Monday, January 25, 2021

Can Supplements For Feline Asthma Really Help?

Julianne found Mini when she was getting home from the hospital. We are so happy Minanne is feeling better and appreciate Julianne sharing Minianne's success story using Ask Ariel supplements.

 "Mini and I found each other in 2015 after I had finally gotten home from the hospital after being in a bad car accident. I had to have my leg amputated, and when I found her, she was very sick with an upper respiratory infection and feline herpes. So we got better together! Mini still has some residual health issues like feline asthma and severe allergies, but she takes AllerEaze and Power Probiotic which have helped her tremendously! Since she’s started taking these allergy supplements for cats, Minianne doesn’t have nearly as many asthma attacks or sneezing fits. Her ears used to itch her constantly, which the vet said was related to her allergies. Now, after taking AllerEaze for several months, that problem is also under control. I’m furrever grateful to Ask Ariel for making supplements that actually work, and that I can feel good about giving to my little one!"

Thursday, January 21, 2021

How Aging Can Affect Your Dog's Brain And Behavior

Just like the rest of the body, aging affects your dog’s brain.  As your dog ages, there is a higher risk of developing neurological or cognitive disorders.   This is because the brain is highly susceptible to free radical damage (oxidative stress) due to its high oxygen use, high fat content and metabolic activity.  Free radicals are reactive oxygen-containing byproducts of metabolism and can cause damage to cell membranes.   Damage to the brain’s cells can affect your dog’s behavior, energy level and motor coordination.   

Common age-related,  neurological conditions seen in older dogs:

Canine cognitive dysfunction (doggie dementia) or Sundowner’s syndrome is similar to Alzheimer’s in people. Small changes in behavior and daily routine, such as sleeping more and seeming disconnected, can progress to confusion, disorientation, anxiety, irritability and disruption of the sleep/wake cycle.

Vestibular disease or “old dog disease” is often confused with the symptoms of a brain tumor or stroke. Dogs with these conditions may exhibit a loss of balance, uncontrolled eye movement, and difficulty in standing and maintaining balance.

Dogs may exhibit motor coordination issues as they age. Senior dogs that begin to stumble when they walk or those that knuckle and scuff their paws may be showing signs of a neurological condition.

Ask Ariel’s Dog Brain Booster is an all natural supplement that promotes dog brain health and provides important cognitive support for dogs with dementia, brain tumors and neurological motor coordination disorders. It contains powerful, science-based brain nutrients, such as phosphatidylserine and Acetyl-L-carnitine, that have been extensively researched and proven to enhance memory, improve mental acuity and slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Dog Brain Booster is the most comprehensive canine brain boosting supplement available to support your dog’s brain health.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Natural Remedies Help Pudelpointer Get Joint Pain Relief


"Our 7 year old Pudelpointer Ember suffered a devastating leg injury 2 years ago.  She suffered a committed fracture which required multiple surgeries and plating of her leg.  Her vet recommended several supplements and we even tried injections to reduce her pain and limping.  I turned to Ask Ariel for help and started Ember on Ultraflex and Arthrosoothe.  Within two weeks, she had completely stopped limping and was running like the wind!  She was doing so well, when the supplements ran out, we didn't  bother to refill.   Fast forward a few months and the poor  dog is limping again with no initiating incident.  We put Ember back on Arthrosoothe and Ultraflex and it worked even faster this time!  No more going off supplements, thank you for helping our dear, sweet Ember.     Lynette, CA 
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Should You Consider Holistic Treatments For Your Cat Or Dog?

There is a growing trend in using alternative and complementary medicine in humans that has also crossed over to include a more natural and holistic approach to pet care.  Many pet owners have seen the benefits of using supplements on their own health and now want the same for their pets.   Holistic treatments for cats and dogs are not a substitute for conventional veterinary care, rather it provides additional options.  Holistic therapies may include  a combination of conventional veterinary medicine and alternatives (holistic supplements, chiropractic care, acupuncture and Chinese herbs).  You can look for a holistic veterinarian by visiting,   Many veterinarians have seen the proven results of Ask Ariel's natural remedies and diet suggestions with their patients which is why our pet supplements are recommended nationwide. Click here to learn more about using holistic supplements for your pet.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Human Lotions Can Harm Your Pet

Now that many of us are home spending more time with our pets, it’s important to revisit this topic. Some human lotions are unsafe for pets. Use caution to prevent medicated lotions from getting onto your pet’s fur and/or being ingested. Pets may be drawn to the smell of your lotion and want to lick it off. As a warning about hormone creams, pets need to be kept away from your wrists  Hormone creams (especially estrogen) that are rubbed on the inside wrist or elbow can easily be transferred to a pet and can cause hormonal imbalances in pets. Antifungal creams, calamine lotion, sunscreen and muscle rubs are just a few of the topical treatments that can make pets sick if ingested.

For more pet nutrition tips, please visit
Monday, December 14, 2020

Dog Seizure Success Stories - Husky Celebrates 3 Years Without a Seizure


I am thrilled to report that our 12 year old rescue dog Legend just reached an amazing milestone. Legend has had epilepsy since he was a young pup. For 8 years we were able to manage his condition with only an occasional seizure here and there. Dog seizures holistic treatments such as vitamins and a hypoallergenic diet helped him greatly.  But when he turned 9 and got older, the disease progressed and he developed horrific cluster seizures. Cluster seizures are when a dog has one and then has another —sometimes minutes after—sometimes hours. In Legend’s case, he would experience about 5 over a day and a half and you never knew if the episode was going to end until a few days passed. We are so grateful for the help of two special veterinarians, Dr. Michelle Murray, veterinary neurologist at NEST Veterinary Neurology and Dr. David Gordon, holistic veterinarian at @archbeachvet. Our beloved Legend has had 3 wonderful, seizure-free years. Dog seizures and allergies are integrally linked.  It's important to feed your dog a hypoallergenic diet and use supplements to control allergy symptoms. If you would like to learn more about Legend’s story, please click here.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Husky Willow's Itching "Magically Gone" With Supplements

"This spring my 1 and a 1/2 year old Siberian/Malamute husky mix Willow suddenly developed several “hot spots” of intense itching on her body and then she would itch all over her legs and body.  She ripped the hair out of 2 “hot spots” on her body and frantically itched other places.  

The vet said it could have been bug bites/allergies to her food or environment/or something unknown. It was not from seasonal shedding.  

I looked at changing her to very expensive hypoallergenic food, steroid shots, special baths, etc.  none of that sounded like feasible (or healthy) solutions. I had noticed she smelled “yeasty” even though the vet discounted that.  

My aunt found the site and after reading some things on it I decided that this site seemed to really know their stuff. I figured it was worth a try, so I ordered K9 Yeast Defense and Power Probiotic right away.  She did itch worse the first week, and then her itching was magically gone. She’s not sitting and panting anymore and she’s doesn’t itch now (other than normal dog itching). She also no longer smells. Because she’s husky, she smells better than most dogs anyway but I noticed after the itching started she began to stink really bad. That smell has went away now - and I have not given her a bath!"

I am totally sold on these products.  And so grateful it’s out there!  It is so easy to give to her and it works!"

- Jessica