Friday, April 12, 2013

Puppy Love: Devoted Shelter Dog Walks 10 miles in the Freezing Cold to Unite With His Sweetheart

      Ben and Jade  Photo Credit:  Tribune Star

To watch video of Ben and Jade along with the Lawler family, please click the NBC 2 link below:

Bravo to the Lawler couple in Indiana for making a Doggie Dream come true!  Ben and Jade (two German Shepherd dog mixes) were both abandoned stray dogs that wandered together in the community.  However, when they had a litter of puppies, they were brought to the Terre Haute Humane Society in Indiana.  They were kept in the same cage and were quite bonded.  People often don't realize the incredible bonds dogs and animals form with one another. Their love was put to the test when after several weeks, Ben, but not Jade, was adopted by the Lawler family.

After 3 weeks of living with the Lawlers, Ben escaped.  He trekked 10 miles in freezing cold weather to see his love.  He found his way back to the shelter in a day and went up to her cage and kissed her through the fencing.  He knew the shelter staff would try to capture him so he evaded them for quite awhile.  Once Ben was captured, the two happy dogs were reunited and tails were wagging.

The Lawlers saw the unbelievable devotion between the two dogs and realized they had to adopt both Jade and Ben.  Now, the two lovebirds are inseparable.  They go on walks, eat and sleep together.  They are living out a wonderful fairytale because of the kindness of this family and the community who saved them.  Rescue dogs like Ben and Jade are euthanized daily throughout the world and this is one story of true puppy love!

Join us on Facebook for more happy tails!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Should Young Dogs Use Joint Support?

Revised: 3/8/2024
If you have an active big dog, start early on a regimen of joint support supplementation.  Starting pets early can ward off big veterinarian bills, the need for prescription anti-inflammatories and pain pills and extend the quality of your pet's life. 
While joint issues are commonly associated with aging or certain breeds, it's important to note the benefits of starting joint support supplements early in a dog's life can promote proper development of joints and can help prevent issues as your dog grows, ensuring your dog stays active and healthy. In this article, we'll explore which breeds might benefit the most, the advantages of early intervention, and how these supplements can contribute to the overall health and happiness of your pup. 

How Can Joint Support Supplements Help Young Dogs? 

Some of the key benefits of starting a dog early on joint support supplements include:  

Prevention of Joint Issues: The primary advantage of starting joint support supplements early is the prevention of future joint problems. These supplements are formulated to provide the necessary building blocks for healthy cartilage and joint function, reducing the risk of conditions like arthritis and hip dysplasia.

Support for Growing Puppies: Young dogs, especially large breeds, experience rapid growth during their puppy stage. This growth puts additional stress on their developing joints and can lead to long-term issues if not addressed. Joint support supplements aid in the proper development of cartilage and support the growing bones, helping to prevent structural abnormalities.

Enhanced Mobility and Flexibility: Early intervention with joint support supplements can contribute to improved mobility and flexibility. This is particularly beneficial for active dogs that engage in activities such as running, jumping, and playing, as it helps maintain joint function and reduces the risk of injuries.

Dog Breeds That Might Benefit Most From Joint Support Supplements

Certain dog breeds are more predisposed to joint issues due to their genetics, size, and activity levels. Large and giant breeds, such as Great Danes, Labrador Retrievers, and German Shepherds, are particularly prone to joint problems like hip dysplasia and arthritis. However, even smaller breeds can benefit from joint support supplements, especially if they are highly active or participate in activities that put stress on their joints.

What Type Of Dog Joint Support Supplements Would Most Benefit Young Dogs?

Glucosamine and Chondroitin: These are key components of joint support supplements. They promote the production of synovial fluid, which lubricates the joints, reducing friction and promoting smooth movement. Additionally, they contribute to the regeneration of cartilage, essential for joint health.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory properties, helping to alleviate joint inflammation and discomfort. They also support overall cardiovascular health, contributing to the well-being of your furry friend.

Green Lipped Mussels:  These nutrient powerhouses contain natural compounds like glucosamine and omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to support joint health. Green lipped mussels can help maintain the integrity of the joints, reduce inflammation, and support the development of healthy cartilage. Green-lipped mussels can contribute to the overall well-being of your young dog by promoting flexibility and mobility, especially in active breeds or those prone to joint issues. Most dogs really like the taste of ArthroStride, a comprehensive joint support supplements for dogs that contains green lipped mussels.

Collagen: Is a structural protein found in the bones, muscles, skin, tendons, and digestive tract of your pet. It is the “cellular glue” that holds the body together. Natural collagen production declines as your pet ages, which can lead to decreased elasticity and stability in the joints, muscles and connective tissue. Collagen supplements can also be used to aid in the recovery and repair of bones, tendons and ligaments in pets that have suffered injuries.

Investing in joint support supplements for your young dog is a proactive approach to ensuring a healthy and happy life. By providing the necessary nutrients for joint health early on, you can help prevent the development of debilitating conditions 

Author:  Susan Blake Davis, Pet Nutritionist
Originally Published:   4/10/2013
Updated And Revised: 3/8/2024

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Neglected Elderly Dog Saved Just In Time

Please help Aspen and donate to Husky Haven of LA. We are fostering this severely abused senior dog who deserves a second chance at life. Her owners dropped her off at Downey Shelter, a high kill shelter, claiming they "found her" so they didn't have to pay for her euthanasia. Deaf from a severe ear infection, barely able to walk, covered in sores.....we are pulling this sweet dog out of the darkness. Help is needed!

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.”― Dalai Lama XIV,

..And so our 'ol gal, "ANGEL", now "ASPEN", is in the nurturing hands of our good friend and fellow rescuer, Susan Davis, Founder of Ariel Rescue & Ask Angel is the sweet gal we saw turned in at the Downey shelter tied up to a rope, filthy & uncared for. WE have had NO interest for a possible adoption at all. Susan is allowing ASPEN to enjoy the beauty of Dana Point while her medical ailments are being diagnosed further....It has been discovered she has a tooth abscess that needs to be removed, she is being given natural remedies for bone spurs and still treating an infection. Supplements such as Purrfect Pet CoQ10 are helping her. Yeah, she has an assortment of old age warts, a bit of a limp etc., which all add to her character. She is so appreciative of any kindness and tenderness being given to her. We wish we could help more seniors but get little interest offering permanent homes. Remember: FOR only $15 a month, ASPEN and all adopters are covered by vet insurance!!!! IF YOU CAN find a space in your heart to help with her vet needs or OFFER her the comfort and love of a home through her final years........the REWARD is immeasurable.
Thursday, February 28, 2013

What Does My Pet Really Want?


What Does My Pet Really Want?
By Bonnie Taplin, M.A., Animal Communicator & Psychic Medium 

What could our dog/cat/horse/bird (or any other pet) possibly want when we give them a loving home, yummy food to eat, and plenty of toys to play with? As you may guess, the answer to that question varies with the type of animal and the life he/she leads. Many pet owners I have met tell me that they believe their pets are “spoiled” and have pretty much everything they need. But, in my experience, the bottom line, and basic need, for any animal is simple: unconditional love – to give and to receive. What, then, does “unconditional love” really mean to an animal? With my professional background in Early Childhood Education, I have learned that fulfilling children’s needs is based on love through respect and understanding. As an Animal Communicator, I have discovered that it is no different for animals! You may wonder, how would we give respect and understanding to our animals – they probably don’t even know what that means! Guess what? They do! Animals of all kinds are actually highly intuitive and “get” so much more than many people might imagine. They have shown me that they have the same emotions as humans, but more intensely! For example, what about the family dog who starts “looking depressed” when the suitcases come out for an upcoming vacation? Or, what about the cat who stops using the litter box when a new pet is brought into the home? Has anyone thought to tell their pet about any changes taking place in the home? Usually, no. I strongly urge my clients to keep their pets informed and “in the loop” about what’s happening in their lives. Just like with any other (human) family member, it’s important to let your pets in on what events will be taking place, big or small -- because they actually already know but lack details, such as who is coming or going, what food changes are taking place, etc., and by doing so, telling them that they are a valued member of the household. Acknowledgment can be so powerful – even to our pets.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pet Loss and Grief Support in Orange County, CA

 A Grief and Loss Gathering:
Making Connections to Your Loved Ones 
in Spirit

Orange County, CA

facilitated by

Bonnie Taplin, M.A.

When:   Sunday February 24, 2013
          2 -3:30 pm (may run later)

Where:   Circles of Light Healing Center*
24351 Moulton Parkway ~ Conference Room
(Turn on Via Campo Verde - 1st driveway on right)
Laguna Woods, CA  92637

At this event, Bonnie will present helpful information on the topic of transition into spirit, designed to help you heal and to find comfort and peace of mind when mourning the loss of a loved one; you will also have an opportunity to hear messages from Spirit (people or pets), as Bonnie connects with the Other Side. 

Please note:  there is never a guarantee that a connection to a certain person/pet will be made.

$20 Suggested Cost 

Bonnie has studied and participated in metaphysics and spiritual work for over 35 years. Her mission is to help people find healing by connecting with their loved ones – people or pets.   Bonnie is an Animal Communicator, Psychic Medium, Ordained Minister, and Energy Healer (with certificates in the healing modalities of Reiki and ThetaHealing™).  She also has an extensive background in the field of Early Childhood Education and holds a Master’s Degree in Child Development.  

Friday, February 1, 2013

Golden Retriever Swims in the Pool and Scratches A Lot

Q: Our golden retriever swims in our pool all the time.  He scratches a lot.  His coat is really dry and he has a smelly ears.  Could the chlorine in the pool water be affecting his coat?

A:  Chlorine in the pool water can definitely dry out your golden retriever's coat.  It's really important to give your dog Amazing Omegas to help his coat right away.  You need a powerful omega 3 fish oil that will stop the scratching and dandruff.  Try to wash your dog with water after he goes in the pool.  Also, for the smelly ears, use the Power Probiotic.

When dogs have smelly ears, it is often an indication of an ear infection.  Be sure to get your dog checked by a veterinarian.  Also, use the Power Probiotic regularly to prevent yeast overgrowth.  Chlorine can promote yeast so the Power Probiotic will help to promote healthy bacteria in the intestinal tract especially since your dog swallows the chlorine water.
Friday, January 25, 2013

Cat with Chronic Infection Gets Better


"Just wanted to thank you. Our 4 year old Selkirk Rex, Zin, was adopted through a rescue when he was 2. He was recently diagnosed with the Herpes Virus; which explained a lot of his illnesses since we have had him. Two months ago, he became ill with a really bad cold; he could hardly breathe and soon stopped eating and drinking. We took him to two Vets, both tried hard to help him with antibiotics and antihistamines; but he still was suffering. I found your website and ordered the Quentans and the Notatum drops and gave them to him daily. He is now almost back to his normal little self and we are so grateful! He is eating and drinking. He even jumped his little brother tonight! His breathing is pretty much normal now for his flat little nose. Thanks again for helping our Zin!"  

The Olson Family, Virginia 2013