Friday, October 4, 2013

Persian with Chronic UTI

Q:  We have a 4 year old male Persian who has his third UTI in 6 months. Please help! He is on Orbax for two days now, will barely eat (I am giving him dry with some water sprinkled on it – he will not touch the canned), goes to the litter box very often. Can you give me some advice on what I can to help him and stop the reoccurring bladder issues?

A:  Sorry your Persian kitty has had so many urinary tract infections (UTIs).  This can be a common problem.  As soon as the cat finishes a prescription of antibiotics, a few days later, the symptoms come back.   What to watch for---some signs your cat can have a urinary infection (bladder infection) include frequent urination, straining during urination, mucus or blood with urination, licking the genitals, "accidents" outside the litter box, crying or meowing. Sometimes the only symptom is that your pet just isn't acting like him or herself.

Nutritional supplements can greatly help reduce the frequency of urinary tract infections and many times, in combination with diet changes, can eliminate them completely. We have had great results using  a combination of Akutur, Notatum and Power Probiotic, which are all easy to administer to cats.  Cats especially need the Power Probiotic because the antibiotics kill off the friendly bacteria making it hard to fight off another infection.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Are You Ready For A Puppy? How To Take Care of Your New Pet

Are you ready for a puppy or new pet? Will you have the time, energy, and money to care and train your pup?  Will you have enough space when your puppy grows to full size?  You should know the answers before you start looking because once you look, you probably will wind up bringing home a puppy or new pet!  There are lots of wonderful puppies and adult dogs for adoption through You can search by breed, preferences, age, size and more.   Once you decide to get your new pet you need to be ready.  Your new pet will need everything from food to the infamous "poop" bags.  It will also be important to "puppy-proof" your house and yard for your sake and his.

Starting your new pet off with good nutrition is the key to life-long wellness.  It's important to know which foods to feed and which to avoid.   By learning more about what dogs eat and their nutritional needs, you can be sure you are giving your pet a good healthy start.  Don't forget that puppies and all pets need plenty of fresh, clean water.

Be aware that many pets may develop food allergies that lead to costly health conditions and a diet change and allergy supplements can make all the difference.   Do not feed, or at least  limit, table scraps!  Begging is a hard habit to break and more importantly,  some foods can be toxic to pets, including grapes, raisins, alcohol, garlic, onions, avocados, salt, and chocolate. Call the Animal Poison Control Center or your vet right away if you think your pup has eaten something dangerous.

Your new pet's first days in the home are a big adjustment, so they will need a  lot of loving attention. Play with your pup, take him for a walk, but most importantly enjoy these new initial days of "puppyhood" and make the time to bond.  You will be rewarded with a lifetime of loyalty and love.

Help for Chocolate Lab Suffering from Staph Infection

Q: My choc lab has a recurrent staph infection on his stomach. When it flares up badly, my vet prescribes steroids, but in general I treat each spot with a steroid spray. Is there anything that I can do to better control or eliminate this condition? He has been on raw for 2 years and takes  salmon oil daily.

A:  Since your dog has been on antibiotics, it is essential to use the Power Probiotic to replenish the friendly bacteria that support your dog's immune system.  Even if you are using raw food, if you are feeding certain proteins that your dog is allergic to, it can cause an allergic response resulting in a weakened immune system. Here are a few articles on pet allergies and pet nutrition.  Try using only raw and canned rabbit   Also, it is a good idea to use a much stronger fish oil to reduce allergic inflammation.  Salmon oil is ok, but for allergic pets, you need to use a much more therapeutic level omega oil.  Try Amazing Omegas, as the purity and bioavailability of the fish oil can make a significant difference.  To fight the infection Notatum and Quentans would also be helpful.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Hairball Supplements Can Help Cats and Reduce Vomiting

Cats spend hours grooming themselves.  Hairballs form when excessive amounts of hair accumulates in the stomach and  is later coughed or vomited up.   All cats groom themselves but not all cats develop a problem with hairballs.  It is thought that cats with a motility problem tend to have the toughest time with hairballs.  Feeding your cat a grain-free, high moisture canned or raw diet will help.  Grains and poultry, in particular, can be problematic for some cats.  They can be potential allergens causing inflammation and vomiting.  Chronic inflammation can lead to IBD.

Adding additional omega 3 fatty acids  (such as Amazing Omegas) and including a strong cat probiotic  in their diet can promote good digestive health and improve motility.  Soothing Digestive Relief helps relieve digestive discomfort and helps cats form normal stool.  Also, regular brushing can help reduce the amount of hair your cat swallows.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Donations Desperately Needed For Neglected Rescue Dog

Denali3 2Denali2 2Denali1 2

Denali is a 9 year old Siberian Husky who was rescued from an LA County Shelter 3 years ago by Husky Haven of LA.  She was adopted to a seemingly nice family who promised to care for Denali for the rest of her life.  Even though the family was carefully screened, they did not live up to their promise and Denali turned up at a shelter looking as she appears on the right with clumps of fur missing, loss of her black pigment from severe malnutrition, sores around her mouth and a large growth on her ear.  The picture on the left is how Denali appeared just 3 years ago at the time of her adoption.  Husky Haven of LA makes a commitment to the dogs they rescue for life.  It cost $250 in fees to bail out poor Denali from the shelter and it is estimated that she will need approx. $2000 in veterinary care.  However, we are hopeful that with proper veterinary attention, supplements and good nutrition, Denali will be able to make a successful recovery.  Even the smallest donations would be appreciated.  If you would like to help save Denali's life, please make a tax-deductible donation on the Husky Haven of LA website. is dedicated to helping save the lives of homeless pets.  We donate resources and supplements to rescue groups to help give these pets a 2nd chance.
Move to: 
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Collapsed Trachea in Yorkshire Terriers

Q: Dear Ariel: I have an 10 yr old Yorkshire Terrier named Lily that has had problems with collapsing trachea and it is getting worse so I brought her into our vet and he did an x-ray and it showed that Lily has a slight enlargement of her heart on the left side. He felt that the heart issues may be involved with the issues with the trachea and he prescribed heart medications (Vetmedin  & Enalapril).  She seems to be feeling ok but she does make a honking sound especially if she gets excited.  Is there any holistic supplements that I can use that would help?

These products will help to support the heart and breathing.  The coughing is due to the collapsing trachea which can be helped from a functional standpoint using the Ultra-Flex Collagen Support (this helps to strengthen the cartilage in the trachea).  These products are all good for your dog and can be combined with heart medications but they are not cough control medicines.  

Also, some dogs do get stressed from the collapsing trachea so using the Psystabil is a gentle way to calm them. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Gremlin and Goblin: Two Special Pets Who Brought So Much Love and Joy

Goblin and Gremlin---Two Special Dogs Who Are Now Angels

Losing a beloved pet is a heartbreak beyond words.  Anyone who has ever loved an animal knows the painful grief that comes when the time comes for them to leave us.   For Kimberly Dawn Hatfield, this pain was magnified by two.  Two precious dogs, Gremlin and Goblin both passed away within 2 months of one another.  Kimberly was a wonderful Mommie and took great care of them. Some memories that Kimberly has of each of these cherished pets is below:

Goblin, happy go lucky, awesome friend, smiled and brought you a toy everytime you came home, 15 years old and strong right up to the end, dog all the way thru, hated if I cried, licked my face until I stopped.  Powerful.

Gremlin, fighter, 12 years old, chronically ill for 5 years but still hung on until his body gave out, awesome, loyal friend, old soul,
was hanging on for me, until I told him, "I would be ok and to go if he needed to, I would be alright", two hours later, he did.

These two dogs were my life, my loves, my true friends, but I let them both go, 40 days apart, with love and happiness, I celebrate their life and good time memories which will always be in my heart, wait for me boys, I will see you again.
 Your Mommie