Sunday, February 11, 2024

Lymphangiectasia Treatment in Dogs

yorkie with lymphangiectasia

"Thank you so much for your amazing products.  In such a short amount of time from taking the Pancreatitis and Liver Suppport Kit and Soothing Digestive Relief, our nine-year-old Yorkie Maltese Mix started getting huge relief from Lymphangiectasia.  She had less bloating and gas, no more diarrhea, more energy, put on weight, and was not as weak.  These supplements seem to combat the negative side effects of the prednisone.  She has her energy back and you can tell she feels so much better.  Before we started her on these products we felt it was almost time to let her go and started these supplements as a final attempt to help her.  Wow…I genuinely feel these products have saved her life.  Thank you for saving my sweet Gracie girl. Sincere Thanks!" Jennifer, Ohio

What Is Lymphangiectasia?

Lymphangiectasia in dogs is a gastrointestinal disorder that can be a serious and potentially life-threatening condition. In dogs with lymphangiectasia, the lymphatic vessels in the intestinal walls become enlarged and may leak lymphatic fluid into the gastrointestinal tract. This can result in the loss of proteins, particularly albumin, from the body, leading to a range of symptoms and potential complications.  Often dogs with lymphangiectasia will also be diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD). It is not clear if one occurs before the other or that both are a result of the same disease process.  Yorkies are the most common breed diagnosed with this condition although it can also be found in other small terriers, soft-coated wheaten terriers, basenji, shar-peis, and rottweilers.

Complications Of Lymphangiectasia In Dogs
    Lymphangiectasia can result in a number of complications that can affect your dog's health. These include
      Malabsorption of Nutrients: Enlarged lymphatic vessels in the intestinal walls disrupt the normal absorption of nutrients. This can lead to malabsorption, meaning that essential nutrients, including proteins, fats, and fat-soluble vitamins, are not properly absorbed and utilized by the body.
        Protein Loss: One of the significant consequences of lymphangiectasia is the loss of proteins into the intestines. Proteins are vital for maintaining various bodily functions, including immune system health, maintaining blood volume, and providing structural support. The loss of proteins can result in hypoalbuminemia (low albumin levels), leading to edema (fluid accumulation) and potential complications.
          Edema and Ascites: The loss of proteins and subsequent decrease in oncotic pressure can result in the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (ascites) and other tissues (edema). This fluid buildup can put pressure on organs, interfere with their normal function, and lead to discomfort and difficulty breathing.
            Immune System Compromise: Proteins, especially albumin, play a crucial role in immune function. When protein levels are low due to lymphangiectasia, the dog's immune system may be compromised, making them more susceptible to infections and other illnesses.
              Weight Loss and Muscle Wasting: The malabsorption of nutrients, particularly fats and proteins, can lead to weight loss and muscle wasting. Dogs with lymphangiectasia may become visibly thin and weak.
                Electrolyte Imbalance: The disruption in nutrient absorption can also lead to electrolyte imbalances, affecting the balance of minerals such as sodium, potassium, and calcium in the body. Electrolyte imbalances can have wide-ranging effects on various physiological processes.
                  Chronic Diarrhea: Dogs with lymphangiectasia often experience chronic diarrhea due to the malabsorption of nutrients. Prolonged diarrhea can contribute to dehydration and exacerbate the overall health 

                  Treatment Of Lymphangiectasia In Dogs

                  Due to these complications, lymphangiectasia requires careful management, often involving dietary modifications, medications, natural supplements and close veterinary monitoring. Treatment aims to control symptoms, address nutritional deficiencies, and improve the dog's overall well-being. Without appropriate intervention, the condition can progress and become life-threatening due to severe malnutrition, organ dysfunction, and complications related to fluid imbalances. Early detection and intervention are crucial for a better prognosis in dogs with lymphangiectasia.

                  Natural Supplements For Lymphangiectasia
                  Supplements can offer several benefits for dogs with Lymphangiectasia by improving absorption of nutrients, reducing diarrhea and easing digestive discomfort.

                  The IBD Kit is a set of 3 unique supplements to calm and soothe the digestive tract, firm up stool, reduce gas and bloody stool. The Kit includes Power Probiotic, Soothing Digestive Relief & NOT Drops. The Power Probiotic replenishes friendly bacteria which are often deficient in dogs with digestive conditions such as Lymphangiectasia, IBD and PLE.  NOT Drops help control harmful bacteria, reducing gut inflammation.  Soothing Digestive Relief is a natural herbal remedy that contains enzymes to support the stomach and relieve gas and indigestion.

                  Lypozyme  contains enzymes that help break down fats and improve absorption making it especially helpful for pets with pancreatitis and CIL (Canine Intestinal Lymphangiectasia)

                  Diet For Dogs With Lymphangiecstasia

                  Dogs with lymphangiectasia often have difficulty digesting and absorbing fats. A low-fat diet helps reduce the workload on the lymphatic system and minimizes the risk of exacerbating symptoms. The goal of the diet is minimize protein loss while improving digestion of nutrients. Feeding a hypoallergenic diet, avoiding common allergens to reduce inflammation can be helpful. Fish can work well for dogs with lymphangiectasia and it is often incorporated into their diets as part of a management plan. While the specific dietary recommendations should be discussed with a veterinarian and tailored to the individual dog's needs, here are some reasons why fish may be beneficial for dogs with lymphangiectasia. 

                  Low in Fat: Fish, especially certain types like whitefish or some varieties of salmon, can be relatively low in fat compared to other protein sources. In dogs with lymphangiectasia, a low-fat diet is often recommended to ease the workload on the compromised lymphatic system.

                  High-Quality Protein: Fish is a good source of high-quality protein. Protein is essential for maintaining muscle mass, supporting the immune system, and overall bodily functions. It provides necessary amino acids without contributing excessive fat to the diet.

                  Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and may help modulate the inflammatory response in the digestive tract. This can be beneficial for dogs with gastrointestinal issues, including lymphangiectasia.

                  Easily Digestible: Fish is generally easy to digest, making it suitable for dogs with compromised digestive systems. This can be particularly important for dogs with lymphangiectasia, where efficient digestion and nutrient absorption are priorities.

                  Some dog owners mix homemade baked fish with canned fish and sweet potato diets or lower fat raw frozen diets that use a lean novel protein like rabbit.

                  Ask Ariel has been a leader in helping pets with digestive disorders like Lymphangiectasia since 2005. Our products were used by pet nutritionist Susan Blake Davis in a veterinary hospital setting for over 10 years with much success. includes free diet tips for dogs with lymphangiectasia on the packing slip that comes with your supplement order. 

                  Author: Susan Blake Davis
                  Original post: February 24, 2015
                  Updated: March 23, 2024

                  Saturday, February 10, 2024

                  What Is Canine Bloat & How To Prevent This Fatal Condition

                  Updated and Revised 3/19/2024

                  Canine bloat, also known as gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), is a critical condition that demands swift action to save a dog's life. This life-threatening emergency occurs when a dog's stomach fills with gas and twists upon itself, impeding blood flow and causing breathing difficulties.

                  Dog Breeds At Increased Risk Of Bloat

                  While any dog can be susceptible to bloat, certain breeds are known to be at a higher risk. Some of the breeds that are frequently associated with a higher incidence of bloat include:

                  Great Danes: Great Danes are one of the breeds most commonly affected by bloat, and their deep chests make them particularly vulnerable.

                  German Shepherds: Large and deep-chested, German Shepherds are also known to be at an increased risk of developing bloat.

                  Boxers: Boxers have a deep chest, and their anatomy can predispose them to bloat.

                  Standard Poodles: This breed, known for its intelligence and elegance, is also prone to bloat due to its deep chest.

                  Doberman Pinschers: Dobermans, with their sleek bodies and deep chests, are among the breeds that can be more susceptible to bloat.

                  Saint Bernards: These large dogs, known for their friendly nature, are also at a higher risk due to their deep chests.

                  Weimaraners: This breed, characterized by its distinctive gray coat, is another example of a deep-chested dog more prone to bloat.

                  While these breeds are more commonly associated with bloat, it can still occur in any dog, regardless of size or breed. Additionally, individual factors such as age, genetics, and diet may contribute to the risk of developing bloat. 

                  Signs Of Canine Bloat

                  Recognizing the signs of canine bloat is crucial, and vigilant pet owners should be on the lookout for symptoms such as a distended abdomen, unproductive retching, excessive drooling, panting, and restlessness in their furry companions.

                  What To Do If Your Dog Has Signs Of Bloat

                  If you suspect that your dog is experiencing bloat, immediate veterinary attention is needed as as this condition can be life-threatening. Contact your veterinarian or an emergency veterinary clinic without delay.

                  Keep your dog calm and restrict their movement to minimize stress on the twisted stomach. Monitor their vital signs, such as breathing and heart rate, while en route to the veterinary clinic. Time is of the essence, and prompt medical intervention is the best course of action when dealing with canine bloat. Always consult with a veterinarian for guidance tailored to your specific situation and your dog's health.

                  Canine Bloat Prevention
                  One of the key factors in preventing canine bloat is maintaining a proper feeding routine. Feeding your dog a high-moisture diet, preferably a frozen raw diet, can help reduce the risk associated with dry kibble. Avoid hard-to-digest fillers like grains, soy and pulps. If your dog has allergic skin problems like scratching and itching avoid poultry, dairy and beef to reduce inflammation. Offering smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day, rather than one large meal, can also contribute to preventing bloat. It's crucial to have fresh water readily available for your dog, encouraging proper hydration, which aids in digestion. Limiting strenuous exercise around mealtime is another preventive measure that pet owners can implement. Excessive activity immediately following meals may exacerbate the risk of bloat, so allowing your dog some time to rest after eating is advisable. Additionally, incorporating digestive supplements into your dog's routine can provide added support for their gastrointestinal health. Many veterinarians recommend Ask Ariel's K9 Digestive Enzymes and Power Probiotic to help dogs with bloat. These digestive supplements for canine bloat are designed to improve digestion, reduce gas and discomfort in dogs. The inclusion of HCL (hydrochloric acid) and pancreatic enzymes in K9 Digestive Enzymes is particularly beneficial for dogs with a history of bloat, as these components play a crucial role in breaking down food and supporting overall digestive health.

                  K9 Digestive Enzymes - Contains two key ingredients (ox bile extract and HCL) that are essential for the digestion of fats & protein. Healthy levels of acid (HCL) are needed in a dog's stomach to prevent the overgrowth of pathogens in the upper GI tract.

                  Power Probiotic - Multi-strain dog probiotic supplement for bloat that promotes the growth of friendly bacteria.  Contains 6 powerful strains along with prebiotics to increase absorption and survival of the bacteria. 

                  Canine Bloat Prevention Summary

                  1) Feed small meals throughout the day
                  2) Feed a high moisture diet, preferably a raw frozen diet
                  3) Keep fresh water readily available
                  4) Have your dog rest after meals
                  5) Use digestive enzymes and probiotics to enhance digestion

                  Be Mindful Of Canine Bloat Symptoms
                  Staying informed about the signs of canine bloat, especially if you have a big, deep chested dog is essential. Bloat can happen to any dog and it is an emergency. Taking proactive measures in your dog's care can significantly reduce the risk of this life-threatening condition. A holistic approach including a high moisture diet, proper hydration, controlled exercise, and beneficial supplements like Ask Ariel's K9 Digestive Enzymes, you can help ensure the well-being of your beloved dog.

                  Author:  Susan Blake Davis
                  First Published 12/1/2023
                  Updated 3/19/2024   
                  All treatment protocols reviewed and approved by a veterinarian.  
                  Friday, February 9, 2024

                  What Causes Dog Diarrhea?

                  Dog diarrhea can be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from mild and temporary issues to more severe underlying health concerns. Understanding the potential causes is crucial for effective treatment. Here are common reasons why dogs may experience diarrhea:
                  Dietary Indiscretion and Sudden Diet Changes: are common causes of digestive issues in dogs. Dogs, known for their curiosity, may consume items outside their regular diet, such as spoiled food, garbage, table scraps, or unfamiliar substances, leading to upset stomach and diarrhea. Additionally, abrupt changes in a dog's diet, such as switching between different brands or types of food, can disrupt the digestive system. To prevent such issues, it is advisable to introduce dietary changes gradually, allowing the dog's system to adapt smoothly. Also, some dogs may have allergies or intolerances to certain ingredients in their food, leading to gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea. Identifying and eliminating the problematic components can help manage the condition.
                  Bacterial, Viral or Parasitic Infections: Infections caused by bacteria (such as Salmonella or E. coli) or viruses (such as canine parvovirus) can lead to diarrhea. These infections may be contracted through contaminated food, water, or contact with infected animals. However be aware that some medications, especially antibiotics, may disrupt the balance of beneficial bacteria in the dog's gut, leading to diarrhea as a side effect. Intestinal parasites, such as roundworms, hookworms, or giardia, can infect dogs and cause diarrhea too. Regular deworming and maintaining good hygiene practices can help prevent parasitic infections. Stress and Anxiety: Dogs can be sensitive to changes in their environment, routine, or social dynamics. Stress or anxiety, triggered by events like moving, new family members, or changes in daily activities, can result in gastrointestinal upset, including diarrhea. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Dogs with Inflammatory bowel disease may have bouts of diarrhea. IBD is a chronic condition characterized by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. It can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss. IBD requires veterinary diagnosis and ongoing management.

                  Toxic Ingestion: Ingesting toxic substances, such as certain plants, household chemicals, or medications, can lead to diarrhea in dogs. Prompt veterinary intervention is crucial in cases of toxic ingestion.
                  Medical Conditions: Dogs with medical conditions like pancreatitis or liver disease can have gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea. High-fat or rich foods like liver or fatty meat can be a trigger.
                  Understanding the specific cause of diarrhea in a dog requires a thorough veterinary examination, including diagnostic tests. Pet owners should seek prompt veterinary attention if diarrhea persists as dogs can lose nutrients and become dehydrated. A holistic approach feeding a hypoallergenic novel protein diet and using a few digestive supplements can greatly help. Click here to learn more about natural ways to help chronic dog diarrhea.

                  Author: Susan Blake Davis
                  Orignal Post: July 28, 2023
                  Updated: Febuary 9, 2024
                  Wednesday, February 7, 2024

                  Understanding 3 Letter Digestive Diseases In Pets: PLE, EPI, IBS & IBD

                  Has your beloved pet been dealing with the complexities of a 3-letter digestive ailment?  PLE, EPI, IBD, IBS—these seemingly straightforward acronyms may sound simple, but their implications are far-reaching and can significantly impact your pet's well-being.  What's the common thread in these alphabet conditions? Poor digestion, malabsorption, food intolerances and a lot of discomfort for your pet.

                  Let's take a closer look at each of these three-letter digestive diseases.  To start, let's understand what they stand for: PLE (Protein-Losing Enteropathy), EPI (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency), IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). These conditions, while having distinct characteristics, share a common theme of causing digestive issues in pets.

                  Protein-Losing Enteropathy (PLE): PLE is a condition where the intestines lose proteins, leading to inadequate protein levels in the bloodstream. This can result in edema, weight loss, and malnutrition. Exploring the causes, symptoms, and available treatments for PLE will provide a comprehensive understanding of this particular digestive ailment.

                  Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI): EPI occurs when the pancreas fails to produce sufficient digestive enzymes, hindering the proper breakdown of food. This leads to malabsorption, nutrient deficiencies, and weight loss. Delving into the reasons behind EPI, the signs to watch for, and effective management strategies can offer valuable insights for pet owners.

                  Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): IBD is characterized by chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. This condition can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and discomfort. Discussing the triggers of IBD, diagnostic methods, and the role of inflammation in the digestive system will shed light on managing this challenging ailment in pets.

                  Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): IBS involves chronic gastrointestinal symptoms without visible signs of inflammation. While not fully understood, it can lead to discomfort and changes in bowel habits. Exploring the factors contributing to IBS in pets and strategies for alleviating symptoms will empower pet owners to address this condition effectively.

                  If your cat or dog is facing these challenges,  there is hope. Since 2005, Ask Ariel has been helping pet owners manage the symptoms of digestive conditions using diet changes, enzymes and probiotics.  Our natural treatments for dog and cat IBD, IBS, PLE and EPI can have a transformative affect on your pet's health.  No one wants to be cleaning up constantly after diarrhea messes or seeing their pets suffering from cramps, tummy rumbling and pain.  Let's work together so that you can put your cat or dog's digestive ailment on "auto-correct" 

                  For more information on digestive problems in pets click here

                  Natural Remedies For Cats With Ear And Eye Infections

                  We want to express our heartfelt thanks to Shammy’s Mom Carolyn for adopting this very sick rescue kitty and sharing her AskAriel success story:

                  “I just received another order of wonderful products. Here's how your products have really changed her life. My sweet Shammy had a rough start in life. Stomatitis, chronic ear and eye infections. I didn't want her life spent at the vet getting steroid shots and constantly having to be on antibiotics. A full mouth extraction...suggested by one vet was NOT an option for this sweet girl who already had 3 surgeries in her short life (including an eye removal).  Ask Ariel's products have truly done wonders for her. I give her Power Probiotic and The Immune Support Kit.  I am happy to report no more eye or ear infections and her mouth, although not completely healed, is so much better than it was over 3 months ago. She is eating like a champ now! I could not get her to eat more than a few bites of food before because her mouth was so inflamed. Thank you! These products are amazing! My other kitty who is 4- months is on the products as well. He came to me with an upper respiratory infection, but now his eyes and nose are completely clear since taking these immune support supplements for cats. What a great change that has occurred in both my cats overall health!

                  With Gratitude,
                  Carolyn G

                                                 What Can Cause Eye Infections In Cats?

                  Cats can develop eye infections for various reasons. Some common causes include:

                  Bacterial Infections: Bacteria such as Chlamydia or Mycoplasma can lead to conjunctivitis in cats.

                  Viral Infections: Feline herpesvirus (FHV-1) and feline calicivirus (FCV) are common viral infections that can affect a cat's eyes, causing symptoms like redness, discharge, and squinting.

                  Fungal Infections: Fungi like Cryptococcus or Aspergillus can cause eye infections, especially in cats with compromised immune systems.

                  Allergies: Cats can be allergic to various environmental factors, leading to eye irritation and infections.

                  Foreign Bodies: Particles, dust, or debris can enter a cat's eye, causing irritation and potential infection.

                  Trauma: Injury or trauma to the eye, such as scratches or puncture wounds, can create a gateway for bacteria to cause infections.

                  Conjunctivitis: Inflammation of the conjunctiva, the membrane covering the eye, can be caused by various factors, including infections.

                  Blocked Tear Ducts: Blocked tear ducts can lead to increased tear production and create a conducive environment for bacterial growth.

                  Upper Respiratory Infections: Respiratory infections, such as feline upper respiratory infection (URI), can affect the eyes as well.

                  If you suspect your cat has an eye infection, it is essential to seek veterinary attention promptly. The veterinarian can determine the cause of the infection and prescribe appropriate treatment, which may include antibiotics, antiviral medications, or other interventions depending on the underlying cause.

                  Author:  Susan Blake Davis, Pet Nutritionist
                  Updated:  5/4/2024

                  Tuesday, February 6, 2024

                  Feline Tooth Resorption: Natural Remedies & Diet Changes Can Help

                  Feline tooth resorption, also known as Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions (FORL), is a common and painful dental condition affecting cats. This condition involves the gradual destruction and resorption of tooth structure, particularly targeting the enamel and dentin. All that may remain of the original tooth is a raised bump. The exact cause of feline tooth resorption remains unclear, with factors such as genetics, environment, and immune system involvement playing key roles. One connection that has emerged in recent veterinary research is the association between feline tooth resorption and autoimmune conditions, particularly stomatitis. Stomatitis is a chronic and painful inflammation of the oral mucosa, and studies have shown that cats suffering from stomatitis are more prone to developing tooth resorption lesions. The mouth is the first part of the digestive process. Oral disease is usually accompanied by digestive issues. Research suggests that the gut microbiome (the colony of good and bad organisms residing in your cat's intestinal tract) plays a vital role in influencing your cat's overall immune system. Imbalances in the gut microbiome may contribute to inflammatory responses, impacting various areas of the body, including the oral cavity. Having a healthy mouth starts with eating a healthy diet and maintaining a normal balance of flora. Bacteria in the mouth can build up when the pet’s immune system is weakened due to poor digestion.

                  Maintaining a healthy gut microbiome through the use of probiotics can potentially modulate the immune system and reduce inflammation, benefiting oral health. Probiotics, consisting of beneficial bacteria, and enzymes, which aid in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, have gained attention as potential supplements to support feline oral health. While direct evidence linking probiotics and enzymes to the prevention or treatment of tooth resorption is limited, their role in promoting a balanced gut microbiome can contribute to overall well-being. By reducing inflammation and supporting the immune system, these supplements may indirectly influence the oral health of cats.

                  Along with Power Probiotic, digestive enzymes and homeopathic immune support drops can also help support your cat's digestive and oral health. Similary feeding a diet that is hypoallergenic and low in carbohydrates has helped many cat owners reduce inflammation in their cat's mouth. Cats are natural carnivores and yet most diets for cats are made for convenience with too many carbohydrates like legumes and grains. Consider incorporating at least some raw frozen food (e.g Instinct, Small Batch, Vital Essentials, Stella & Chewy’s, Primal, etc) into your cat’s diet. Raw diets are low in carbohydrates and rich in real, fresh nutrients. Common allergens like poultry and grains should be avoided. Feline tooth resorption is a complex and multifaceted dental condition that needs to treated by a veterinarian. Understanding the potential links between tooth resorption, autoimmune conditions like stomatitis, and the gut microbiome underscores the need for a holistic approach to feline health. Regular dental care, including professional cleanings and a tailored oral hygiene routine, remains crucial. Additionally, incorporating probiotics and enzymes, under veterinary guidance, may offer supplementary support in managing feline tooth resorption and promoting overall well-being in our kitties.

                  Monday, February 5, 2024

                  Understanding Nasal Polyps in Cats

                  What Are Nasal Polyps in Cats?

                  Nasal polyps in cats are abnormal growths that develop within the nasal passages, typically originating from the mucous membranes lining the nasal cavity. These growths can lead to irritation, inflammation, obstruct the nasal airways and damage to the delicate blood vessels in the nasal cavity. When a cat with nasal polyps sneezes, the force of the sneeze or the irritation from the polyps may result in the rupture of blood vessels, leading to bleeding.

                  Sneezing blood, also known as epistaxis, should be considered a serious symptom in cats, and immediate veterinary attention is essential. It is crucial to have a veterinarian evaluate the underlying cause of the bleeding, which may include a thorough examination, diagnostic imaging, and possibly rhinoscopy (a procedure to visualize the nasal passages). Once the cause is identified, appropriate treatment can be administered, which may involve medications or, in some cases, surgical removal of the nasal polyps.

                  While the exact cause of nasal polyps in cats remains uncertain, chronic inflammation and infections are believed to play a role in their development. The most common symptoms of nasal polyps may include persistent sneezing, nasal discharge, snoring, and difficulty breathing.

                  Home Remedies for Cat Nasal Polyps

                  Home remedies can be considered as supportive measures to alleviate mild symptoms associated with nasal polyps in cats. However, it's crucial to emphasize that these remedies are not a substitute for professional veterinary care. If you suspect your cat has nasal polyps, consult with a veterinarian for a comprehensive diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

                  Humidification: Using a humidifier in the home can help maintain optimal moisture levels in the air, potentially easing nasal congestion and discomfort.

                  Steam Therapy: Allow your cat to breathe in steam by bringing them into the bathroom while you run a hot shower. The steam can help alleviate nasal congestion.

                  Balanced Nutrition: Ensure your cat receives a well-balanced and nutritious diet to support overall health. Adequate nutrition may contribute to a stronger immune system.

                  Natural Antibiotics For Cat Nasal Polyps: Supplements can play a supportive role in managing nasal polyps in cats by addressing underlying factors associated with inflammation and immune system function. Ask Ariel's Immune Support Kit contains 3 easy to use tasteless remedies that have been very effective in helping cats with sinus infections and nasal polyps.

                  If you observe signs of nasal polyps in your cat, it's crucial to promptly seek advice from a veterinarian. After a thorough examination, your veterinarian will be able to help you make a plan to address the nasal polyps and enhance your cat's respiratory health.

                  For more information on cats sneezing click here.

                  Author:  Susan Blake Davis, Pet Nutritionist

                  Date:  2/5/2024