotics that are manufactured for pets are of inferior quality. They are easily killed by heat, air and moisture. This probiotic for cats and dogs has been tested extensively and has shown to be 95% effective EVEN after exposure to 100 degree heat for over a week. We have tried many pet and human probiotics on the market and have found this blend to be highly effective but also an excellent value for the quality.

Please note that it is very important to use the Probiotic if you are feeding your pet a raw food diet. The Probiotic helps to balance out the intestinal flora and promotes optimal health and immune function. This product can be safely used for very young pets and should be considered a part of a pet's "diet" rather than a supplement, especially if using a raw food diet.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bailey Has Found Her Forever Home!

From Abandoned and Scared To Cherished & Loved: Bailey has found her forever home!

Pictured above is Bailey, a very friendly 2 year old Cairn Terrier mix. Bailey came into the Orange County Shelter as a stray. She was in the shelter for a long time and her time was running out. She needed Ariel Rescue’s help! Ariel Rescue rescued Bailey from the shelter. Then the good times began!

She was given good food to eat and lots of love from her foster mom and all the Ariel Rescue volunteers. She was given a "beauty bath" and a brand new dog emerged from all that dry, dirty fur. Bailey was now a happy, healthy dog ready to play and have fun!

Bailey was adopted by her new "dad". Her dad works out of the home and he already had a Golden Retriever. Her dad was looking for a happy, friendly dog that could be a good role-model companion for his Golden Retriever, who was a very timid dog. Bailey was the perfect dog! Bailey knew how to have fun and she let her new “brother” know that everything was going to be okay!

Now Bailey and her Golden Retriever brother go on walks together, and her brother is no longer afraid of going on walks. He has his “sister” Bailey, to keep him company and lead the way. Bailey never has to worry about being overlooked ever again.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

SAVE a LIFE!!! Rescue Dogs Available For Adoption Saturday April 28, 2012

Come meet Paco, Nikola and Heidi at PETsMART in Aliso Viejo located at 27961 Aliso Creek Road. On Saturday they will be out in front of PETsMART from moon - 4pm. Stop by and say "hello"!

Our newest arrival, "Paco" is an absolutely adorable 3 year old Lhasa Apso / Wire Fox Terrier mix! Paco is incredibly cute and has soft, wiry, chestnut and white fur ~ perfect for cuddling. His beautiful eyes will melt your heart ~ and just look at that gorgeous tail ~ this is one cutie! Paco is a perfect little gentleman ~ very calm and well-behaved. Paco is friendly and nice with other dogs ~ he has a cuddly, affectionate temperament ~ he would make a great companion for your dog. Perfect size for a small dog ~ he weighs just 16 pounds and is fully grown. He is a real cuddler and is very affectionate ~ he would love to cuddle up in your lap. 

 Beautiful "Nikola" is a perfect choice for a fun, companion dog! She has an excellent temperament and is friendly with other dogs ~ she would be a great companion for your dog. Her little face is just precious. One year old Nikola is a fun, happy, playful 45 pound Labrador / Beagle mix who is fully grown. Nikola has short, sleek, soft, black and white fur ~ very easy to groom ~ she is perfect for cuddling. She loves to play with her toys and to go on walks ~ perfect dog for an active household!

Sweet "Heidi" is a beautiful two year old Australian Shepherd / Anatolian Shepherd mix! Heidi is incredibly cute and has long, soft, fluffy white, brown and black fur ~ perfect for cuddling. Her face will melt your heart ~ this is one cutie. Heidi is friendly and nice with other dogs ~ she has a calm, cuddly, affectionate temperament ~ she would make a great companion for your dog. This sweet, gentle dog will fit right into your household ~ very calm and quiet. She loves to ride in the car and is also good on the leash. Perfect size for a large dog ~ she weighs just 50 pounds and is fully grown. She is a real cuddler and is very affectionate.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sutter Has Found His Forever Home!

From Abandoned and Scared To Cherished & Loved: Sutter has found his forever home!

Pictured above is Sutter, a beautiful 2 year old Boxer. Sutter came into the Orange County Shelter as a stray at one year old. At that time, he was adopted out of the shelter and then returned a whole year later. Sutter was very confused and scared. He didn't know why he was back at the very scary shelter. Sutter's fur was very dirty and his skin was very dry. He had very severe ear infections in both his ears. He was a dog that was in a lot of pain. No one wanted to adopt Sutter, because he had been returned back to the shelter. Many dogs got adopted during the time that Sutter was in the shelter, but no one could see what a special dog Sutter was. That is when Ariel Rescue stepped in and adopted Sutter.

Sutter was no longer the overlooked dog. Sutter was given medication for his ear infections. Soon his ears were feeling much better! Sutter was given good food to eat and lots of love from his foster mom and all the Ariel Rescue volunteers. He was given a "beauty bath" and a brand new dog emerged from all that dry, dirty fur. Sutter now had smooth, sleek, shiny fur and was the picture of health. Sutter was now a happy, healthy dog ready to play and have fun! Sutter was adopted by his new "mom" and "dad". Sutter likes to hang out in his new bed, right by the computer where his mom does her work. Sutter brings his toys to his mom, so that she can take a break from work and play with Sutter. Sutter is now the pampered, cherished boxer that he should be. Sutter never has to worry about being overlooked ever again.

Ask Ariel Your Pet Nutritionist promotes and supports the rescue of unwanted cats and dogs in shelters. Please consider adopting your next pet from an animal shelter. Homeless pets of all breeds can be found on

Please click here for more information and products available at Ask Ariel. And don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bubbles Has Found Her Forever Home!

From Abandoned and Scared To Cherished & Loved: Bubbles has found her forever home!

Pictured above is Bubbles, a 3 year old Cairn Terrier mix. Bubbles came into the Orange County Shelter as a stray.She was very underweight from not having enough food to eat when she was living on the streets. Her fur was very dry and coarse. Her skin was in very bad condition due to having fleas and very dirty fur. Bubbles spent a month at The Orange County Animal Care Center.Bubbles was very frightened in the shelter and she hid in the back of her kennel. Many dogs got adopted during that time, but no one could see what a special dogBubbles was. That is when Ariel Rescue stepped in and adopted Bubbles.

Bubbles was no longer the overlooked dog. Bubbles was given good food to eat and lots of love from her foster mom and all the Ariel Rescue volunteers. She was given a "beauty bath" and a brand new dog emerged from all that dry, dirty hair. Bubbles now had soft, shiny fur and was the picture of health. Bubbles was a happy, healthy dog ready to play and have fun! Bubbles was adopted by her new "mom". Bubbles' new name is "Sugar" because she gives lots of kisses to her new mom. Her new mom also calls Sugar her "Little Yoda". Sugar is now the pampered, cherished pup that she should be. She never has to worry about being overlooked ever again.

Ask Ariel Your Pet Nutritionist promotes and supports the rescue of unwanted cats and dogs in shelters. Please consider adopting your next pet from an animal shelter. Homeless pets of all breeds can be found on

Please click here for more information and products available at Ask Ariel. And don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bif Has Found His Forever Home!

From Abandoned and Scared To Cherished & Loved: Sweet Bif has found his forever home!

Pictured above is Bif, a 3 year old Beagle / Basset Hound mix. Bif came into the Orange County Shelter as a stray. He was very underweight from not having enough food to eat when he was living on the streets. His fur was very dry and coarse. His skin was in very bad condition due to having fleas and very dirty fur.

Bif spent a month at The Orange County Animal Care Center. Many dogs got adopted during that time, but no one could see what a special dog Bif was. That is when Ariel Rescue stepped in and adopted Bif. Bif was no longer the overlooked dog. He was given good food to eat. He was also given a "beauty bath".

A brand new dog emerged from all that dry, dirty hair. Bif now had soft, shiny fur and was the picture of health. Bif was a happy, healthy dog ready to play and have fun! Bif was adopted by two loving women and their Chihuahua, Lola. Since Lola and Bif will be together, Bif never has to worry about being scared and alone ever again. He is now the pampered, cherished pup that he deserves to be.

Ask Ariel Your Pet Nutritionist promotes and supports the rescue of unwanted cats and dogs in shelters. Please consider adopting your next pet from an animal shelter. Homeless pets of all breeds can be found on

Please click here for more information and products available at Ask Ariel. And don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Itchy Maltese with Skin Problems Gets Better!

"Thank you so much for the Pet Allergy and Skin Package! The ProAller plus the Notatum alternating with Quentans not only gave my 15 yr. old Maltese, Beebop, relief from his respiratory and skin allergy symptoms --- these amazing products helped his skin to heal completely and his beautiful hair to return so thickly, he looks like a young pup again. His ear inflammation and "gunk" cleared up, and he's happy and frolicking like his ‘old self’. He's living up to that Beebop name and wrestling with our two other Maltese, the rescued Bambi
and Thumper. For the first time in years, his little tail is back up and curled as he romps around our yard. We are eternally grateful to you and continue to recommend you and your products to all our pet-owner friends and family."

The Eisenberg Family 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Yorkies Feeling a Lot Better!

I so appreciate your help. Curing my babies' illnesses goes
far beyond veterinary treatment. You have shown me over and over again, that
the correct nutritional diet and advice, is absolutely crucial to maintaining
their good health. Mango's pancreatitis was completely out of control until you
changed her diet. Zsa Zsa, being so tiny, scared us to death with her recent digestive problems. Her vet could treat their symptoms, but could not give me the ultimate solution, which was to restore their appetites and normal digestive function. I love them like children, and it breaks my heart when I feel helpless to cure what ails them. You did that for us, and for this I am truly grateful.

The Ringer Family
Products Used: Power Probiotic, Lypozyme, Liver & Gallbladder Support and Amazing Omegas.
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Probiotics Benefit Cat with IBD

Q: I believe my cat has IBD and I was wondering if we should get a biopsy and diagnosis first before trying the probiotic, etc formulas offered on the website? Thanks, Angela

A: Hi Angela, Many cats are diagnosed with "IBD" due to food allergies. The most common food allergies are poultry and grains. Please be sure to watch this brief webinar below about food allergies. Using the Power Probiotic and Soothing Digestive Relief will help your cat to digestive the food. These are natural, healthy vitamins for any pet with or without IBD. You may want to try changing the diet and using these supplements (ideally using the IBD Kit and Colostrum for Pets would be best) and then seeing if your kitty is still in discomfort before proceeding to more invasive procedures.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sweet William finally has found his "forever" home!

Sweet William, a 2 year old purebred boxer finally has found his "forever" home! Ariel Rescue saved his life.

William has had a very hard start in young life and he is only two years old. He was brought to the Orange County Animal Shelter by his owner in October. This is the same owner who previously adopted William from the same shelter, just one year earlier. The owner did not leave a reason why he was turning William into the shelter.

Ariel Rescue found out about William's plight. He needed our help. Two times is two times too many for a dog to have to be at a high-kill shelter. People won't adopt a dog that has been "returned" . William is a wonderful dog with a terrific disposition. We are so happy William has finally found a home at last.

Please consider adopting a pet in need.  You can find pets of all breeds, colors and ages on  Rescue dogs make wonderful pets and are so grateful to you for saving them.  Open your home and heart to a rescue dog in need just like William.

Friday, January 6, 2012

11 Year Old Sheltie With Recurring Bladder Infection

Q: My 11 year old sheltie, Cody, is fully recovered from bladder cancer thanks to Protocel but he has a lingering UTI. My vet is alternating Clavimox with Baytril after a few weeks off one or the other (pulse therapy). This does not seem to be working. Can you recommend something to get rid of his UTI and preventing a relapse?

D.L. Dunn

A: Yes, the Pet Pet UTI Prevention Package for Urinary Tract Infections which includes Renelix, Pet UTI Prevention Formula, Notatum and Power Probiotic would be very helpful. Also, using OncoPet for immune support would be advisable to help fight off cancer recurrence  Be sure you are feeding your sheltie a grain-free, hypoallergenic diet. Grains and poultry can contribute to UTIs in some pets.
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dog Chewing Paws--What Does This Mean?

Q: My dog has one paw that he chews and won't leave alone. I have tried everything I can think of to get him to stop (like aloe vera, vitamin-e, even putting a sock on his paw). I just got him a cone (Elisabeth collar) to see if it will help discourage him from chewing. So far soaking the paw in black tea seems to help soothe it. If you have any other suggestions I might try that would be great. Thank you for your time. KT

A: Dear KT: When dogs are chewing on their paws, it is due to allergies. They may have an environmental allergy to grass or it could be overall environmental allergies. Usually though there is some type of yeast overgrowth and the more they chew, the wet saliva can create a yeasty, smelly overgrowth inbetween the toes. I have a couple of suggestions:

1) First, take a look at your pet's diet. It is really important to feed your dog a completely hypoallergenic, grain-free diet. Please watch this free food allergy webinar that will help you determine the best food to feed your dog.

2) Use a yeast formula that kills intestinal yeast. We have had excellent results using the K9 Yeast Defense Formula

3) Get a medicated, antifungal shampoo from your veterinarian to soak the foot.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Weighing Your Pet is Important for Overall Health

Fitness Tip of the Day! If you haven't done so in the past two months, it's time to weigh your pet. Pets (and people) should be weighed every few months. A lot of times, pets can either be losing weight or gaining weight. Many times, the first sign of illness in a senior pet is WEIGHT LOSS! It can be very subtle and you may not have noticed that your pet is eating less--especially in multiple... pet households.

Getting on the scale, as much as we loathe it, is the single best objective way to measure our overall health. Scales are available at lots of big chain stores as well as your vet's office. For small pets, you can weigh yourself first and then hold your pet to see the difference. Keep a log of your pet's weight.

Got a question about your pet? Join our pet forum on
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cat with Diarrhea and IBD Losing Weight

Q: How do I get wet diarhea off my cats butt and back legs. She has lost a lot of weight and is very frail

A: Sorry to hear your kitty is so sick. There are quite a few things you can try to help stop your cat's diarrhea. First and foremost, be sure to take your cat to the veterinarian. Your cat could be very dehydrated and may need fluid therapy and/or medication. Also, using a few supplements such as Power Probiotic or the IBD Kit would really help too.

Cats often develop diarrhea and IBD due to the food you may be feeding. Do not feed your cat food that contains grains such as wheat, gluten, oats, etc and also for some cats, poultry may be an issue. Be sure to watch this: 
You can also try giving your cat a teaspoon of canned pumpkin with each meal. Canned pumpkin helps to regulate bowel function and firm up the stool.
Friday, December 9, 2011

Golden Retriever Getting Recurring Ear Infections

Q: I have put both of my Golden Retrievers on a grain free diet. Both are doing well including improvement of a loose stool issue with my senior dog. My youngest dog is 3, he has has also improved in some areas but does get reoccurring ear infections from yeast even on a grain free dog food. What are possible other causes for him to get recurring ear infections?

A. Ideally, for pets that are getting recurring yeast and ear infections, you want to use a raw frozen diet, if at all possible. Raw frozen diets are highly digestible. You can use a raw frozen diet in combination with homemade. You just need to be sure the proteins are completely hypoallergenic. You can learn more about food allergies in pets by watching the Food Allergy Webinar.

In addition, for Golden Retrievers and dogs prone to allergies and ear infections, it is a good idea to use K9 Yeast Defense. K9 Yeast Defense controls yeast overgrowth and helps prevent recurring infections. Using a good probiotic, such as Power Probiotic,  along with the product will boost your Golden Retriever's immune system. Finally, Amazing Omegas reduces inflammation and allergic response. Many Golden Retrievers are prone to allergies so using the raw food diet (hypoallergenic proteins) along with the recommended supplements should prevent any future ear infections and yeast.
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Diet For Bichon Frise Bladder Stones (Calcium Oxalate Stones and Struvite)

Q: We have a lovely soon going to be 8 yr old Bichon Frise that has had 3 operations to remove bladder stones. I believe the first two were Struvite in nature but the last one was Cal Oxalate. She is scheduled for another surgury next week for more Cal Oxalate stones. Are there any proven diets that you are aware of that reduce the chances of forming Cal Oxalate stones? We love our dog but aren't sure how many surguries she can take without harming her??? Thank You, Ron & Carolyn 

A: Sorry to hear that your dog has had constant bladder stones (struvite and calcium oxalate stones). While it is true that some breeds such as Bichon Frise are more prone to developing bladder stones, we have worked successfully with many of these pets to prevent future bladder stones from reoccurring. Diet has everything to do with it! Using the appropriate diet along with some key supplements can make a tremendous difference in preventing future bladder stones. From a conventional veterinary perspective, pets are given prescription diets that manipulate the urinary pH which are often unsuccessful. These diets contain corn, byproducts and other fillers and there are much healthier, nutrition options. In addition, by altering the pH of a pet's urine one way using prescription diets (e.g. in your dog's case, she had struvite which grow in alkaline urine) the pet then becomes too acidic and develops calcium oxalate stones which grow in acidic urine. The key is to get your pet on a diet that is pH neutral using wholesome, hypoallergenic foods.

It's essential to give your Bichon supplements to prevent future bladder stones.  Renelix 
is a veterinary-recommended product used successfully with cats and dogs that have recurring crystals and stones.  This natural remedy is beneficial for cats and dogs with urinary tract crystals, stones, kidney disease and accumulation of toxins in the urinary tract.  Power Probiotic  is a must for any dog or cat that has stones, crystals or chronic UTIs.  These pets have taken multiple rounds of antibiotics which can destroy the beneficial bacteria in your pet's immune system.  Many probiotics don't survive a pet's stomach acid and are manufactured in such a way that they are only "live" at the time of manufacture.  If your Bichon has had constant infections, then it is essential to keep your dog on Power Probiotic, a multi-strain probiotic to help fight infections and recurrences.