Sunday, May 20, 2018

How Do I Find A Holistic Veterinarian And What Can A Holistic Vet Do For My Pet?

Pictured above is Dr. David Gordon, Holistic Veterinarian, Arch Beach Veterinary Clinic, Laguna Beach, CA. What is a holistic veterinarian? A holistic veterinarian utilizes conventional diagnostic tools such as a physical examination and laboratory tests but also incorporates natural and alternative treatments (e.g acupuncture, supplements, chiropractic) into their veterinary practice.

Many pet owners have heard about holistic veterinary care but are not sure about how it could help their pet. Holistic treatments are not just the latest fad in caring for a pet. It is a science-based approach used in conjunction with conventional veterinary treatments. There is no doubt that feeding a pet real nutrition, giving them vitamins and antioxidants along with plenty of exercise can be life changing. Holistic care gives you more options to keep your pet happy and healthy by addressing your pet's health as a WHOLE looking at diet, lifestyle, nutritional supplements and using alternative modalities such as acupuncture and chiropractic. These treatments are incorporated into your pet's treatment regimen by your holistic veterinarian along with conventional veterinary care.

To find a holistic vet in your area, the American Holistic Veterinary Association has a helpful vet directory.
Thursday, May 17, 2018

Natural Remedies Help Pomeranian With Collapsed Trachea

“This is Buster, adopted from my local shelter 6 years ago. He has a collapsing trachea, so I’ve been giving him Ultra FlexCollagen, Soothing Digestive Relief, Gastro-ULC and Power Probiotic for about the last 6 months. He has had great relief from his symptoms and the vet said his breathing sounds better than it did 6 months ago! His intermittent diarrhea is no longer a problem either. I’ve started giving the Probiotic and Digestive Relief to my other dog who tends to have digestion problems. I’m very pleased with how well these products are supporting Buster’s health”  Marti S- Cheyenne, WY

Does your dog have collapsed trachea? To learn more about how holistic treatments and natural remedies can help with the symptoms of collapsed trachea such as coughing and difficulty breathing, please click here

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Silver Immune Remedy Is Helpful for Cats With Herpes Outbreak and Sore Throat

courtesy of @PeculiarPanther
"Mom gave me this Silver Immune Support spray when my meow was weird. I didn’t even notice it because it has no taste, and my meow was back to normal in a few days. Mom also gives this to Marshmellow when she’s having a herpes outbreak, and it seems to help a lot. It’s pretty great stuff!"

Marten (and Mom Erin)


Silver Immune Support Formula is an all-natural, easy to use, natural home remedy to help your pet recover from a bacterial infection or viral flareup. Key benefits of this natural supplement that is so helpful for cats with sore throats, viruses such as feline herpes and FIV:
Broad spectrum antimicrobial (especially anti-bacterial) Anti-inflammatory effect due to reducing the viral, bacteria or fungal infection Non-toxic Immune system support Can be used along with antibiotics Very well tolerated by even tiny pets Does not kill off friendly bacteria (as antibiotics do) Disrupts viral replication

Silver Immune works well with QuentaSAN and NotaSAN drops and can be purchased by itself or in our Immune Support Kit packaged at a discount price.

Monday, May 7, 2018

How To Reduce Tartar on Your Pet's Teeth

Does your pet quickly build up tartar on his teeth?  While brushing and regular dental visits are essential, there is a lot you can do to reduce tartar build-up on your dog or cat's teeth. Tartar is the accumulation of plaque that has remained on and between the teeth. While age, health, breed and hygiene are factors, diet and poor digestion play a central role in your pet's tartar control and dental health. 

If the plaque is not removed, it may start to combine with the saliva and begin to mineralize, into tartar, in just 3-5 days. If left untreated the tartar can cause the gums to become inflamed and red, pockets may form between the gums and the teeth and it can allow bacteria to grow, which could lead to tooth loss, bone loss and widespread infection. 

The accumulation of tartar is a warning sign.  If your pet seems fine but is accumulating a lot of tartar quickly, there may be underlying digestive symptoms that need to be addressed.

It is important to treat and control tartar accumulation for three very important reasons:

to maintain the health of teeth and gums
to guard against infection spreading to other parts of the body

rapid buildup or problem teeth are often a sign of poor digestion

A common myth that simply giving pets hard, crunchy food to prevent dental problems has not proved true in veterinary research. It is the quality of ingredients and your pet’s ability to digest them that will reduce tartar and tooth decay. Saliva is a core part of tartar accumulation and acidic saliva (due to digestive upset and acid stomach) can result in acid erosion of the teeth. When you improve your pet’s diet and digestion, their teeth and gums will improve too. Be sure to ask about anesthesia free dental cleanings in your area and if possible brush your pet’s teeth.

Feeding fresh, easily digestible pet food ingredients will promote healthy teeth and gums.   Ensuring your pet is digesting food properly is key.  Signs of poor digestion include gas, bad breath, hunching over after meals, loose stool, licking or smacking of the lips, vomiting and eating excessive amounts of grass. 

Natural supplements that help to improve your pet's digestion can also reduce the tartar on your pet's teeth.  Since the mouth is the beginning of the digestive process, these supplements help to maintain a healthy digestive process.  Good digestion results in saliva with the proper pH which can greatly impact your pet's teeth and gums. 

Power Probiotic - The best probiotic for pets!  Backed by scientific research, this powerful, multi-strain formula promotes the growth of  good, friendly bacteria which boosts your pet's immune system.  Pure and natural, Power Probiotic does not contain any fillers.  Supports a healthy mouth, digestive system and immune system.

Gastro ULC   When pets have acid reflux it can stomach acids to back up into the esophagus and mouth.  This can lead to erosion of the teeth and other periodontal problems.  Pets with acid reflux tend to have bad breath as well. Gastro ULC  relieves acid stomach pain and repairs inflamed tissues. 

K9 Digestive Enzymes- This powerful digestive enzyme is more complex than typical pet enzymes because it contains 2 ingredients essential (Ox bile extract and HCL) for the digestion of fats and protein..  When food is poorly digested, it creates gas and pain and this product seems to really make a difference.  K9 Digestive Enzymes is very helpful for reducing tartar related to poor digestion.

Colostrum for Pets-  Colostrum has been shown in research studies to enhance digestion and improve the immune system.  Colostrum is very helpful for pets with bad breath, gingivitis and stomatitis.  Ask Ariel Colostrum For Pets contains tegricel colostrum which is backed by scientific research and proven to be more effective than general colostrum products.  Note: Colostrum is derived from dairy and should not be used by pets with a known dairy allergy.

Lypozyme -(cats and small dogs) a gentle, tasteless, easy to use enzyme formula that helps pets digest protein and fats.  The small amount of powder in the capsule (which can be easily opened and mixed into food) makes this product especially easy to administer to small pets and finicky eaters.

"Our senior husky Legend was starting to get a lot of tartar on his teeth.  Even though we would go for regular anesthesia-free cleanings and fed him a raw food diet, he still had tartar accumulation.  We noticed that sometimes at night Legend would be panting a little and realized he might have some indigestion.  We added K9 Digestive Enzymes and Gastro ULC to his food and on the next checkup, he had a lot less tartar and his tummy noises went away.  After awhile he seemed fine so we discontinued the supplements.  When we went for a teeth cleaning, we were told his tartar accumulation had gotten really bad!  Since then we have always used K9 Digestive Enzymes and Gastro ULC at both breakfast and dinner and his teeth have really improved"  Davis Family, CA.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Long Lost Cat Frederick Recovers from Pillow Paw

"I just had to write and tell you what your Power Probiotic did for my cat, Frederick. Frederick came into our lives as a stray back in 2011 and I just knew he was someone’s baby because he was so sweet. I tried to find the owner with no success. I fell in love with him and so took a trip to the vet and allowed him into our home.

 At some point, Frederick developed an autoimmune issue which was eventually diagnosed as “pillow paw” by the vet. His front paws would swell and bleed and looked so painful. Frederick went out on what I thought was just a curious stroll and did not return home...This was in 2014!

Now comes the wonderful ending to this story, just last November 2017 Frederick returned home! I could not believe my eyes and honestly wasn’t sure it was him when I saw him sitting on the porch as I arrived home. He came up to me so happily and I noticed that his paws were bleeding and I knew immediately it was Frederick...

After a trip to the vet for a checkup he was prescribed a round of antibiotic, ear mite medication and a wormer. I wasn’t at all sure that the antibiotic would work on his pillow paw and I just hated it for him. While researching pillow paw online I came across your website. I began to read about the Power Probiotic you offer and read that someone else had posted about their cats pillow paw. I ordered a bottle and Frederick’s paws finally healed after so many years of him suffering with pillow paw. I am most certain that the Power Probiotic is what cleared up the pillow paw and continues to help him out with his digestion and immune system today as I still put some in his food daily. His little paws are perfectly healthy and pain free, and this makes me so happy!

I just wanted to let you know that you are a blessing and I am so thankful I came across your website that day. I have attached a picture of Frederick taken just last week."  Dawn Presley-Smith

To learn more about how to help your cat with Pillow Paw, please click on the attached article.
Thursday, May 3, 2018

How To Reduce Your Dog's Shedding

Spring is here and it's shedding season.  Here are some suggestions to help reduce your dog's shedding:

1) Give your pet fish oil. Fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids that give coats a lustrous shine and reduce shedding. Amazing Omegas is a concentrated, therapeutic fish oil naturally processed from anchovies, sardines and mackerel.  Packed in specialty glass bottles to maintain freshness and purity.  Please note:  chemicals from plastic can potentially leak into fish oil and most pet fish oils are packed in plastic.

2) Try to brush your pet’s coat a few times a week even just for a few minutes 

3) Bathe a little more frequently during the springtime to loosen the dead hair 

4) Avoid grains, food allergens such as poultry and feed your pet a low carbohydrate diet 

Monday, April 30, 2018

3 Tips To Help Your Pet Lose Weight

Has your pet put on some extra layers over the winter? Obesity can contribute to severe mobility issues, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hepatic lipidosis and more! 

Here are three tips to help your pet get back in shape:

1) Get moving! Try to take your dog outside and get some fresh air. It’s a great way to get exercise and meet new friends! If you have a cat, try playing with a laser toy or move the food bowl or treats so your kitty needs to get up and exercise.

2) Replace some of your pet’s food with vegetables. Measure out about 1/4 less pet food and replace the same volume of food with green vegetables such as zucchini spirals, yellow squash or green beans.

3) Measure out the day’s total treats and put them in a bowl in a central location so all family members take from there. Put away the other treat packages and avoid feeding tablescraps.

These tried and true tips really work and are a great start. Obesity can cut short your pet’s  time with you.  Change your outlook! Instead of viewing cutting back on food as depriving your pet, change your outlook to realize you are giving your pet more time with you and more quality of life especially in their senior years.  Consider eating healthier as a bonding project that you and your pet can do together!