Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Are You Ready For A Puppy? How To Take Care of Your New Pet

Are you ready for a puppy or new pet? Will you have the time, energy, and money to care and train your pup?  Will you have enough space when your puppy grows to full size?  You should know the answers before you start looking because once you look, you probably will wind up bringing home a puppy or new pet!  There are lots of wonderful puppies and adult dogs for adoption through You can search by breed, preferences, age, size and more.   Once you decide to get your new pet you need to be ready.  Your new pet will need everything from food to the infamous "poop" bags.  It will also be important to "puppy-proof" your house and yard for your sake and his.

Starting your new pet off with good nutrition is the key to life-long wellness.  It's important to know which foods to feed and which to avoid.   By learning more about what dogs eat and their nutritional needs, you can be sure you are giving your pet a good healthy start.  Don't forget that puppies and all pets need plenty of fresh, clean water.

Be aware that many pets may develop food allergies that lead to costly health conditions and a diet change and allergy supplements can make all the difference.   Do not feed, or at least  limit, table scraps!  Begging is a hard habit to break and more importantly,  some foods can be toxic to pets, including grapes, raisins, alcohol, garlic, onions, avocados, salt, and chocolate. Call the Animal Poison Control Center or your vet right away if you think your pup has eaten something dangerous.

Your new pet's first days in the home are a big adjustment, so they will need a  lot of loving attention. Play with your pup, take him for a walk, but most importantly enjoy these new initial days of "puppyhood" and make the time to bond.  You will be rewarded with a lifetime of loyalty and love.