Did you know that cats can get seasonal allergies? Cats, like humans, can experience allergies that manifest through a range of symptoms. Allergic reactions in cats are often associated with environmental factors, food, or substances they come into contact with. Common symptoms of allergies in cats include persistent itching, manifested by excessive scratching, licking, or chewing of fur. Skin issues such as redness, swelling, and the development of small bumps or sores may also occur. Cats with allergies may groom excessively, leading to hair loss, especially in areas prone to licking. Respiratory symptoms, such as sneezing, coughing, or nasal discharge, can be indicative of airborne allergens. Gastrointestinal issues, such as vomiting or diarrhea, may also be observed. Along with skin and digestive symptoms, cats can get tooth plaque allergy (aka stomatitis) as well as mast cell tumors.
Are you looking for a natural antisthamine for cats? Quercetin is a natural antihistamine (often referred to as nature's benadryl) that has gained attention for its potential benefits for cats, particularly in managing allergies and inflammatory conditions like stomatitis and mast cell tumors. Quercetin, a flavonoid, is a substance found in colorful produce (e.g. berries) that contributes to its vibrant pigmentation. Quercetin assists in regulating the release of histamine, the culprit behind allergic reactions, and stabilizes mast cell tumors, which release histamine into the bloodstream.
Ask Ariel’s AllerEaze contains a powerful combination of quercetin and nettles that works wonders as an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine, providing much-needed relief. For sensitive kitties, you might need to use an oral syringe but it’s worth it! For optimal results, pair AllerEaze with Power Probiotic to give your cat’s immune system an extra boost!