Sunday, February 4, 2024

Wheaten Terrier's Stomach Aches Helped with Power Probiotic

"This is my Wheaten Terrier Murphy. He is 14 years old and was really struggling with stomach issues.  He had an upset stomach, acid reflux and was vomiting bile. We tried Power Probiotic  for pets and what a difference!!! He is like a young man again"  

Lynette, Los Angeles

Older dogs can sometimes develop a more sensitive stomach as they age. Just like humans, the digestive system of dogs can change with age, and they may experience changes in appetite, digestion, and nutrient absorption. Several factors can contribute to a sensitive stomach in older dogs:

Reduced digestive enzymes: As dogs age, their bodies may produce fewer digestive enzymes, leading to difficulties in breaking down and absorbing nutrients from food.

Dental issues: Older dogs may experience dental problems such as missing teeth or gum disease, making it challenging for them to chew and process food properly.

Slower metabolism: Aging can slow down a dog's metabolism, affecting the efficiency of digestion and nutrient absorption.

Underlying health conditions: Older dogs are more prone to developing various health issues, such as gastrointestinal problems, that can contribute to a sensitive stomach.

Dietary sensitivities: Some older dogs may develop sensitivities to certain ingredients in their food, leading to digestive upset.

power probiotic 2

Power Probiotic -  Power Probiotic is a multi-strain pet probiotic supplement that promotes the growth of friendly bacteria.  These beneficial bacteria help fight off pathogens, bad bacteria and viruses to keep your pet healthy.  Contains 6 powerful strains along with prebiotics to increase absorption and survival of the bacteria. 

Made in the USA under strict GMP standards, Power Probiotic is 3rd party tested and certified.  Using Power Probiotic is essential if your pet has taken steroids or antibiotics, as these medications reduce the population of friendly bacteria. Easy and convenient to use, Power Probiotic can be in and out of refrigeration without decreasing effectiveness. This makes it perfect for travel.  Pure, safe and natural - most pets love the taste of Power Probiotic. 

Published:  5/29/2018

Revised and Reposted:  2/4/2024

Author:  Susan Blake Davis


Friday, February 2, 2024

How Long Can Dogs With Cushing's Disease Live?

The prognosis for dogs with Cushing's disease can vary depending on several factors, including the underlying cause of the condition, the age and overall health of the dog, and how well the disease responds to treatment. Here are some general points regarding the prognosis for dogs with Cushing's disease:

Early Detection and Treatment: Dogs that are diagnosed early and receive appropriate treatment often have a better prognosis. Early intervention can help manage the symptoms and prevent the progression of the disease.  Natural supplements for dogs with Cushings Disease and diet changes can often help. 

Underlying Cause: The prognosis may also depend on the underlying cause of Cushing's disease. There are different forms of the disease, including pituitary-dependent and adrenal-dependent, and the treatment approach may vary accordingly.

Treatment Response: Some dogs respond well to treatment, while others may require ongoing management and adjustments to medications. Regular veterinary check-ups and monitoring are essential to assess the dog's response to treatment and make any necessary adjustments.

Possible Complications: Cushing's disease can lead to other health issues, such as diabetes, urinary tract infections, or muscle weakness. Managing these complications can impact the overall prognosis.

Quality of Life: With proper management, many dogs with Cushing's disease can maintain a good quality of life. This includes controlling symptoms, such as excessive thirst and urination, panting, and skin issues.

It's important to note that while some dogs can live for several years with well-managed Cushing's disease, the condition is typically chronic and may require ongoing care. 

Author:  Susan Blake Davis, Pet Nutritionist

4 Ways That Stress Can Affect Your Dog's Colitis


Colitis, the inflammation of the colon, can often be influenced by various factors. Stress can be one of the most significant contributing factors to colitis. It impacts the immune system, alters gut microbiota, and can exacerbate underlying conditions. Managing stress becomes crucial in promoting overall digestive health. 

 4 Ways Stress Can Affect Your Dog's Digestive Health

Weakened Immune System: Stress triggers the release of stress hormones like cortisol, which can affect the immune system. A weakened immune response may make pets more susceptible to inflammation and infections in the gastrointestinal tract, leading to colitis. The majority of your pet's immune system resides in their GI tract.

Altered Gut Microbiota: Stress can disrupt the balance of the gut microbiota, the community of microorganisms residing in the digestive tract. An imbalance in these microorganisms may contribute to inflammation and gastrointestinal issues, including colitis.

Changes in Digestive Health: Stress can influence the motility of the digestive system, leading to changes in bowel habits. In some cases, stress may cause an increase in bowel movements or contribute to irregularities in the digestive process, potentially leading to colitis symptoms.

Exacerbation of Underlying Conditions: Dogs with existing gastrointestinal conditions may experience an exacerbation of their symptoms when exposed to stress. Stress can amplify inflammation in the gut and stomach, triggering severe acid reflux symptoms like gagging, and throwing up bile.

For more information on how to help your dog's colitis click here 

Author:  Susan Blake Davis, Pet Nutritionist

Monday, January 29, 2024

Paw Power: Your Pet's Paws And Immunity


Your pet’s paws carry them through countless adventures big and small. Yet, these escapades can turn into challenges when your pet faces paw issues. 
A pet's immune system plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health, including the well-being of their paws. Inflammation in the paws can be linked to various immune system-related factors. 

Here's how your pet's immunity can affect their paws: 


Allergic Reactions: Dogs and cats can have allergic reactions to certain substances. When an allergen is encountered, the immune system may overreact, leading to inflammation in various parts of the body, including the paws. Allergies to environmental factors, certain foods, or even contact allergens can contribute to inflamed paws.  A classic condition of allergies is when dogs chew on their paws.  Dogs may have red, inflamed paws due to food allergies as well as to environmental factors like stepping on grass.


Autoimmune Disorders: In some cases, the immune system may mistakenly attack the body's own tissues, leading to autoimmune disorders. If the immune system targets the tissues in the paws, it can result in inflammation and discomfort.  Pillow Paw is a painful autoimmune disorder in cats. 


Infections: The immune system plays a critical role in defending the body against infections. If a pet's paw is injured, bacteria or fungi can enter, leading to an infection. The immune response to the infection can cause inflammation as the body works to eliminate the invading microorganisms.


Inflammatory Conditions: Certain autoimmune or inflammatory conditions, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, can affect the joints and tissues in the paws. These conditions involve an immune system response that leads to chronic inflammation and discomfort.


Injuries: When a pet experiences an injury to the paws, the immune system is activated to initiate the healing process. Inflammation is a natural part of this response as immune cells and healing factors are directed to the injured area to promote recovery.


Stress: Chronic stress can impact the immune system's function. If a pet is under prolonged stress, their immune response may be compromised, making them more susceptible to inflammation and other health issues, including those affecting the paws.


What Can You Do To Help Your Dog Or Cat With Red, Inflamed Paws?


Take your pet to the veterinarian to rule for a diagnoses.  Consider a diet change as food allergies and high carbohydrate diets can weaken immunity and worsen inflammation.  Consider switching to a high-quality, hypoallergenic dog or cat food.  Consider natural supplements like plant sterols and Happy Paws CBD Oil.  Include your pet's diet on the order form at checkout and AskAriel staff can include free diet tips on the packing slip that comes with your order. 


Author:  Susan Blake Davis, Pet Nutritionist


How to Tell If Your Cat Is in Pain and What You Can Do About It

Cats, known for their stoic nature, often conceal signs of pain, making it challenging for pet owners to identify when something is amiss. Understanding subtle behavioral changes and physical cues is crucial for recognizing potential pain in your kitty. Equally important is knowing how to take action, and ensuring your cat's well-being is prioritized.

Signs Your Cat May Be In Pain

Changes in Behavior: If you observe alterations in your cat's behavior that might indicate pain, it's crucial to take action promptly. Here's what you can do:

Lethargy or Aggression: If your cat seems lethargic or exhibits increased aggression, refrain from attempting to handle them excessively. Approach with caution, and observe from a distance to avoid causing further distress.

Hiding: Create a quiet and comfortable space for your cat to retreat to if they choose to hide. Ensure that this space is easily accessible and free from disturbances.

Altered Eating and Drinking Habits:
Changes in your cat's appetite and hydration levels can be indicative of pain. Consider the following steps:

Decreased Appetite: Offer small, palatable meals and consider warming their food slightly to enhance aroma. If the issue persists, consult with a veterinarian.

Difficulty Chewing: Opt for softer or wet food options if your cat is experiencing difficulty chewing. Dental problems can contribute to pain during eating.

Grooming Changes: Grooming alterations (over-grooming or lack of grooming) may require careful attention and support. Provide a comfortable and quiet grooming area, and if necessary, assist with grooming gently. If over-grooming is a concern, an Elizabethan collar may be used temporarily to prevent excessive licking.

Vocalizations: If your cat exhibits changes in vocalizations, consider the following:

Increased Vocalization: Offer reassurance and comfort, but avoid unnecessary handling. If the vocalizations persist, seek professional veterinary advice.

Silent Suffering: Pay extra attention to your cat's body language, and offer gentle companionship. Monitor closely for any signs of distress.

What to Do If Your Cat Is In Pain

1.  Contact Your Veterinarian - Consult with a veterinarian for a comprehensive examination. Professional guidance is essential for accurately diagnosing the source of your cat's pain and determining the most appropriate treatment plan.

2.  Consider Natural Alternatives - In addition to conventional veterinary care, some pet owners explore natural alternatives to pain management. These may include:

  • Joint Supplements: Supplements containing collagen or glucosamine can help relieve pain associated with arthritis.
  • Acupuncture and Physical Therapy: Some cats may benefit from alternative therapies like acupuncture or physical therapy, which can aid in pain relief and improve mobility. To find a veterinarian who offers acupuncture or physical therapy, visit
  • Natural Remedies:  Hemp extract oil  can help reduce inflammation, provide calming and relieve pain and discomfort.   

Recognizing signs of pain in your cat is the first step towards ensuring their well-being. Act promptly, offering support and comfort, and consult with a veterinarian for a thorough evaluation. Consider natural alternatives but always prioritize the advice of your veterinarian for the best course of action to manage your cat's pain effectively.

For more information on Natural Alternatives to pain click here to visit

Author:  Susan Blake Davis, Pet Nutritionist

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Dog Licking Genitals and Groin Area

Author:  Susan Blake Davis
Revised and Updated:  January 26, 2024
First Published: 8/2/2009

One of the most common questions we receive is from concerned pet owners about their dogs licking at their genitals and groin area. Many clients, quite embarrassed mention quietly that their poor dog "licks his penis" and has red spots in the groin area. Well....this is a very delicate subject but one that definitely needs to be addressed. Pictured above is a picture of my beautiful Bluey. Bluey has very bad allergies and when we first got him, he licked his penis and genital area constantly. I knew it wasn't just licking for the sake of licking because he would go to eat his dinner and then act like it was itchy down there and need to lick at his penis before eating! This showed that he was really uncomfortable. Some dogs will lick their genitals as part of normal grooming and there really isn't any cause for concern. In this situation, I would say--maybe once a day. But, in Bluey's situation and in many, many of our client's pet situations, it is often several times a day.

If your male dog licks his penis or your female dog is licking at her private area, there is a lot you can do to help! While it is important for you to take your pet to the veterinarian to check for a urinary tract infection or other type of infection, many times the problem is due to food allergies in their diet as well as yeast overgrowth. There are supplements you can use for your pet that will start helping right away.   An easy, effective solution is to use K9 Yeast Defense + Power Probiotic.  

If your dog is licking and chewing on the genital area or inside thighs, has a history of ear infections or is smelly even after a bath, K9 Yeast Defense contains ingredients like oregano oil and capryllic acid that have been shown to help control yeast.  Customers report that it helps control the itching and discomfort which is why pet's lick and chew at the genital area.   If your dog has been on antibiotics and steroids, that can also upset their intestinal flora resulting in an opportunity for yeast to overgrow.  

When a female dog licks at the vulva or genital area, it often does send a signal that it is time to visit the veterinarian as well. Clearly, if a female is in heat or having hormonal changes, well, yes that can increase the genital licking too. But, for the most part, when a dog is licking there---you need to take them to the veterinarian first and foremost. Why? Well, it is often a sign of some type of infection. First, be sure to rule out the presence of a urinary tract infection. Unfortunately so many people mistakenly think that their dog licking in the genital area is just "grooming" when in fact it is an infection. Female dogs often have hidden infections in the urethra, not the bladder, especially older females, that will only show up in a urine culture, not a typical urine analysis.

Male dogs can actually get penis infections--I know it sounds just awful, but you may want to actually check. In Bluey's situation, his penis was red and surrounded by a thick filmy discharge. The veterinarian treated him for an infection but then just like with many other infections, I noticed it started to come back after we finished the antibiotics, I noticed it started to come back, along with the licking, which had stopped completely. I am happy to report that with supplements and dietary changes, it has now been 6 months and Bluey is no longer obsessed with licking himself. The minute he starts to lick, I give him K9 Yeast Defense. I keep him on a low carbohydrate, hypoallergenic raw diet and he stays on digestive enzymes along with Power Probiotic. I only need to use the K9 Yeast Defense for a few days and then the problem resolves.

In my experience, the most common reasons dogs are licking their genitals is because of either urinary tract infections, allergies or yeast. If your dog is getting chronic UTIs,  consider Olive Leaf Extract.   Remember foods like grains, milk products (cheese), wheat and table scraps (often containing sugar) just fuel the infections---avoid dog biscuits and give your dog plenty of steamed, frozen vegetables.  Vegetables have prebiotic fibers that can support a healthy microbiome (the organisms supporting your dog's immune system).  Choose low glycemic vegetables like green beans, squash and zucchinni.  To learn more about how to treat yeast in dogs using a holistic approach, click here


Can Dogs Eat Squash? What Types of Squash are Safe For Pets?

Can dogs eat squash? What types of squash are safe for dogs and cats? Squash can be a healthy, tasty food to add to your pet's diet.  Summer squash (zucchini, crookneck) are low-calorie and a good source of calcium, potassium, and beta-carotene. Winter squash (butternut, spaghetti, acorn) are a good source of vitamins A and C and dietary fiber. Both summer and winter squash offer great nutritional value for cats and dogs. Summer squash, such as zucchini and yellow crookneck can be added to your dog's meals to help them keep off extra pounds. Adding squash into your dog's regular diet, can improve the overall nutritional content of your pet's diet and help them feel more satiated.

Benefits of Squash For Dogs

High Fiber
Does your dog have IBD or digestive problems?  The fiber in squash is great for your dog’s digestive system as it can help relieve both constipation and diarrhea.  The added fiber helps to regulate the natural wave action of the intestines.  Pumpkin contains fiber and is available in cans that you can mix into both cat and dog food.

Low In Calories
Squash are a naturally low-calorie food due to its high water content. By adding squash to your dog's diet it can help them feel full without adding many calories.  When mixed with a high-quality protein, squash can be a part of a well-balanced diet for those pets trying to lose weight.

Vitamins and Nutrients
Winter squash, such as butternut, spaghetti, or acorn, are a great source of vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber, and manganese. They also contain folate, omega 3 fatty acids, and B vitamins.  

What Types of Squash Can Dogs Eat?

Butternut Squash- is a very versatile vitamin-packed vegetable that has a sweet, nutty flavor.

Pumpkin- a flavorful and fiber-rich, helpful for pets experiencing diarrhea or constipation.

Zucchini- this tasty squash can be eaten raw or cooked and some dogs like to eat as a snack

Acorn Squash-a naturally sweet vegetable which is helpful for a healthy digestive system.

How To Prepare Squash For Dogs

Squash can be a delicious addition to your dog's diet, but must be prepared the correct way or your pet can experience significant digestive problems. 

Step 1: Remove the seeds and skin from the squash. They are very hard on your dog's digestive system and can cause irritation or blockage.

Step 2: Cook the squash before feeding (except zucchini).  You can cook the squash in a variety of ways including roasting, steaming, and boiling. 

Step 3: Prepare the squash to be fed. It can be either diced, mashed or, pureed depending on your pet's preference. 

The Pumpkin is a miracle food that offers many benefits for cats and dogs. The high fiber content adds bulk to the diet, helping your pet feel full and lose weight.  It also greatly helps pets with digestive problemsPumpkin is high in fiber and helps to regulate the natural wave action in your pet’s GI tract. Pumpkin can help cats and dogs with both constipation and diarrhea. Pumpkin is a nutrient powerhouse containing Vitamins A, C and E that you can mix directly into your pet’s food. If your pet has diarrhea or other digestive problems, pumpkin can help.

                            How Much Pumpkin To Give Your Pet?

How much pumpkin to add? It all depends upon the size and sensitivity of your pet. Always start slowly because too much pumpkin can have a laxative effect. For cats and small dogs, start with 1/2 teaspoon per meal and big dogs can start with about a tablespoon per meal. Be sure to check with your veterinarian first if your pet has diabetes or is especially sensitive.

Can Cats Eat Squash?

Cats are more particular in their tastes and tend to prefer winter squash.  A small amount of pureed pumpkin or butternut squash such as 1/2 teaspoon mixed into a  cat's meal can provide valuable nutrients.  Winter squash, such as butternut, spaghetti, or acorn, are a great source of vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber, and manganese. They also contain folate, omega 3 fatty acids,  and B vitamins.  Cats will sometimes eat pumpkin and butternut squash in small amounts if it is mixed into their food.

For more pet nutrition tips, please visit

Author:  Susan Blake Davis, Pet Nutritionist

Updated 1/27/2024