Showing posts sorted by relevance for query trachea. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query trachea. Sort by date Show all posts
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Morkie With Collapsed Trachea Gets Better

Piper was suffering with digestive problems, mild allergies, anxiety and collapsed trachea. Her mom, Cassandra, searched online and found Ask Ariel's natural supplements for collapsed trachea. Food allergies and poor digestion can aggravate collapsed trachea symptoms. Cassandra purchased Ultra-Flex Collagen to strengthen the trachea and Power Probiotic to help with digestive discomfort. Here is what Piper's mom had to say: “I just wanted to take time to thank you for your wonderful products. My 6 year old Morkie, Piper, was starting to suffer from several symptoms of collapsed trachea and I was getting really nervous. One night I researched online and found your products and client testimonials so I purchased the Ultra-Flex Collagen and Power Probiotic. Within just a couple of the days of use, almost all of her symptoms had subsided. I plan to purchase some additional products you recommend for collapsed trachea but wanted to let you know that I am amazed and truly grateful for your products - they work!!!"

Want to learn more about collapsed trachea in dogs? Explore the links below:
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Yorkie With Collapsed Trachea Stops Coughing Using Natural Remedies


"My Brody is doing wonderful with no trachea cough/gagging since I started him on your supplements!  My Brody Bear is one happy boy!!

My friend has a rescue (in Florida) and she was contacted when a good Samaritan found him (Brody) thrown away in a dumpster…Brody is such a special little love that was so neglected, but Brody was lucky enough to have a second chance at Life, Love and Happiness! I'm trying to do everything possible to keep Brody healthy for many years to come!”    Tammi O - Florida

Brody's Collapsed Trachea Supplement Regiment

  • Amazing Omegas – Purest therapeutic fish oil available. It contains omega-3s in their natural state packed in glass bottles (instead of plastic that can leach toxins into the oil). These powerful omegas reduce inflammation, reduce allergy symptoms and strengthen the trachea, joints, and ligaments. 
  • Ultra-Flex Collagen for Pets – The hallmark product for tracheal collapse in dogs. This food-based product strengthens trachea cartilage, helping to reduce coughing and gagging. Works best when used in conjunction with Amazing Omegas and Power Probiotic. Amazing Omegas reduces inflammation while the Power Probiotic improves digestion and immunity (which indirectly affects heart function too!). The three formulas work together to strengthen the trachea, reduce the progression of the disease and improve symptoms.
  • Purrfect Pet CoQ10 – Certain breeds such as Pomeranians are especially prone to heart disease. Moreover, many pets with collapsed trachea develop an enlarged heart due to the stress on the pet as it tries to breathe. Using Purrfect Pet CoQ10 (along with Amazing Omegas) helps maintain healthy heart function and respiration. 

Want to learn more about collapsed trachea in dogs? Explore the links below:
Friday, October 15, 2021

Picture Of Collapsed Trachea In Dogs

What does collapsed trachea look like? Many small pets have collapsed trachea and their owners want to get a better understanding about what this condition looks like. An image of collapsed trachea can help.  Tracheal collapse is a progressive condition that affects small breed dogs, like the Yorkie, Toy Poodle, Maltese, Pomeranian, Chihuahua, Pug and Shih Tzu. It can cause coughing, gagging and respiratory problems. In the picture of tracheal collapse, you can see the trachea (tube for air) runs beside the esophagus (food tube). The trachea has rings of cartilage that help keep it open. As the rings weaken and start to collapse, the air tube becomes flatter. This makes it harder for dogs to breathe normally. Excitement, stress and digestive upset can make the symptoms worse. Natural supplements from Ask Ariel can help to strengthen the tracheal rings and diet changes can help reduce inflammation.   
Thursday, May 17, 2018

Natural Remedies Help Pomeranian With Collapsed Trachea

“This is Buster, adopted from my local shelter 6 years ago. He has a collapsing trachea, so I’ve been giving him Ultra FlexCollagen, Soothing Digestive Relief, Gastro-ULC and Power Probiotic for about the last 6 months. He has had great relief from his symptoms and the vet said his breathing sounds better than it did 6 months ago! His intermittent diarrhea is no longer a problem either. I’ve started giving the Probiotic and Digestive Relief to my other dog who tends to have digestion problems. I’m very pleased with how well these products are supporting Buster’s health”  Marti S- Cheyenne, WY

Does your dog have collapsed trachea? To learn more about how holistic treatments and natural remedies can help with the symptoms of collapsed trachea such as coughing and difficulty breathing, please click here

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Halloween Shelties Dressed Up In Costumes

Laura Radosta Halloween Pic
"This is Sangria (13.5) and Flirt (5), enjoying their Howl-o-ween! Sangria takes the Pancreatitis and Liver Support Kit.  She has suffered from pancreatitis problems, malnutrition and IBD.  These supplements have helped her so much, even the vets can't believe how well she is doing now! Flirt also takes some of the supplements such as the K9 Digestive Enzymes and is in the best of health....thanks Ask Ariel!!"  Laura, Illinois 

Talk about a bundle of love! Look at all of these precious pets! Mom Tammi from Florida is a remarkable pet owner who rescues dogs from the most egregious circumstances. All of these babies are rescued animals that she has transformed from abandoned and neglected to pampered and cherished. A real shout-out to Tammi for her amazing care of Baxter, Bailey, Bandit, Lily and Brody Bear. Baxter is 20 years old!!! What lucky pups to have found dear Tammi!  Come read about their stories by visiting our Facebook page!

"My Kai is blind, has collapsed trachea and had bladder stones. Having had antibiotics 4 times this year with a urinary infection that kept coming back. I found Ask Ariel online, looking for homeopathy. Kai has been on Immune Support Kit also Akutur and Renelix. She has improved a lot and is spunky with energy too!

Thank you so much for an alternative from the usual veterinary care available in my area."   
Valerie, CA

Meet two beautiful 12 year old Italian Greyhounds Chip (on the left) and Princess. Chip has collapsed trachea but his Mom Sharon has been giving him Ultraflex Collagen Support consistently for over a year which has helped calm the horrible, honking cough he had previously. The product helps to strengthen the trachea cartilage over time. He may still have days when he coughs but his Mom says that it is no longer the coughing that sounds like a goose--a classic symptom of collapsed trachea.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Beagle Finds Relief from Coughing and Gagging

Daisy and Precious
"My dog Holly who was featured in a past article, passed on from a collapsed trachea.  I heard about your supplement (for collapsed trachea) about two weeks after she died to my dismay.  She had a full blood work done when she started coughing and it came back wonderful due to the supplements she was on (for liver disease).  They were amazed!  Well my other dog Daisy... has always gagged after drinking and recently started coughing occasionally when she lies down. It shook me up because that is how Holly started a year ago. I immediately purchased your ultra-flex collagen.  She has been taking it for a few weeks now and I noticed she doesn't gag anymore.  Listen she has been gagging each time she drank for 2 1/2 years and now she isn't. It is very hard for me not to think I could have saved Holly if I had only known, but I am happy I've found ultra-flex collagen for Daisy. 

I want to thank you again for another great product!"

Lori Baier-Pennsylvania 2016

Collapsed trachea is a progressive condition that affects any breed, but often small dog breeds such as yorkies, maltese, pomeranian, chihuahas, pugs and shih tzus. The disease can cause coughing, gagging and respiratory problems. Our clients have found using  Amazing Omegas and Ultra-Flex Collagen For Pets to strengthen trachea cartilage and can reduce overall coughing/gagging.


Lori first came to our website seeking help for Holly’s pancreatitis. The supplements she found helpful were in our Pancreatitis and Liver Support Kit

Monday, November 5, 2018

Natural Remedies Help Pomeranian With Collapsed Trachea

"I am very happy with your products.  In 2016, Bianca had her teeth cleaned and it caused partial damage to her trachea.  It was so bad that the medicine they put her on wasn't helping.  That's when someone from Facebook told me about your company and your Ultraflex Collagen Product.  It worked miracles for Bianca and she was able to get off the other medicine.  In 2018, she developed kidney disease.  I purchased your Kidney Health Protein Support and Bianca was tested again and her kidney function has improved.  That is amazing!  I am so grateful for your company and knowledge."  Shelly, AZ

To learn more about natural remedies for dogs with collapsed trachea, please click here.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Can An X-Ray Save Your Pet?

X-rays or radiographs have become a routine and essential procedure in veterinary care, commonly included in senior wellness packages. This diagnostic tool proves invaluable in identifying a range of health issues in cats and dogs, aiding veterinarians in providing timely and accurate treatment.  While X-rays are expensive, here are some ways they can help your pet.

Diagnosing Respiratory Issues:

Chest X-rays play a crucial role in diagnosing breathing problems in pets, including conditions such as collapsed trachea, asthma, and pneumonia. The ability to visualize the lungs allows for early detection of potential respiratory ailments.

Screening for Cancer:

X-rays are instrumental in screening for cancer, as tumors often metastasize to the lungs. Early detection through chest X-rays can contribute to a more effective treatment plan, potentially saving a pet's life. For more information on cancer in pets click here

Specialist Radiologists' Expertise:

Veterinarians can collaborate with specialist radiologists, leveraging their extensive experience to identify issues that might be overlooked. This collaborative approach ensures a comprehensive assessment of your pet's health.

Monitoring Chronic Conditions:

A series of X-rays over time proves beneficial in tracking the progression of chronic conditions like collapsed trachea, lung scarring, or asthma. Despite the initial investment, regular X-rays can provide essential insights into your pet's health and aid in timely interventions.

Versatility in Diagnosis:

X-rays are not limited to respiratory issues; they are also effective in diagnosing arthritis, broken bones, and hip dysplasia. In cases where a pet has swallowed a foreign object, X-rays offer a quick and reliable method of diagnosis.

Dental Health Assessment:

Oral X-rays become necessary for pets with dental issues such as abscesses, tooth resorption, or oral tumors. This aspect of diagnostic imaging ensures a comprehensive evaluation of a pet's overall health.

Life-Saving Potential:

While X-rays may seem like a significant investment, they often prove to be life-saving by facilitating accurate early diagnoses and appropriate treatment plans.

In conclusion, the use of X-rays in veterinary care extends beyond routine procedures; it becomes a lifeline for our pets. The ability to diagnose a wide array of health issues, collaborate with specialists, and monitor chronic conditions underscores the indispensable role of X-rays in ensuring the well-being and longevity of our beloved companions.

For more information on holistic care for your pet click here 

Author: Susan Blake Davis, nurtritionist

Original post: August 10, 2022

Updated: Febuary 5, 2024

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

What Helped Brindle's Collapsed Trachea?


With thanks to Lisa and Brindle for sharing their awesome recovery story:

"When I took my dog to the vet recently for a bad cough they diagnosed him with a collapsing trachea. They said all they could do was " keep him comfortable ". They prescribed a strong opiate which I didn't even fill the prescription for. I found you online, and after about 4 days of taking the Ultra-Flex Collagen his cough was 50% improved! I couldn't believe it! Now after a couple of weeks, his cough is GONE! Mind you, prior to taking your supplement it was so bad that I was preparing to have him put down. I can't thank you enough and, needless to say, I will never be without this! Thank you so much and God bless ".
Monday, January 8, 2024

Protect Your Dog... Use The Right Collar

With the New Year, let’s all make an effort to take our dogs out for a walk. But please use a harness! When dogs pull and you only have a collar, it can inadvertently cause harm to their neck. Some neck collars, especially pinch collars and choke chains, can damage the trachea and cause breathing problems or worsen conditions like collapsed trachea. Even though small dogs may not pull the way big dogs do, the collar can still irritate their neck.

Using a harness instead of a collar can be beneficial for a dog's breathing in several ways: Reduced Neck Strain: Unlike collars, which typically loop around a dog's neck, harnesses distribute the pressure across the chest and shoulders. This prevents excessive strain on the neck, particularly in dogs that have respiratory issues or are prone to tracheal damage. By avoiding pressure on the throat area, harnesses help maintain better airflow and reduce the risk of respiratory problems. Prevention of Breathing Issues: Dogs, especially those with flat faces (brachycephalic breeds) or respiratory conditions, may face challenges with breathing. Collars can exacerbate these issues by putting pressure on the throat. A harness, designed to rest on the chest and back, minimizes the likelihood of restricting the airway. This can be particularly crucial for breeds like Bulldogs, Pugs, or French Bulldogs, which are prone to breathing difficulties. Control Without Strain: Harnesses provide a more controlled way to guide and manage a dog without putting pressure on the neck. This is especially important during walks or training sessions. Dogs that tend to pull on a leash can experience discomfort and strain with a collar, potentially affecting their ability to breathe properly. A harness allows for better control over the dog's movements without compromising their respiratory well-being. Enhanced Comfort and Safety: Many harness designs are adjustable and padded, offering a more comfortable fit for the dog. This not only reduces the risk of chafing or irritation but also ensures that the dog feels secure and at ease. Dogs that are comfortable and feel safe are less likely to exhibit stress-related behaviors that can impact their breathing. While harnesses can be advantageous for many dogs, it's essential to choose the right type and size for your specific pet. Proper fitting and adjustment are crucial to ensure that the harness provides the desired benefits without causing discomfort or restricting movement. Keep a collar on so your pup has an ID tag and Apple tag (to find their location) but use a no pull harness for walking.
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Green Lipped Mussels For Dogs and Cats: A Natural Boost For Pet Health

                          green lipped mussels for dogs                        

Green lipped mussels (Perna canaliculus) have emerged as a natural powerhouse for promoting pet health. These unique shellfish, also known by their technical name perna canaliculus, are garnering attention for their impressive array of benefits for pets. Let's explore what green lipped mussels are, how they benefit pets, their role in reducing inflammation, their positive impact on joint health, and how they compare to NSAID anti-inflammatory drugs.

What are Green Lipped Mussels for Pets?

Green lipped mussels, scientifically named Perna canaliculus, are mollusks that can be found along the pure coastal waters of New Zealand. They derive their name from the vibrant green edges of their shells. Packed with essential nutrients, these mussels have become a popular natural supplement for pets due to their potential health benefits.   

 Three Benefits of Green Lipped Mussels for Dogs & Cats 

1. Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Green lipped mussels are a potent source of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These fatty acids play a crucial role in reducing inflammation and supporting overall health in pets. 

2. Natural Anti-Inflammatory Properties: The unique composition of green lipped mussels includes a blend of anti-inflammatory compounds, such as omega-3 fatty acids and a range of antioxidants. These components work synergistically to help alleviate inflammation in pets, providing relief from conditions like arthritis and joint pain. 

3. Joint Health Support: Green lipped mussels are renowned for their positive impact on joint health. The combination of omega-3 fatty acids and glycosaminoglycans found in these mussels helps maintain cartilage health, reduce joint stiffness, and improve mobility in pets.

How Do Green Lipped Mussels Reduce Inflammation? 

The anti-inflammatory properties of green lipped mussels can be attributed to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids, which inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory substances in the body. Additionally, the unique combination of bioactive compounds in these mussels helps modulate the immune response, promoting a balanced inflammatory state.

Why are Green Lipped Mussels Good for Your Pet's Joints?

Green lipped mussels contain glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and chondroitin sulfate, nutrients that are essential for maintaining optimal cartilage and joint health.  These compounds contribute to the maintenance of joint integrity, reduce friction between joints, and promote overall joint flexibility. Regular supplementation with green lipped mussels can be particularly beneficial for cats and dogs with arthritis, senior pets and those with cartilage or ligament issues. 

Pet Health Conditions That Can Most Benefit 
From Green Lipped Mussel Supplementation

Green lipped mussel supplementation has shown promise in addressing various pet health conditions. While individual responses may vary, the following are some pet health conditions that might be more responsive to green lipped mussel supplementation: 

Arthritis in Cats and Dogs: Green lipped mussels can help alleviate joint pain and stiffness associated with arthritis, promoting improved mobility.

ACL Tears in Dogs: Dogs with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears may benefit from the anti-inflammatory properties of green lipped mussels, potentially aiding in pain management and joint support during the recovery process.

Senior Cats and Dogs: Aging pets often experience joint issues, and green lipped mussel supplementation may provide essential nutrients to support joint health, promoting comfort and flexibility in senior animals.

Collapsed Trachea in Dogs: Green lipped mussels are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and glucosamine which can help repair cartilage and support dogs with collapsing trachea.

Hip Dysplasia In Dogs And Cats: Dogs and cats with  hip dysplasia, a common condition affecting the hip joint, may benefit from the joint-supporting properties of green lipped mussels, potentially improving overall hip function.

Mobility Issues: Pets can have mobility issues due to wear and tear or injuries.  They can limp, have difficulty getting up and down the stairs or reaching their food bowl.  Green lipped mussel supplementation acan help decrease pain and inflammation, enabling them to move about more freely. 

green lipped mussels for cats
What Are The Side Effects Of Green Lipped Mussels?

While green lipped mussels are generally considered safe for pets when used appropriately, it's essential to be aware of potential side effects, especially if a pet has specific sensitivities. Here are some potential side effects associated with green lipped mussel supplements in pets:

Allergic Reactions: Some pets may be allergic to shellfish, including green lipped mussels. Signs of an allergic reaction can include itching, swelling, hives, or gastrointestinal upset. If you suspect an allergy, discontinue use and consult with a veterinarian. Gastrointestinal Issues: In some cases, pets may experience mild digestive upset, such as diarrhea, vomiting, or flatulence. This can occur if the supplement is introduced too quickly or if the dosage is too high for the individual pet. Interactions with Medications: If your pet is taking medications, particularly those affecting blood clotting or the immune system, it's essential to consult with a veterinarian before introducing green lipped mussel supplements. There is a potential for interactions, and adjustments to medication dosages may be necessary.

Comparing Green Lipped Mussels to NSAID Anti-Inflammatory Drugs:

While both green lipped mussels and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) aim to alleviate inflammation and manage pain, there are key differences between the two approaches.

  • Natural vs. Synthetic: Green lipped mussels offer a natural and holistic approach to reducing inflammation, while NSAIDs are synthetic drugs that may come with potential side effects.
  •  Nutrient-Rich Composition: Green lipped mussels provide a spectrum of nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, that contribute to overall pet health. In contrast, NSAIDs primarily target inflammation without offering additional nutritional benefits.
  •  Gentle on the Tummy: NSAIDs may have gastrointestinal side effects, such as nausea or stomach ulcers. Green lipped mussels, being a natural supplement, are generally well-tolerated by pets and are less likely to cause digestive issues.

What To Look For When Choosing A Green Lipped Mussel Supplement For Pets

Green lipped mussels, with their natural anti-inflammatory properties and joint health benefits, are emerging as a valuable supplement for pet owners seeking a holistic approach to supporting their dog or cat's well-being. Consider incorporating these nutrient-packed shellfish into your pet's routine to promote overall health and vitality in a way that's gentle and effective.

When choosing a Green lipped mussel supplement look for a product that has been 3rd party tested. 3rd party testing ensures the quality, safety, and efficacy of the product and provides transparency to the consumer. Ask Ariel's Arthrostride is GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified ensuring stringent quality standards and guaranteeing the consistency, safety, and efficacy of each ArthroStride batch.  ArthroStride contains 100mg of Green lipped mussel per capsule along with other essential pet joint support nutrients like Glucosamine, MSM, Boswellia Extract and collagen. ArthroStride does not contain artifical flavorings, dyes or fillers so you can give to your pet with confidence knowing your dog or cat is receiving the green lipped mussel safely and effectively.   For more information on ArthroStride click here.

Author:  Susan Blake Davis

Date:  2/23/2024

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Why You Should Get Chest X-Rays For Your Dog Or Cat

dog getting chest x-rays
If you have a senior pet, it's important to get chest X-rays, even if your pet seems fine. Chest xrays can be costly but they can provide invaluable life-saving information for your pet. Radiographs of the chest can help identify respiratory and heart conditions, collapsed trachea, asthma, and pneumonia. They are essential to help screen for cancer as it often metastasizes to the lungs.

In our case, chest X-rays gave us more time with our beloved senior dog Legend and finally provided us with the answer for why Legend wasn't acting like himself. Legend hadn't been eating well and we did bloodwork, urinary and GI tests but they weren't showing much of anything. It was a chest X-ray that saved his life. Dr. Gordon our veterinarian discovered a giant 4 pound mass in his chest and did surgery the next day. He was able to remove the mass and 13 year old Legend was able to make it another 1 1/2 years as a result. As you can see from the picture below, 14 1/2 year old was still with us in January 2023 because the chest X-ray showed the large tumor on his liver.

Author Susan Davis & her husky Legend who had chest x-rays
Pet Nutritionist Susan Davis With Her Husky Legend

What are chest X-rays? Chest X-rays, also known as thoracic radiographs, are an important diagnostic tool in veterinary medicine used to evaluate the heart, lungs, and surrounding structures in dogs and cats. These images provide valuable information about the size, shape, and position of organs within the chest cavity, as well as identifying abnormalities such as tumors, fluid accumulation, or signs of respiratory disease.
One significant reason why most veterinary pet care packages include chest X-rays for senior pets is the increased risk of cancer in older animals. The chest is a common area where cancer metastasizes, meaning cancer cells from primary tumors elsewhere in the body (e.g from the liver) can spread to the lungs. By performing routine chest X-rays, veterinarians can detect metastatic cancerous lesions early. Sometimes a pet may not have any outward signs of cancer yet, but the chest X-ray can help lead to the identification of the primary tumor outside of the lungs. Early detection of cancer can often improve treatment outcomes for your pet. One benefit of chest X-rays is that they are non-invasive and easy to do without anesthesia. When our dear Legend had liver cancer, it was a way for us to assess his progress without having to give him anesthesia for a CT-Scan. Regular monitoring of the chest with X-rays can help track the progression of existing conditions such as collapsed trachea or heart disease. Including chest X-rays in senior pet care packages is a proactive approach to managing the health of aging animals and addressing potential concerns before they become more advanced or difficult to treat. X-rays may seem like a big investment, but they are often the only way your vet can determine the right diagnosis and treatment for your pet.

Author: Susan Blake Davis, Pet Nutritionist
Published 3/27/2024
Monday, March 23, 2015

Which Harness is Best for Your Dog?

Back-Clip Harness

Enjoying the great outdoors with your dog can be a special bonding time for both you and your pet, but an out of control, pulling dog can make it a misery (and potentially dangerous).  The use of a body harnesses can be a great tool, it can provide control and comfort for your pet.  They can be especially important to consider for dogs that have pushed-in faces (that restrict breathing), those with trachea or throat problems, and ones with slender necks. For these pets, a traditional leash hooked to their collar can cause them injury or discomfort.  There are many options that vary in style and function. Below lists the pros and cons of the three most common types.
Back-Clip Harness
This type has a ring that the leash will hook to on the top of the dog’s back.  Usually the dog adjusts to the back clip harness easily.
·         Easy to put on and comfortable for a dog to wear.
·         Less tangling under the front legs.
·         They protect the fragile neck area.
·         They offer little control if a dog has behavior issues, such as pulling on the leash, jumping up or displaying aggression.
Front-Clip Harness

Front-clip harnesses (as the name suggest) clips on the front and is centered on the dog’s chest.  Often trainers will suggest the front-clip harnesses, because they will give the owner more control over pulling, and direction the dog is moving.
·         More control over pulling on the leash, jumping up or other poor leash manners
·         Provides the ability to direct the dog
·         The leash on the front of the chest can tangle under the dog’s front legs if too much slack is given. 

Tightening Harness

There are variations of the body harnesses that will tighten and add pressure if the dog pulls. The slight tightening can be uncomfortable for the pet, which causes him to lessen or stop the pulling and walk on a looser leash.
·         A harnesses that will apply slight pressure to a dog when they pull, but it does not cause pain.
·         They are generally easy to put on a dog.
·         The dog doesn’t necessarily learn to walk on a loose leash, only with this type of harness.

·         Some tightening harnesses can feel uncomfortable to your pet. The pet might associate the pain as a negative association with the harness and might fight the usage of the device and/or the activity. 
Monday, September 8, 2014

Reverse Sneezing in Dogs

What is wrong with my dog? Why does he have episodes of snorting and gagging? These comments describe what is commonly called "Reverse Sneezing".  Reverse sneezing is when the pet is pulling air rapidly in vs. a regular sneeze when air is pushed out through the nose.  It is not know exactly why these episodes occur, but it thought to be an irritation of the  soft palate, which results in a spasm.  It could be caused from many factors including: eating or drinking, exercise, allergies, post-nasal drip, and irritating chemicals (cleaners, air fresheners, perfumes). 

A reverse sneezing episode can be scary and last for several seconds, and may make the owner think they are choking or having an asthma attack,  but is not usually considered harmful. However, if your pet has frequent episodes, it is a good idea to visit your vet to rule out other causes (collapsing trachea, nasal tumors or polyps, foreign bodies in the nasal passages or mouth). To help halt the episode, try massaging your pet's throat to stop the spasm or covering your pet’s nostrils very briefly. 

If your pet has other signs of allergies (scratching, licking, chewing at the paws, etc), then post-nasal drip may be the culprit.  Using K9 Yeast Defense and Power Probiotic along with AllerEaze can help.   Yeast is often a contributor to skin problems, ear infections and genital licking.  Yeast congregates in moist areas such as the throat and mucous membranes.  Diets high in carbohydrates such as grains and starchy foods can contribute to yeast overgrowth.
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

No More Coughing For Jerry


With thanks to Kande from MD for sharing Jerry’s story:

“Our 13 yo Shih tzu came back from the groomer about 9 months ago coughing uncontrollably and we found out he had a Collapsed Trachea confirmed by his vet that evening. The coughing, honking, etc., was unbearable but our love for him and his quality of life had us searching for better options. The vet said it was incurable but something that could be managed with steroids and pain meds. He still coughed around the clock. I found Ask Ariel and started with the Ultra-Flex Collagen supplement and he coughed significantly less. Also gave him benadryl tabs occasionally. The next time I ordered Collagen, I added the LypoZyme. After 3 weeks of both he is not coughing at all. It's a miracle and everyday my husband and I are thankful that we found Ask Ariel. No more steroids or pain meds either! He is running up and down the stairs now without coughing and we just watch him in awe. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, a million times over (Jerry thanks you too)!
And, Thank you also to the incredibly knowledgeable staff, professionalism, and care you put into every product at Ask Ariel : )))”
Tuesday, January 4, 2022

In Memory Of Our Special Friend Sprocket

It is with a heavy heart we share that beautiful Sprocket, the darling Pomeranian of Mimi and Randy from New Mexico, has crossed the rainbow bridge.  Mimi and Randy have taken amazing care of Sprocket who lived to be 17 years old.  17 is very old for any dog but for a dog with the health issues she faced--it is simply miraculous. Sprocket was diagnosed with hepatic microvascular dysplasia at age 4 and over the course of her life, had some additional health challenges.  The fact Sprocket lived such a wonderful, high quality life shows the type of care adorable Sprocket was given.

Here is what Mimi and Randy shared about Sprocket's last days: 

"We got Sprocket out for a car ride and mall walk on the 28th, things she loved, and she was alert and engaged. Did not walk much, and was carried mostly, but she was hanging in there with more energy we’d seen the last few weeks. On the 29th, she was pretty tired and seemed a bit out of it. We let her be for most of the day. That evening when we came back from dinner, she had crossed over the rainbow bridge..".


Mimi and Randy are incredibly dedicated pet owners who fed Sprocket a special diet and also used Ask Ariel's supplements to keep Sprocket healthy and strong. Sprocket took the following supplements: Power ProbioticKidney Health (as well as another liver support supplement from the vet), Purrfect Pet CoQ10 50 mg and Amazing Omegas. As she got older and started limping, they started her on Curcumin for Pets, Arthrosoothe and Ultra-Flex for her collapsing trachea. She also used Resveratrol for Dogs.

We at Ask Ariel understand how hard it is to lose a beloved pet and send our sincerest condolensces to Randy and Mimi during this very difficult time.  Beautiful Sprocket will live forever in our hearts.  

Monday, July 30, 2018

Give Your Dog A Bone? Use Caution As Bones Can Be Dangerous

Dogs love bones and pet owners want their pets to be happy, but are they really worth the risk?  It depends upon the dog's chewing habits, type of bone given and length of time gnawing on it.   While some older dogs may enjoy gentle gnawing on a bone and can benefit from a hard chew such as antlers, many young pups are aggressive chewers and would be best served with a hard rubber toy stuffed with healthy food (e.g. freeze a Kong ball with dog food). Some veterinary nutritionists advocate raw meaty bones and while there are 
nutrients in them,  there are also pitfalls. Raw meaty bones (especially ones containing marrow) can be high in fat and lead to diarrhea or pancreatitis in some dogs. It may be safer to give your dog those nutrients in the form of raw frozen or freeze dried diets such as Instinct, Stella and Chewy's, Primal and other brands.

Risks of Giving Your Dog Bones And Chews 

There are 3 major risks associated with dog bones and chews.

The manufacturing process can leave trace amounts of toxic chemicals on the bone or chew that can be harmful for your dog. Many chews are processed using such chemicals as: bleach, hydrogen peroxide, artificial colors and preservatives.  All can be toxic for your pet to ingest.

Also, just like with other foods, there's a risk of a food borne illnesses (such as Salmonella or E. Coli) from dog bones and chews that could put your pup and yourself at risk. 

Digestive Irritation
A dog may be sensitive or allergic to the the type of bone or chew  or something used during the manufacturing process. Your pet may experience stomach upset and diarrhea.

Choking or Blockages
Perhaps the biggest risk is when pieces of bones or other edible chews become lodged in the throat or digestive tract. The pieces can cause your pet to choke or they can get stuck,  requiring surgical removal. Do not allow your dog to chew on a bone unsupervised.

The risk can vary, depending upon how your dog chews bones, thetype of chew or bones (Steamed and smoked bones are very brittle) and their age. Some dogs tend to scarf down anything and everything and may swallow large hunks of dog bone whole which can be very risky! Or they may be an aggressive chewer and cause damage to their teeth or gums.

Types of Chews

  • Rawhide- carry a higher choking risk, because they start out hard, but become soft and slimy like taffy 
  • Hooves- sharp and brittle, can cause damage with a rough chewer
  • Tendon chews- very small, long and thin, similar to rawhide 
  • Fully edible chews-Most are made with milk or some other agent which is often an allergen  
  • Synthetic chews-synthetic chews made of rubber or flavored plastic 
  • Raw, "meaty" bones --often advocated by holistic vets and nutritionists.  Some pets do better with these than others as too much can lead to pancreatitis and diarrhea due to the very high fat content.
Safer Options: Antlers, Beef Trachea or Raw, Meaty Bones--but all can still have risks especially if your dog has sensitive digestion

Should I Give My Dog A Bone?
Ask Ariel is not an advocate of giving dogs chew bones as there are just too many reports of pets getting sick from them.  That is not to say that nutrients from bones are not essential for dogs--quite the contrary.  But, the safest position is to give your dog the benefits from bones in the form of raw frozen and raw freeze dried diets which contain ground bones.