Monday, January 29, 2024

How to Tell If Your Cat Is in Pain and What You Can Do About It

Cats, known for their stoic nature, often conceal signs of pain, making it challenging for pet owners to identify when something is amiss. Understanding subtle behavioral changes and physical cues is crucial for recognizing potential pain in your kitty. Equally important is knowing how to take action, and ensuring your cat's well-being is prioritized.

Signs Your Cat May Be In Pain

Changes in Behavior: If you observe alterations in your cat's behavior that might indicate pain, it's crucial to take action promptly. Here's what you can do:

Lethargy or Aggression: If your cat seems lethargic or exhibits increased aggression, refrain from attempting to handle them excessively. Approach with caution, and observe from a distance to avoid causing further distress.

Hiding: Create a quiet and comfortable space for your cat to retreat to if they choose to hide. Ensure that this space is easily accessible and free from disturbances.

Altered Eating and Drinking Habits:
Changes in your cat's appetite and hydration levels can be indicative of pain. Consider the following steps:

Decreased Appetite: Offer small, palatable meals and consider warming their food slightly to enhance aroma. If the issue persists, consult with a veterinarian.

Difficulty Chewing: Opt for softer or wet food options if your cat is experiencing difficulty chewing. Dental problems can contribute to pain during eating.

Grooming Changes: Grooming alterations (over-grooming or lack of grooming) may require careful attention and support. Provide a comfortable and quiet grooming area, and if necessary, assist with grooming gently. If over-grooming is a concern, an Elizabethan collar may be used temporarily to prevent excessive licking.

Vocalizations: If your cat exhibits changes in vocalizations, consider the following:

Increased Vocalization: Offer reassurance and comfort, but avoid unnecessary handling. If the vocalizations persist, seek professional veterinary advice.

Silent Suffering: Pay extra attention to your cat's body language, and offer gentle companionship. Monitor closely for any signs of distress.

What to Do If Your Cat Is In Pain

1.  Contact Your Veterinarian - Consult with a veterinarian for a comprehensive examination. Professional guidance is essential for accurately diagnosing the source of your cat's pain and determining the most appropriate treatment plan.

2.  Consider Natural Alternatives - In addition to conventional veterinary care, some pet owners explore natural alternatives to pain management. These may include:

  • Joint Supplements: Supplements containing collagen or glucosamine can help relieve pain associated with arthritis.
  • Acupuncture and Physical Therapy: Some cats may benefit from alternative therapies like acupuncture or physical therapy, which can aid in pain relief and improve mobility. To find a veterinarian who offers acupuncture or physical therapy, visit
  • Natural Remedies:  Hemp extract oil  can help reduce inflammation, provide calming and relieve pain and discomfort.   

Recognizing signs of pain in your cat is the first step towards ensuring their well-being. Act promptly, offering support and comfort, and consult with a veterinarian for a thorough evaluation. Consider natural alternatives but always prioritize the advice of your veterinarian for the best course of action to manage your cat's pain effectively.

For more information on Natural Alternatives to pain click here to visit

Author:  Susan Blake Davis, Pet Nutritionist