Monday, January 8, 2024

Protect Your Dog... Use The Right Collar

With the New Year, let’s all make an effort to take our dogs out for a walk. But please use a harness! When dogs pull and you only have a collar, it can inadvertently cause harm to their neck. Some neck collars, especially pinch collars and choke chains, can damage the trachea and cause breathing problems or worsen conditions like collapsed trachea. Even though small dogs may not pull the way big dogs do, the collar can still irritate their neck.

Using a harness instead of a collar can be beneficial for a dog's breathing in several ways: Reduced Neck Strain: Unlike collars, which typically loop around a dog's neck, harnesses distribute the pressure across the chest and shoulders. This prevents excessive strain on the neck, particularly in dogs that have respiratory issues or are prone to tracheal damage. By avoiding pressure on the throat area, harnesses help maintain better airflow and reduce the risk of respiratory problems. Prevention of Breathing Issues: Dogs, especially those with flat faces (brachycephalic breeds) or respiratory conditions, may face challenges with breathing. Collars can exacerbate these issues by putting pressure on the throat. A harness, designed to rest on the chest and back, minimizes the likelihood of restricting the airway. This can be particularly crucial for breeds like Bulldogs, Pugs, or French Bulldogs, which are prone to breathing difficulties. Control Without Strain: Harnesses provide a more controlled way to guide and manage a dog without putting pressure on the neck. This is especially important during walks or training sessions. Dogs that tend to pull on a leash can experience discomfort and strain with a collar, potentially affecting their ability to breathe properly. A harness allows for better control over the dog's movements without compromising their respiratory well-being. Enhanced Comfort and Safety: Many harness designs are adjustable and padded, offering a more comfortable fit for the dog. This not only reduces the risk of chafing or irritation but also ensures that the dog feels secure and at ease. Dogs that are comfortable and feel safe are less likely to exhibit stress-related behaviors that can impact their breathing. While harnesses can be advantageous for many dogs, it's essential to choose the right type and size for your specific pet. Proper fitting and adjustment are crucial to ensure that the harness provides the desired benefits without causing discomfort or restricting movement. Keep a collar on so your pup has an ID tag and Apple tag (to find their location) but use a no pull harness for walking.