Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Collapsed Trachea in Yorkshire Terriers

Q: Dear Ariel: I have an 10 yr old Yorkshire Terrier named Lily that has had problems with collapsing trachea and it is getting worse so I brought her into our vet and he did an x-ray and it showed that Lily has a slight enlargement of her heart on the left side. He felt that the heart issues may be involved with the issues with the trachea and he prescribed heart medications (Vetmedin  & Enalapril).  She seems to be feeling ok but she does make a honking sound especially if she gets excited.  Is there any holistic supplements that I can use that would help?

These products will help to support the heart and breathing.  The coughing is due to the collapsing trachea which can be helped from a functional standpoint using the Ultra-Flex Collagen Support (this helps to strengthen the cartilage in the trachea).  These products are all good for your dog and can be combined with heart medications but they are not cough control medicines.  

Also, some dogs do get stressed from the collapsing trachea so using the Psystabil is a gentle way to calm them.