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Showing posts sorted by date for query stomatitis. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Monday, April 8, 2024

Holistic Treatments For Feline Rodent Ulcers

cat getting dental exam by veterinarian

Updated 3/29/24

Does your cat have inflamed sores, blisters or ulcers around the mouth?  Is your cat losing weight, showing signs of discomfort or pain and not wanting to eat? These symptoms are signs of feline rodent ulcers.

Traditional veterinary treatment for feline rodent ulcers is the use of steroids and antibiotics which can provide short-term relief. Using these medications long-term can have side effects and reduced efficacy. The good news though is that holistic treatments can be used (diet changes and supplements) to help control symptoms, minimize flare-ups and change your cat's quality of life for the long term! 

What Are Feline Rodent Ulcers?

Feline Rodent Ulcers (also known has eosinophilic granuloma, feline eosinophilic granuloma, feline rodent ulcer, indolent ulcer, and eosinophilic granuloma ulcer of cats) is a non-contagious condition, unique to cats, where oral mucosal lesions develop. They can occur at any age but appear more often in female cats.  In other words, open sores (similar to cold sores) appear, most often, on the upper lip of cats. Your veterinarian will typically diagnose rodent ulcers by the appearance and location of the ulcer (in questionable cases, a biopsy or needle aspirate cytology can be done to rule out malignant transformation).  You might first notice a yellow or pink shiny spot, which deepens into a lesion. The sores can be very painful and hinder your cat's ability to eat. Their mouth might emit an unpleasant odor and over time, can become disfigured. Your cat may also show a behavioral change (aggression or withdrawal).  

Conventional Veterinary Treatments For Feline Rodent Ulcers

The conventional veterinary treatment for indolent ulcers almost always involves the use of steroids to calm the inflammation and antibiotics to clear up any secondary bacterial infection.  While this may provide short-term relief, these medications can weaken your cat's immune system and cause side effectsGenetics, allergies, and autoimmune disease are common reasons why cats may develop this condition and have it long-term.  Thus the goal is to introduce holistic veterinary treatments to help support your cat's immune system and minimize the frequency of flare-ups. 

When your cat has an autoimmune condition such as feline rodent ulcers, your kitty's immune system is so overloaded that the cat's body forms antibodies to its own tissues and attacks itself.  The onset of the attacks is associated with triggers such as food allergies, exposure to chemicals, vaccines and stress. Autoimmune conditions cannot be cured but they can be controlled.  Holistic veterinary treatments, in conjunction with conventional treatments, can minimize flare-ups and reduce the need for medications.  Holistic treatments entail feeding your cat a hypoallergenic, anti-inflammatory diet and using supplements that modulate the immune system. 
Holistic Supplements to Treat Feline Rodent Ulcers

The following supplements have been helpful for cats with feline rodent ulcers, viruses and other autoimmune conditions.  These supplements have been used successfully in veterinary hospitals since 2005:

Immune Harmony
- this plant sterol formula is designed specifically for autoimmune diseases.  It helps to modulate your cat's immune system and is very well-tolerated.

Power Probiotic - essential for all cats, especially if your cat has been on antibiotics that kill off the friendly bacteria.  Power Probiotic is the best probiotic for cats as it is pure, natural and there are absolutely NO fillers!  Many cats love the taste and will eat the plain powder--please click on the link to see the video. Power Probiotic promotes the growth of friendly bacteria which ensure a healthy intestinal ecosystem and enhances overall immunity.

Quent drops - this powerful anti-viral formula is used in conjunction with NOt drops.  Quent and NOT are your best line of defense against viruses, infections and a weakened immune system.  These homeopathic, gentle drops are easy to administer and start helping your cat right away.

NOT Drops- a best seller for fighting infections, use NOT drops in conjunction with Quent drops to give your cat immune support to overcome feline rodent ulcers.  These homeopathic drops are used on alternating nights with the Quent drops

Pumpkin Finds Relief


“This is Pumpkin, who has been using your supplements  (Immune HarmonyPower ProbioticQuent/NOT drops and Silver Support Spray), for about 8 months or more. He has Stomatitis, rodent ulcers, and many autoimmune issues. He has not had ANY flare-ups since using the products, switching his food, and taking him off steroids which the Vet kept him on. Again, I thank you more than anything... He is my angel, and you have given me the chance at giving him the healthy life he deserves. Thank you.”  Cassandra, Florida
Diet For Cats With Feline Rodent Ulcers

Changing your cat's diet to a hypoallergenic, anti-inflammatory diet along with using supplements to modulate the immune system can make a dramatic improvement in your cat's quality of life and comfort. Many foods such as dry kibble can not only be painful to eat but may also contain ingredients that worsen the syndrome and increase flare-ups.  If you include your cat's diet and symptoms on the order form at checkout, will include a diet suggestion on the packing slip that comes with the product directions. 

Need help with your cat Click Here to visit Ask Ariel

Author: Susan Davis
Original Post 9/21//14
Updated 3/29/24

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

What Causes Drooling In Cats?

Have you ever noticed your cat drooling? While it might be more commonly associated with dogs, many cat owners have observed their cats exhibiting this curious behavior. There are many reasons a cat may drool ranging from contentment and relaxation to potential underlying health issues. Here are some common reasons why cats may drool:  

Happiness or Contentment or Excitement and Anticipation: Some cats may drool when they are extremely relaxed and content, especially when they are being petted or are in a comfortable environment. They may also drool in anticipation of food or during playtime when excited.

Heat or Overheating: Cats may drool in response to heat or overheating, especially in warmer environments.

Nausea or Motion Sickness: Cats may drool if they are feeling nauseous or are experiencing motion sickness, especially during car rides.

Ingestion of Toxic Substances or Foreign Objects: Ingesting toxic substances or plants can cause drooling as a sign of poisoning. This is a serious emergency, and immediate veterinary attention is required. Another potential emergency is if they ingested a foreign object that may be stuck in their mouth or throat and can cause drooling. 

Infections or Illnesses: Respiratory infections, salivary gland disorders, or other systemic illnesses can lead to increased drooling.

Dental Problems: Dental issues such as gum disease, tooth decay, or oral infections can cause pain and discomfort, leading to drooling.
 Any injury or trauma to the mouth, tongue, or throat can result in drooling as a response to pain.

Stomatitis:  A painful inflammation of the oral mucous membranes in cats, can cause a variety of symptoms, including drooling.  Stomatitis is an autoimmune disease, where cats have an exaggerated immune response to dental plaque.  This immune response can result in inflammation and ulceration of the gums, tongue, and other oral tissues.

Cats suffering from stomatitis experience challenges in eating or grooming due to the pain and discomfort in their mouths. This discomfort often leads to excessive drooling as a response to the oral pain and inflammation.  Cats may also develop other signs of oral discomfort, such as reluctance to eat, weight loss, bad breath, and pawing at their mouths. 
Utilizing natural supplements can aid in alleviating pain, combating infection, and addressing allergic reactions.

For more information on how to treat stomatitis in cats click here.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Natural Remedies For Cats With Ear And Eye Infections

We want to express our heartfelt thanks to Shammy’s Mom Carolyn for adopting this very sick rescue kitty and sharing her Ask Ariel success story:

“I just received another order of wonderful products. Here's how your products have really changed her life. My sweet Shammy had a rough start in life. Stomatitis, chronic ear and eye infections. I didn't want her life spent at the vet getting steroid shots and constantly having to be on antibiotics. A full mouth extraction...suggested by one vet was NOT an option for this sweet girl who already had 3 surgeries in her short life (including an eye removal).  Ask Ariel's products have truly done wonders for her. I give her Power Probiotic and The Immune Support Kit.  I am happy to report no more eye or ear infections and her mouth, although not completely healed, is so much better than it was over 3 months ago. She is eating like a champ now! I could not get her to eat more than a few bites of food before because her mouth was so inflamed. Thank you! These products are amazing! My other kitty who is 4- months is on the products as well. He came to me with an upper respiratory infection, but now his eyes and nose are completely clear since taking these immune support supplements for cats. What a great change that has occurred in both my cats overall health!

With Gratitude,
Carolyn G

                               What Can Cause Eye Infections In Cats?

Cats can develop eye infections for various reasons. Some common causes include:

Bacterial Infections: Bacteria such as Chlamydia or Mycoplasma can lead to conjunctivitis in cats.

Viral Infections: Feline herpesvirus (FHV-1) and feline calicivirus (FCV) are common viral infections that can affect a cat's eyes, causing symptoms like redness, discharge, and squinting.

Fungal Infections: Fungi like Cryptococcus or Aspergillus can cause eye infections, especially in cats with compromised immune systems.

Allergies: Cats can be allergic to various environmental factors, leading to eye irritation and infections.

Foreign Bodies: Particles, dust, or debris can enter a cat's eye, causing irritation and potential infection.

Trauma: Injury or trauma to the eye, such as scratches or puncture wounds, can create a gateway for bacteria to cause infections.

Conjunctivitis: Inflammation of the conjunctiva, the membrane covering the eye, can be caused by various factors, including infections.

Blocked Tear Ducts: Blocked tear ducts can lead to increased tear production and create a conducive environment for bacterial growth.

Upper Respiratory Infections: Respiratory infections, such as feline upper respiratory infection (URI), can affect the eyes as well.

If you suspect your cat has an eye infection, it is essential to seek veterinary attention promptly. The veterinarian can determine the cause of the infection and prescribe appropriate treatment, which may include antibiotics, antiviral medications, or other interventions depending on the underlying cause.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Feline Tooth Resorption: Natural Remedies & Diet Changes Can Help

Feline tooth resorption, also known as Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions (FORL), is a common and painful dental condition affecting cats. This condition involves the gradual destruction and resorption of tooth structure, particularly targeting the enamel and dentin. All that may remain of the original tooth is a raised bump. The exact cause of feline tooth resorption remains unclear, with factors such as genetics, environment, and immune system involvement playing key roles. One connection that has emerged in recent veterinary research is the association between feline tooth resorption and autoimmune conditions, particularly stomatitis. Stomatitis is a chronic and painful inflammation of the oral mucosa, and studies have shown that cats suffering from stomatitis are more prone to developing tooth resorption lesions. The mouth is the first part of the digestive process. Oral disease is usually accompanied by digestive issues. Research suggests that the gut microbiome (the colony of good and bad organisms residing in your cat's intestinal tract) plays a vital role in influencing your cat's overall immune system. Imbalances in the gut microbiome may contribute to inflammatory responses, impacting various areas of the body, including the oral cavity. Having a healthy mouth starts with eating a healthy diet and maintaining a normal balance of flora. Bacteria in the mouth can build up when the pet’s immune system is weakened due to poor digestion.

Maintaining a healthy gut microbiome through the use of probiotics can potentially modulate the immune system and reduce inflammation, benefiting oral health. Probiotics, consisting of beneficial bacteria, and enzymes, which aid in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, have gained attention as potential supplements to support feline oral health. While direct evidence linking probiotics and enzymes to the prevention or treatment of tooth resorption is limited, their role in promoting a balanced gut microbiome can contribute to overall well-being. By reducing inflammation and supporting the immune system, these supplements may indirectly influence the oral health of cats.

Along with Power Probiotic, digestive enzymes and homeopathic immune support drops can also help support your cat's digestive and oral health. Similary feeding a diet that is hypoallergenic and low in carbohydrates has helped many cat owners reduce inflammation in their cat's mouth. Cats are natural carnivores and yet most diets for cats are made for convenience with too many carbohydrates like legumes and grains. Consider incorporating at least some raw frozen food (e.g Instinct, Small Batch, Vital Essentials, Stella & Chewy’s, Primal, etc) into your cat’s diet. Raw diets are low in carbohydrates and rich in real, fresh nutrients. Common allergens like poultry and grains should be avoided. Feline tooth resorption is a complex and multifaceted dental condition that needs to treated by a veterinarian. Understanding the potential links between tooth resorption, autoimmune conditions like stomatitis, and the gut microbiome underscores the need for a holistic approach to feline health. Regular dental care, including professional cleanings and a tailored oral hygiene routine, remains crucial. Additionally, incorporating probiotics and enzymes, under veterinary guidance, may offer supplementary support in managing feline tooth resorption and promoting overall well-being in our kitties.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Does Your Cat Have Seasonal Allergies? How Quercetin Can Help

Did you know that cats can get seasonal allergies? Cats, like humans, can experience allergies that manifest through a range of symptoms. Allergic reactions in cats are often associated with environmental factors, food, or substances they come into contact with. Common symptoms of allergies in cats include persistent itching, manifested by excessive scratching, licking, or chewing of fur. Skin issues such as redness, swelling, and the development of small bumps or sores may also occur. Cats with allergies may groom excessively, leading to hair loss, especially in areas prone to licking. Respiratory symptoms, such as sneezing, coughing, or nasal discharge, can be indicative of airborne allergens. Gastrointestinal issues, such as vomiting or diarrhea, may also be observed. Along with skin and digestive symptoms, cats can get tooth plaque allergy (aka stomatitis) as well as mast cell tumors.

Are you looking for a natural antisthamine for cats? Quercetin is a natural antihistamine (often referred to as nature's benadryl) that has gained attention for its potential benefits for cats, particularly in managing allergies and inflammatory conditions like stomatitis and mast cell tumors. Quercetin, a flavonoid, is a substance found in colorful produce (e.g. berries) that contributes to its vibrant pigmentation. Quercetin assists in regulating the release of histamine, the culprit behind allergic reactions, and stabilizes mast cell tumors, which release histamine into the bloodstream.
Ask Ariel’s AllerEaze contains a powerful combination of quercetin and nettles that works wonders as an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine, providing much-needed relief. For sensitive kitties, you might need to use an oral syringe but it’s worth it! For optimal results, pair AllerEaze with Power Probiotic to give your cat’s immune system an extra boost!

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

CBD Oil vs. Marijuana For Pets: What's The Difference?


CBD Oil vs Marijuana
What's The Difference?

Many pet owners consider using CBD oil for their pets but express concerns about the potential psychoactive effects of marijuana.  Whether you're considering CBD for pain or anxiety relief, knowing the differences will enable you to choose the right product based on factors like size, health conditions and intended use.  

CBD Oil from Hemp: 

A Safe Choice for Your Pet

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound derived from the hemp plant. Unlike its counterpart, marijuana, hemp contains only trace amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive component responsible for the "high" associated with marijuana. This makes CBD oil from hemp a safe and non-intoxicating option for your pets.

When to Consider CBD Oil for Your Pet

CBD oil from hemp can be especially helpful for pets with:

Anxiety and Stress: CBD has calming properties that may help alleviate anxiety and stress in pets.

Joint and Mobility Support: CBD's anti-inflammatory properties may assist in managing joint discomfort and supporting overall mobility.

Pain: Pain due to a health condition such as cancerIBDPillow Paw or Stomatitis. CBD exhibits anti-inflammatory effects by interacting with receptors and pathways involved in inflammation. Inflammation is a common component of pain and by reducing inflammation, CBD may help alleviate associated discomfort.

CBD Helps Pete's Stomatitis


"I just wanted to thank you guys for your great service and great products. Our Vet was telling us that we were looking at a very expensive surgery and a full tooth extraction for Pete and that they didn’t know what was causing his stomatitis and it was the only thing they could do to fix it. The antibiotics they gave us weren’t working. Not only did you get me your products immediately, my cat seems to have made a full recovery in 2 weeks. The Vet didn’t tell us Stomatitis was an autoimmune disease, diet related or anything else. You and your website told me that and I believe it was your products (Immune Support KitImmune Harmony and Happy Paws Drops) and knowledge of a diet change that made the entire difference. My family can not thank you guys enough! Pete seems to be back to his normal self and we are just so thankful!" - Ryan, VA


hemp dropper dp

What To Look For When

Choosing A CBD Oil?

Here are some key factors to look for when selecting CBD oil for your pet:

How The Hemp Was Grown & Cultivated: 
Opt for CBD oil derived from organic hemp plants. Organic cultivation reduces the risk of exposure to pesticides and other harmful chemicals. Our hemp-derived Happy Paws Drops is naturally sourced from non-GMO hemp grown in Colorado where no pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers were used. 

Full Spectrum vs. Isolate:
Full-spectrum CBD contains a range of cannabinoids, terpenes, and other beneficial compounds from the hemp plant. This may enhance the overall effectiveness of the CBD oil. Happy Paws is a Full Spectrum CBD Oil containing CBD, CBG, CBN, and CBDA.  

Third-Party Testing:
Choose products that undergo third-party testing for quality and potency.  A "Certificate of Analysis"  is an independent analysis by a third-party that shows the amount and type of cannabinoids in the CBD product as well as the level of THC contained in the product. Happy Paws Drops have a certificate of analysis showing purity, potency and cannabinoid ratios.

Extraction Method:
Look for CBD oil extracted using safe methods such as CO2 extraction. This method ensures a clean and pure end product without the use of harmful solvents. Happy Paws Drops are extracted using the CO2 extraction method. 

CBD Concentration:
Check the concentration of CBD in the product. The ideal concentration varies based on your pet's size, health condition, and the intended use. Happy Paws Drops are veterinary strength, contain 550mg per bottle and approx 18.3mg per ml.  Compare to many pet products with less than 200mg per bottle.  More concentrated means less drops to administer and often a much better value.

Added Ingredients:
Examine the product's ingredient list. Choose CBD oils with minimal additives and natural ingredients. Be cautious of products containing artificial flavors, colors, or unnecessary fillers.


frenchie 3 dp

Understanding THC

And Its Effects on Pets


THC, found predominantly in marijuana, is the compound responsible for the psychoactive effects. When pets ingest marijuana, they may experience a range of effects, including:

Feeling "Stoned": THC can induce a state of altered consciousness, leading pets to feel disoriented or "stoned."

Coordination Issues: Marijuana toxicity can affect your pet's balance and coordination, posing risks to their safety.

Lethargy: Pets may become unusually tired or sluggish due to the impact of THC.
It's crucial to recognize that the effects of THC on animals can be unpredictable and vary based on factors such as the pet's size, the amount ingested, and individual sensitivity.
Marijuana and Potential Benefits for Pets with Cancer
While marijuana should be approached with caution due to its THC content, studies suggest potential benefits for pets with cancer. THC, known for its antiemetic properties, may help alleviate nausea & stimulate appetite in pets undergoing cancer treatments. However, it's imperative to consult with your veterinarian before considering marijuana as a complementary therapy for your pet. 

Happy Paws Drops are unrivaled in quality and can benefit your pet in so many ways.  

What makes Happy Paws Drops  so special? 

  • Grown in Colorado on hemp farms utilizing stringent eco-farming practices

  • Proprietary CO2 extraction process uses a gentle, clean and scientifically designed process 

  • Made with NON-GMO, all organic ingredients

  • Approximately 18.3 mg CBD oil per 1 mL 

  • Contains full spectrum hemp oil with CBD, CBG, CBN, and CBDA

  • Independent laboratory testing for purity 

  • Grown without pesticides, herbicides and chemicals in the USA

  • Veterinary Strength - The more concentrated the product (more mg per mL), the better the value and less drops you have to administer to your pet.  Happy Paws contains 550 mg of CBD Oil.  Compare the difference--many pet products contain only 100-200 mg per bottle. 



“Our rescued husky Malachi started showing some signs of arthritis & it was causing him to be irritable with our other dogs. He is 9 years old and a big boy at 80 pounds, so it has become more of a struggle to get around. Instead of putting him on pain meds or NSAIDs from the vet, we decided to try Happy Paws Drops. We have seen improvement in how easily he can go up and down the stairs & he's more interested in playing with the younger dogs. Happy Paws helps keep Malachi comfortable.” - Laura, CA 

Author: Susan Blake Davis, Pet Nutritionist

Original post: January 16, 2024

updated on: Febuary 5, 2024

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

What Helped Pete?

I just wanted to thank you guys for your great service and great product. Our Vet was telling us that we were looking at a very expensive surgery and a full tooth extraction for my cat Pete and that they didn’t know what was causing his stomatitis and it was the only thing they could do to fix it. The antibiotics they gave us weren’t working. Not only did you get me your product immediately, my cat seems to have made a full recovery in 2 weeks. The Vet didn’t tell us Stomatitis was an autoimmune disease, diet related or anything else. You and your website told me that and I believe it was your products (Immune Support Kit, Immune Harmony and Happy Paws drops) and knowledge of a diet change that made the entire difference. My family can not thank you guys enough! Pete seems to be back to his normal self and we are just so thankful!  Ryan, NJ. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

What helped Topaz's Stomatitis

Topaz started to have problems eating so his mom, Linda, took him to the vet. He was diagnosed with stomatitis. Here's what Topaz told us, "My name is Topaz. At the end of last year I got feeling so bad I couldn't eat - my mouth felt like it was on fire! My family was so worried about me and they took me to the vet. I was diagnosed with stomatitis. It was recommended I had all my teeth removed!!! That would have been devastating! The quote was over $2500. My "mom" is an Integrative Health Therapist - she knew nature had a much better way and searched all over the Internet. Wow, I'm so glad she found!!!!! They helped save my gums - just by putting a few Silver sprays, Quent & NOT drops, with a little organic olive oil on my grain-free food that I relish. My food still tastes good, and my appetite is super :) My last Vet check went great - no more stomatitis, though they still need to treat my gums. And I need to be more active in my senior years. The Vet was shown a picture of what saved my gums. We totally want to keep this working, so we're sticking with the kind, encouraging experts at" Linda, Ca. 

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Too Many Carbohydrates Can Cause Problems For A Dog Or Cat's Health


Why are too many carbohydrates a problem for pets? Carbohydrates convert to sugar and can lead to yeast, diabetes and even cancer. While protein and fats are slow to be digested, the sugar from carbohydrates are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, spiking (and then dropping) insulin-making pets hungry faster. Most notably, too many carbohydrates can affect immunity and worsen autoimmune disorders.  Cats are carnivores and thrive on a high protein diet. Many cat owners whose kitties have autoimmune disorders (such as stomatitis) are feeding their cats dry food not realizing that the carbohydrates in the food may be worsening their cat's condition---the carbohydrates convert to sugar feeding the bacteria in the mouth. Carbohydrates and cat health is an important issue to consider when choosing a diet for your cat.  

Is your dog always acting starved? Could be that your dog is eating a kibble diet loaded with carbohydrates. Consider a raw frozen diet or mixing in a higher protein canned food and reducing the overall carbohydrates. Visit for more pet nutrition tips!

Monday, August 3, 2020

Cat Stomatitis Holistic Treatments Success Story

Many of you might recall the adorably photogenic kitty Pumpkin who suffers from stomatitis, an autoimmune condition. Pumpkin has been using Ask Ariel products for 2 years. His mom, Cassandra, takes amazing care of him and recently sent us this update. Cat stomatitis holistic treatments really works!

"Thank you so much for everything. The love of my life, Pumpkin, would NOT be here today if it wasn't for you (and he is literally everything to me). He is now 9 1/2 years old, and still going strong. He STILL has not had to go to the vet once (aside from routine dental etc) and has had NO flare ups." Pumpkin uses the Immune Support KitImmune Harmony and  Power Probiotic.

new immune support kit
Immune Support Kit

Contains three tasteless, natural remedies. NotaSANQuentaSAN and Silver Immune. These three remedies deliver fast relief for your pet's autoimmune symptoms and chronic viral infections and are easy to administer.  They help modulate and support your pet's natural immune response rather than overstimulating it the way many supplements can. These three liquid drops can be mixed into a little bit of soupy food making it easier to administer.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Our Natural Anti-Histamine For Dogs And Cats Has Many Benefits

AllerEaze is an all-natural pet allergy supplement combining Quercetin and Nettles.  It has many anti-inflammatory and antihistamine benefits for pets.  AllerEaze helps control symptoms of seasonal environmental allergies in your pet  such as itching, scratching and eye tearing.  

AllerEaze is also helpful for cats with stomatitis,  an autoimmune condition where cats develop an allergic reaction to the plaque in their mouth.  This painful disease results in red inflamed gums and mouth ulcers.  Stomatitis is also referred to as "Teeth Plaque Allergy" so feeding cats a hypoallergenic diet along with using  natural antihistamine AllerEaze to control the allergic response can help.  

AllerEaze can help dogs with mast cell tumors because the quercetin suppresses the dog's histamine release.  Many dogs get recurring tumors so using the AllerEaze as a natural antihistamine along with a hypoallergenic diet is helpful.

Is your pet itching, chewing and scratching due to seasonal allergies? Email us at and we will be glad to help!

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Raw Diets For Pets vs. Kibble

Raw Frozen Diets

When it comes to pet food, commercially prepared raw frozen diets are the gold standard. Raw frozen diets contain fresh protein (meat, poultry, etc) combined with vegetables and omega oils giving pets easily digestible, optimal nutrition that is low in carbohydrates. Some major brands include: Stella and Chewys, Instinct, Primal for example. Raw frozen diets can be especially helpful for pets with allergies, digestive problems and young, active pets. These are high protein diets containing real meat and poultry, organ meats, vegetables, omega oils and assorted nutrients. The ingredients are well balanced and speak for themselves.

Raw frozen diets are expensive and some cats won't eat them. Raw frozen diets don't have to be an all or nothing part of the pet's diet. Mixing a portion of raw frozen diets into your pet's food is a great option and is far better than not mixing in any at all. Many brands have tasty raw "mixers" and freeze dried raw options that pets will eat readily.

Pets that eat a raw frozen diet are getting a high moisture content which promotes overall health. This is why pets that eat raw frozen diets drink less water. The food is highly digestible so the stool size is often much smaller especially when compared to dry kibble. Since raw frozen diets are low in carbohydrates, they are an excellent choice for pets with allergies and/or yeast.

Dry Kibble Diets

Dry kibble is highly processed pet food made with carbohydrates to form the food along with a limited amount of protein. A portion of the protein percentage reported on the label is often derived from the starchy carbohydrates (e.g. potatoes) rather than from meat, fish or poultry. The primary reason dry kibble is produced is for convenience--not for your pet's nutrition. Carbohydrates used to make kibble range from grain-free legumes and potatoes to the less healthy grains such as rice and barley. Dry kibble can lead to bloat, yeast, itching, poor digestion since their ingredients are made for ease of administration. It can also contribute to autoimmune disorders in both cats and dogs.

Dry kibble is affordable and processed with preservatives to ensure a long shelf-life. Pets eating dry kibble often have large stools since many of the ingredients are not well digested. Cats are carnivores and have no need for dry kibble and yet, most cat foods are made with them. If you do choose to feed your pet dry kibble, please consider adding some raw frozen, canned or homemade food to their diet (NOT tablescraps!). Including lean protein, crumbled raw freeze dried or some raw frozen nuggets will add to their overall nutrition and good health. At the very least, consider adding green beans and other fresh vegetables to a dog's dry kibble to add enzymes and fresh nutrients to the diet.

When You Have To Leave Food Out

Dry kibble is a convenient way to leave food out for pets especially for working professionals. While free feeding is not optimal, sometimes it is a necessity when you are working long hours. We love our pets but we have to work. If this is your current situation, consider feeding dry kibble when you are not home and raw when you are OR as an even better alternative - consider RAW FREEZE DRIED. Raw freeze dried food is made with the same ingredients as the raw frozen diets but cooked slightly at low temperatures to make it a stable food that can be left out (if your pet doesn't devour it). Brands such as Stella and Chewys and Instinct offer companion freeze dried foods to their raw frozen diets for just this reason.

Finally, dehydrated food is made to appear as a "homemade alternative" and is also made with carbohydrates but these diets generally contain more nutritious ingredients and can be mixed with raw frozen diets. Due to the carbohydrates in most dehydrated food, these diets are not nearly as beneficial as raw frozen diets, but their convenience makes them a healthier option than over processed dry kibble.

Why Are Too Many Carbohydrates A Problem?

Why are too many carbohydrates a problem? Carbohydrates convert to sugar and can lead to yeast, diabetes and even cancer. Most notably they can affect immunity and worsen autoimmune disorders. Many cat owners with autoimmune disorders such as stomatitis are feeding their cats dry food not realizing that the carbohydrates in the food are worsening their cat's condition---the carbohydrates convert to sugar feeding the bacteria in the mouth. Moreover, while protein and fats are slow to be digested, the sugar from carbohydrates are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, spiking (and then dropping) insulin making pets hungry faster. Is your dog always acting starved? Could be that your dog is eating a kibble diet loaded with carbohydrates.

In summary, finding the right balance that works for your lifestyle, budget and your pet's well being can be accomplished by choosing different forms of food. If at all possible, try to incorporate something fresh (vegetables or lean protein) into your pet's diet.