Saturday, January 27, 2024

Dog Chewing One Paw vs. Multiple Paws - What Does It Mean?

A dog chewing on paws is a common behavior, serving both as a grooming habit and a potential indicator of an underlying health concern. The distinct patterns of paw chewing, whether a dog focuses on a single paw or multiple paws, can offer valuable insights into your pup's well-being, helping you understand and address any potential issues they may be experiencing.

Chewing a Single Paw:

When a dog focuses on chewing a single paw, it could indicate localized discomfort, irritation or injury in that specific area. Possible causes of a dog chewing on a single paw include:

Injury or Foreign Object: There may be a splinter, thorn, foxtail or other foreign object embedded in the paw.

Joint Pain: Arthritis or joint issues in a particular paw may lead to chewing as a way of alleviating discomfort.

Nail Troubles: Long or ingrown nails can cause pain and prompt a dog to chew on the affected paw.

Interdigital Cyst: Dogs can get a painful, inflamed lump between the toes or in the webbing of their paw.  These are often caused by bacterial infections, foreign bodies (splinter) or underlying allergies

Chewing Multiple Paws:

If  a dog is chewing on multiple paws, it often points towards broader systemic issues, with allergies and yeast infections being common culprits. Causes may include:

Allergies: Dogs can develop allergies to various environmental factors, such as pollen, grass, or certain foods, leading to generalized itching and paw chewing.

Yeast Infections: Excessive paw licking and chewing may be a response to yeast overgrowth, often linked to dietary imbalances or environmental factors.

Contact Allergens: Substances like detergents, cleaning agents, or certain surfaces may cause irritation, prompting dogs to chew on multiple paws.

How to Stop Your Dog From Chewing On Paws

Managing a dog that is chewing on their paws involves a combination of preventive measures, addressing potential underlying causes, and providing appropriate care. Here's a comprehensive plan for dog owners dealing with this behavior:

1. Veterinary Examination:

Schedule a visit to the veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues like arthritis, foreign bodies, or injury. A thorough examination, which may include X-rays or other diagnostic tests, can help identify potential causes such as allergies, infections, or orthopedic problems. 

2. Dietary Assessment:

Evaluate your dog's diet. Allergies to certain ingredients or nutritional imbalances often contribute to paw-chewing. Consider switching to a high-quality, hypoallergenic dog food if necessary. Reduce the carbohydrates in your dog's diet as the sugar in carbohydrates can make dogs feel itchy.  Raw frozen diets can be helpful for dogs with allergies.

3.  Allergy Management:

If allergies are suspected, work with the veterinarian to identify and manage them. This may involve dietary changes, hypoallergenic grooming products, or environmental modifications.

4.  Antibiotics or Antifungal Medications:

Depending on the cause, your veterinarian may prescribe topical treatments like antimicrobial ointments or sprays, to promote healing. Your vet may recommend soaking the affected paw in a warm gentle solution to reduce inflammation. 

5.  Regular Exercise and Mental Stimulation:

Ensure your dog receives adequate physical exercise and mental stimulation. Boredom or stress can contribute to unwanted behaviors, including paw-chewing.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Cat Pillow Paw Success Story

With thanks to Hailey from Michigan for sharing adorable Marzipan’s success story:
“Marzipan was two years old when she came to us. She started showing signs of illness right away. One paw at a time would develop painful-looking swelling and blistering that would crack open and become infected. Our vet eventually diagnosed Marzipan with Pillow Paw, but encouraged us that in most cats, it only shows up a few times a year and we could treat with occasional steroids. Marz is not most cats, and her sweet little paws did respond to steroid treatment initially, but eventually she needed treatment almost once a month.
At this point our vet recommended a specialist. Having recently lost two pets to long-term illness, we knew how expensive a specialist would be and that we would probably be taking her to appointments the rest of her life. My husband came across Ask Ariel and the Power Probiotic

in a Google search, read the reviews, and decided to order a bottle before we resorted to calling the specialist. We were honestly not super optimistic, knowing how severe her case has been - but it was worth a try! Within a few weeks, Marzipan’s paws were clear… and then we started counting the months that we didn’t have to call the vet. It has now been almost 8 months since she’s had a flare up (unthinkable!!), and we are SO incredibly grateful for an affordable solution that keeps our Marz feeling great!! “- Hailey, Michigan 

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

What Do You Know About Your Pet's Microbiome?

What is your pet’s microbiome? The microbiome is the diverse community of microorganisms that inhabit your pet’s intestinal tract. A healthy microbiome supports longevity in pets by promoting efficient nutrient absorption, bolstering the immune system, and regulating inflammation. Microbiome testing for pets has emerged as a valuable tool in veterinary medicine, offering insights into your pet's overall health and well-being. By analyzing the composition of microorganisms in your pet’s gut, these tests can reveal crucial information about their digestive health, nutrient absorption capabilities, and potential susceptibility to various diseases.

Why would a pet owner want to do microbiome testing? Usually it's because their pet is experiencing digestive issues such as diarrhea, malabsorption, vomiting or blood in the stool. A lot of times standard GI tests don't show parasites or any obvious overgrowth and that's where the benefits of microbiome testing come in. One of the primary benefits of microbiome testing is its ability to assess the diversity and balance of microorganisms in your pet’s gut. A healthy microbiome is characterized by a rich variety of beneficial bacteria, which play essential roles in digestion, metabolism, and immune function. Conversely, an imbalance or dysbiosis in the microbiome can lead to digestive issues, chronic inflammation, and increased susceptibility to infections. Microbiome tests can provide much more detailed insights into the specific types and quantities of bacteria present in your pet’s gut than in standard stool testing. This information can help veterinarians tailor dietary recommendations and probiotic supplementation to restore balance and promote a healthier microbiome. Additionally, microbiome testing can identify potential pathogens or harmful bacteria that may be contributing to digestive problems or other health issues in your pet. Click here to learn more about microbiome tests and foods you can feed to support a healthy microbiome.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Tips To Avoid Giardia Reinfestation

Did you know? While it’s bad enough for pets to get giardia the first time, many pets can get repeat infections. Giardia is hard to get rid of because it can be easily transmitted. 

🐾Here are 6 tips to prevent reinfestation🐾

1. Wash your pet and your pet’s bedding several times during the first 2 weeks of the treatment period.

2. Use a baby wipe or wet paper towel and gloves to wipe your pet’s rear-end after defecation.

3. If at all possible, keep your infected pet separated in an isolated area. You may want to ask your veterinarian about proactively treating other pets in the household.  Be sure your infected pet only urinates and defecates in an isolated area (no grass is best) away from where other pets may go.

4. ALWAYS wear gloves when picking up stool infested with giardia or parasites/worms and then throw the baggie into another baggie with a tie on top. Immediately pick up the stool if possible. Giardia can set into the ground, concrete etc.

5. After you clean up the area, please use bleach or a cleaning product containing bleach. Be prepared—you could need about 30 rolls of paper towels in a 10-day period and several bottles of cleanser. Wash your shoes after walking on the infected area.

6. Keep children, workmen, pets and housekeepers away from the trash.

For more information on keeping your pet healthy, visit
Sunday, January 21, 2024

5 Tips To Give Your Pet A Beautiful Coat

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You can give your pet a beautiful coat with diet changes, supplements and conventional treatments prescribed by your veterinarian.  Here are 5 tips for a better coat:


1) Make a visit with your veterinarian to discuss your pet's skin and coat concerns.  Skin problems can be caused by a wide variety of issues including parasites, allergies, endocrine disorders (e.g. Cushings, thyroid), poor digestion, and bacterial infections. Be sure your cat or dog does not have fleas or other parasites. It is always a good idea to have your veterinarian check for parasites (both internally and externally) at least once a year. Parasites can greatly affect coat quality. 

2) Take a look at your pet's diet. Many skin and coat problems are due to the pet's diet.  For example, when pets have an allergy to the food, the allergic response can produce inflammation on their skin, causing itching, flaking and redness.  Feeding a hypoallergenic, low carbohydrate, novel protein diet can be helpful for most pets with skin and coat problems.  Depending upon the pet, novel proteins might include a protein like rabbit or venison. Many pets with skin and coat issues have allergies to common proteins like poultry and beef.  

3) Watch the carbohydrates in your pet's diet. Avoiding allergens is the first step but if you are feeding a  pet food that is very high in carbohydrates, that can promote yeast overgrowth causing odors, skin problems and ear infections.  A lot of "hypoallergenic" and even liimited ingredient diets still contain grains (oats, rice, wheat, etc), vegetable flours, legumes (chickpeas) and other starches which, in excess, can promote yeast overgrowth.  Ideally, including at least some raw frozen food in your pet's diet can be very helpful for allergiesdigestion and skin and coat problems. 


4) Add Omega 3s to your pet's diet. In addition to enhancing the coat and skin, they are helpful for allergies, joint support, brain function and so much more. You can use a combination of fish oil, flaxseed oil, cod liver oil and olive oil. Be sure to buy the highest quality, purified oils where contaminants such as PCBs and heavy metals have been removed. Pets that have dandruff and dry skin often are fed diets that lack omega-3 fatty acids.  Omega-3 fatty acids can be added to your pet's diet by including fish in meals or by supplementing with fish oil.  Please note: pet owners of cats or dogs having pancreatitis should consult a veterinarian before using any type of oil.  


5) Keep a close eye on your pet’s digestive health. Many cats and dogs have digestive problems that can contribute to poor coat quality. Pets that have loose stool, vomiting, gas and tummy rumbling may not be digesting their food properly. As a result, critical nutrients needed to ensure a lustrous coat, are not being absorbed. How can you tell? Pets that are not benefiting enough from what they are eating, often have large, voluminous stools with partially-digested food. 

Friday, January 19, 2024

Early Cancer Detection In Pets

This post is written with heartfelt sympathy thinking about the people and their pets whose cancer wasn’t found until “the very end”. With all the technology and innovation available, how could it be that cancer is often very hard to find? In fact, many times pets suffer with unusual symptoms, sometimes misdiagnosed as a simple infection, when cancer is lurking underneath.

Cancer often evades detection and while we all wish it could be diagnosed with a simple test, it usually doesn’t work that way. Most cancers aren’t easy to find until they are in a more advanced stage (e.g. a tumor), which can make them harder to treat.

What’s a pet owner to do? BE VIGILANT! While no one wants to spend extra money for an ultrasound or get their pet’s tummy shaved, push forward. A noninvasive ultrasound can often reveal so much more than simple lab tests. Keep a close eye on older pets and be proactive. Don’t wait to see if an unusual growth gets bigger— have your vet look at it now. Early detection of cancer can and does save lives.

If your dog is diagnosed with cancer, our dog cancer guide includes all the steps to follow to help you navigate what to do.  It is written by Pet Nutritionist Susan Davis, whose own dog Legend was diagnosed with liver cancer.  She spent every night reading the latest research on cancer treatments including surgery, chemotherapy, medication, immunology and supplements.  As a result her 80 pound dog Legend lived to be almost 15 years old.  
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Does Your Cat Have Seasonal Allergies? How Quercetin Can Help

Did you know that cats can get seasonal allergies? Cats, like humans, can experience allergies that manifest through a range of symptoms. Allergic reactions in cats are often associated with environmental factors, food, or substances they come into contact with. Common symptoms of allergies in cats include persistent itching, manifested by excessive scratching, licking, or chewing of fur. Skin issues such as redness, swelling, and the development of small bumps or sores may also occur. Cats with allergies may groom excessively, leading to hair loss, especially in areas prone to licking. Respiratory symptoms, such as sneezing, coughing, or nasal discharge, can be indicative of airborne allergens. Gastrointestinal issues, such as vomiting or diarrhea, may also be observed. Along with skin and digestive symptoms, cats can get tooth plaque allergy (aka stomatitis) as well as mast cell tumors.

Are you looking for a natural antisthamine for cats? Quercetin is a natural antihistamine (often referred to as nature's benadryl) that has gained attention for its potential benefits for cats, particularly in managing allergies and inflammatory conditions like stomatitis and mast cell tumors. Quercetin, a flavonoid, is a substance found in colorful produce (e.g. berries) that contributes to its vibrant pigmentation. Quercetin assists in regulating the release of histamine, the culprit behind allergic reactions, and stabilizes mast cell tumors, which release histamine into the bloodstream.
Ask Ariel’s AllerEaze contains a powerful combination of quercetin and nettles that works wonders as an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine, providing much-needed relief. For sensitive kitties, you might need to use an oral syringe but it’s worth it! For optimal results, pair AllerEaze with Power Probiotic to give your cat’s immune system an extra boost!