Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Natural Remedies For Cats With Ear And Eye Infections

We want to express our heartfelt thanks to Shammy’s Mom Carolyn for adopting this very sick rescue kitty and sharing her AskAriel success story:

“I just received another order of wonderful products. Here's how your products have really changed her life. My sweet Shammy had a rough start in life. Stomatitis, chronic ear and eye infections. I didn't want her life spent at the vet getting steroid shots and constantly having to be on antibiotics. A full mouth extraction...suggested by one vet was NOT an option for this sweet girl who already had 3 surgeries in her short life (including an eye removal).  Ask Ariel's products have truly done wonders for her. I give her Power Probiotic and The Immune Support Kit.  I am happy to report no more eye or ear infections and her mouth, although not completely healed, is so much better than it was over 3 months ago. She is eating like a champ now! I could not get her to eat more than a few bites of food before because her mouth was so inflamed. Thank you! These products are amazing! My other kitty who is 4- months is on the products as well. He came to me with an upper respiratory infection, but now his eyes and nose are completely clear since taking these immune support supplements for cats. What a great change that has occurred in both my cats overall health!

With Gratitude,
Carolyn G

                               What Can Cause Eye Infections In Cats?

Cats can develop eye infections for various reasons. Some common causes include:

Bacterial Infections: Bacteria such as Chlamydia or Mycoplasma can lead to conjunctivitis in cats.

Viral Infections: Feline herpesvirus (FHV-1) and feline calicivirus (FCV) are common viral infections that can affect a cat's eyes, causing symptoms like redness, discharge, and squinting.

Fungal Infections: Fungi like Cryptococcus or Aspergillus can cause eye infections, especially in cats with compromised immune systems.

Allergies: Cats can be allergic to various environmental factors, leading to eye irritation and infections.

Foreign Bodies: Particles, dust, or debris can enter a cat's eye, causing irritation and potential infection.

Trauma: Injury or trauma to the eye, such as scratches or puncture wounds, can create a gateway for bacteria to cause infections.

Conjunctivitis: Inflammation of the conjunctiva, the membrane covering the eye, can be caused by various factors, including infections.

Blocked Tear Ducts: Blocked tear ducts can lead to increased tear production and create a conducive environment for bacterial growth.

Upper Respiratory Infections: Respiratory infections, such as feline upper respiratory infection (URI), can affect the eyes as well.

If you suspect your cat has an eye infection, it is essential to seek veterinary attention promptly. The veterinarian can determine the cause of the infection and prescribe appropriate treatment, which may include antibiotics, antiviral medications, or other interventions depending on the underlying cause.

Author:  Susan Blake Davis, Pet Nutritionist
Updated:  5/4/2024