Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Supplements Help 16 Year Old Black Labrador With Kidney Problems



"Our black lab Bodie, turns 16 on Monday. He has had a lifelong skin problems stomach issues, and with his age, has elevated kidney levels. We started Bodie on's supplements when he was a year old. We have tapped into Susan’s expertise & products for over 15 years & have been so happy with her knowledge & love of animals. AskAriel's kidney, probiotic, & amazing omegas have helped support Bodie’s improvement so much. " Linda, CA.

Kidney disease can affect both cats and dogs, especially as they get older. The kidneys play an important role in maintaining the body's overall health by filtering waste and excess fluids from the blood.  They also regulate electrolyte balance and produce hormones that regulate blood pressure and stimulate red blood cell production.

In older dogs, kidney disease commonly occurs due to the gradual decline in kidney function over time. This decline is often associated with aging and can be exacerbated by factors such as genetics, diet, infections, toxins, and certain medical conditions. As a dog ages, the kidneys may become less efficient at filtering waste and maintaining proper fluid and electrolyte balance.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is particularly prevalent in older dogs and is characterized by the gradual loss of kidney function over an extended period of time. Symptoms of kidney disease in dogs may include increased thirst and urination, decreased appetite, weight loss, vomiting, lethargy, and changes in urination (such as increased or decreased frequency or changes in color). Early detection and management can help slow the progression of kidney disease and maintain a good quality of life for affected dogs. 

Treatment typically involves dietary management (feeding a lower phosphorous diet),  fluid therapy for hydration and supplements to support kidney function. Natural supplements, such as antioxidants, which help reduce oxidative stress, omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil supplements, have anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce inflammation in the kidneys, amino acids, B vitamins, herbal supplements, probiotics, and phosphorus binders, can aid in supporting kidney function in dogs with kidney disease. These supplements may help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, support circulation, maintain overall kidney health, and regulate phosphorus levels. It is also important to have regular veterinary check-ups and blood tests which can help monitor kidney function so that treatment plans can be adjusted.

Author:  Susan Blake Davis
Revised and Updated 4/28/2024
Originally Published on 7/6/2022

Friday, June 24, 2022

Supplements For Dogs With Lyme Disease

It's Spring and the ticks are back. Lyme Disease comes from a tick bite but that doesn't mean that a single tick bite is always going to cause your dog to get Lyme Disease. We hear so much about the dangers of a tick bite in dogs, but thankfully only a small fraction of ticks actually carry the borrelia bacteria that causes Lyme disease.

Many dogs with Lyme disease do not show any symptoms. However, symptoms may include joint pain, inflammation, fever and lethargy. Canine Lyme disease treatment will include antibiotics from your veterinarian. Using natural supplements in conjunction with treatment from your vet can help to manage the uncomfortable symptoms of Lyme disease.

Researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health tested the effectiveness of plant-based extracts in the treatment of Lyme Disease. Japanese knotweed was one of the top two most effective in killing off Lyme bacteria. Ask Ariel's Resveratrol For Dogs is made with Trans-Resveratrol from Japanese Knotweed, an antioxidant with anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective properties. Resveratrol for Dogs can increase circulation, especially to the heart and joints, making Lyme Disease treatment more effective as blood flows into areas where the bacteria can hide. Ask Ariel’s Resveratrol can help alleviate the systemic, chronic inflammation associated with Lyme disease in dogs. To learn more about holistic treatments for Lyme disease please click here.
Wednesday, June 22, 2022

How To Help Your Dog's Cushing's Disease

 Ask Ariel’s holistic approach to treating Canine Cushing's Disease is a comprehensive. Along with diet changes, it’s important to use 3 types of supplements to properly affect hormone levels and support your dog’s overall wellness. Here is a summary:

1. Phosphatidylserine - AskAriel’s Canine Cushing's Support helps reduce cortisol levels.

2. Liver support supplements. Chronically increased cortisol can lead to elevated liver enzymes or liver disease. Ask Ariel's K9 Liver Support Kit can help to reduce elevated liver enzymes

3. Lignans & Melatonin - Melatonin and lignans inhibit enzymes that are used in cortisol production. Research studies conducted at the University of Tennessee - Knoxville (UTK) concluded that melatonin can help reduce excessive cortisol levels. Lignans have also been studied for their role in blocking enzymes needed for cortisol production.

Many dogs with Cushing's disease have mild symptoms which can be successfully managed without medication. To learn more please click here
Friday, June 17, 2022

New Cancer Detection Innovations

Are you worried about your dog getting cancer? Of course you are. Do you have an older dog or a breed that has a higher incidence of cancer?

Routine lab tests often don’t detect cancer. In fact, pets can have perfect lab testing and still be dying of cancer because a tumor is growing inside of them. PetDx has developed OncoK9 which is a state-of-the-art early detection blood test that can detect 30 different types of cancer, including the 8 most common types of canine cancer such as lymphoma and mast cell tumors.
How does this test differ from a simple blood test? It uses technology that detects DNA from circulating cancer cells. When pets have a tumor, they emit circulating tumor cells that are currently not detected on a regular blood test.
While we were skeptical at first, we decided to do this test for Legend. He had liver cancer last year and we didn’t want to have to shave his tummy and do another ultrasound which can involve anesthesia. Apparently the OncoK9 test can be especially accurate if the pet has a history of cancer because the cells it detects only occur if there is a tumor present. We were ecstatic when Legend’s test came back negative.
At Ask Ariel we know how important it is to proactively manage your pet’s health care. As many of us have experienced, cancer usually isn’t detected until the pet’s cancer is at an advanced stage. Please talk to your vet about this test. As scary as it is to wait for the results, early detection can save lives.
Sunday, June 12, 2022

How To Keep Your Dog Hydrated Over The Summer

Some parts of the country are experiencing record heat. Did you know that dogs can get dehydrated and heat stroke which can jeapordize their health? During the summer months, it's very important to keep your dog hydrated.  Dogs use panting along with their paw pads and noses to regulate their temperature. The summer heat can make a dog extra thirsty. Too much sun without enough water can cause dehydration and can become dangerous for your pup very quickly. 

Make sure that you leave multiple water bowls outside for your dog. There are so many sad stories of dogs literally dying  on an extremely hot day because their water bowl was accidently knocked over.  Select a water bowl that cannot be easily overturned.  Keep water bowls in the shade to encourage your dog to cool off. 

Other ways to keep your dog cool and hydrated include:
  • Add ice cubes to water bowls
  • Freeze a Kong toy overnight
  • Add water to food especially dry kibble 
  • Set up a fan for your dog
  • Allow access inside the house or garage 

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Danger- Be Careful With Choke Collars

Choke chains are used as a training tool to teach dogs not to pull on the leash. But they can be very dangerous especially if they are left on a dog unattended. Sadly dogs can die from choke collars as they can get caught on fencing, inside a car or anything that is sticking out. A dog's natural instinct is to jerk away when they are caught and it’s just too easy for the chain to get tangled up. Some dogs can even pass out from the constriction on their air flow. Big strong dogs can be a huge challenge to train but please consider a no-pull training harness instead. If you do use a choke collar, never leave it on a dog unattended.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Supplements Help Adorable Dog With Acid Stomach

Odis was adopted at 2 years old. His mom, Tiffany, noticed he was having digestive problems. Here's what she had to say: "This is Odis. We adopted him when he was two and shortly after discovered he had some digestive issues.  At one point the vet had put him on famotidine and didn't really have a plan on when to take him off. He was still struggling with acid reflux flare-ups. I had read a review someone had left on a website about Ask Ariel as their dog was having the same symptoms. I contacted customer service and they were so helpful with suggestions on what to do. The nutritionist recommended a diet change and supplements (Power Probiotic, Gastro ULC, K9 Digestive Enzymes) and it has changed our world. He loves eating his food now and doesn't mind having the supplements mixed in his food. He's so much calmer and hasn't had to take any famotidine in a month since we started! So grateful for the care that was shown to both my dog and myself!" Tiffany- PA.