Monday, January 22, 2024

Tips To Avoid Giardia Reinfestation

Did you know? While it’s bad enough for pets to get giardia the first time, many pets can get repeat infections. Giardia is hard to get rid of because it can be easily transmitted. 

🐾Here are 6 tips to prevent reinfestation🐾

1. Wash your pet and your pet’s bedding several times during the first 2 weeks of the treatment period.

2. Use a baby wipe or wet paper towel and gloves to wipe your pet’s rear-end after defecation.

3. If at all possible, keep your infected pet separated in an isolated area. You may want to ask your veterinarian about proactively treating other pets in the household.  Be sure your infected pet only urinates and defecates in an isolated area (no grass is best) away from where other pets may go.

4. ALWAYS wear gloves when picking up stool infested with giardia or parasites/worms and then throw the baggie into another baggie with a tie on top. Immediately pick up the stool if possible. Giardia can set into the ground, concrete etc.

5. After you clean up the area, please use bleach or a cleaning product containing bleach. Be prepared—you could need about 30 rolls of paper towels in a 10-day period and several bottles of cleanser. Wash your shoes after walking on the infected area.

6. Keep children, workmen, pets and housekeepers away from the trash.

For more information on keeping your pet healthy, visit