Friday, May 25, 2018

Don't Let Old Age Affect Your Pet's Mobility

Many pets start slowing down with age, and may show signs of difficulty getting up and down. The effects can come on gradually and it is sometimes difficult to recognize until the problem becomes very obvious.  Both dogs and cats can have mobility issues with aging and some symptoms are common in both: difficulty getting up and down, stiffness, reluctance to play, difficulty climbing stairs, and limping are a few common signs. A pet owner might conclude "it's just old age" but by being proactive, you can change your cat or dog's life and bring them much needed pain relief and vitality in their senior years.

The first step is to get a diagnoses for your cat or dog's discomfort. Take your pet to the veterinarian and rule out conditions such as a torn ligament or cancer. Once you understand that it is advanced age, arthritis and/or normal wear and tear affecting your pet's mobility, you can take action and help your pet feel better. 

Many veterinarians will prescribe NSAID medications (example: Rimadyl, Deramaxx) and pain relievers such as Tramadol for pets that have arthritis. While these medications are helpful for short-term use, they do have side effects when used long-term and can be harmful to the liver and kidneys. Moreover, these medications should be used sparingly or if possible only on an occasional basis.  You can reduce your pet's reliance on these medications by using natural supplements to reduce pain and inflammation and also holistic treatments such as acupuncture, chiropractic, laser and acuscope.  These treatments, combined with supplements can give your pet much needed relief.

Natural Supplements for Reducing Inflammation and Pain in Cats and Dogs
Many pet owners rely on prescription medications as a way of life without realizing there are natural alternatives that should be tried first and/or in conjunction with their use. Natural supplements (such as curcumin, fish oil, glucosamine and collagen) can reduce and sometimes eliminate the need to use pain and anti-inflammatory medications. It is important to find the right combination of pet supplements for arthritis.  The best arthritis supplements for dogs and cats differ depending upon your pet's size and the nature of the condition. 

Amazing Omegas A research-backed, powerful source of omega-3 nutrients (essential fatty acids) that can help reduce joint swelling and inflammation, which can be causing pain for your pet. Absolutely the best fish oil available. 

K9 CurcuMagic - a scientifically proven powerful antioxidant and a natural anti-inflammatory for pets. Helps to relieve pain and improves flexibility and mobility. 

Arthrosoothe - Promotes joint, tissue and cartilage repair, and also reduces inflammation and increases mobility. It is especially helpful for pets with hip or elbow dysplasia, arthritis or young active dogs as a preventative measure. 

Ultraflex- A gentle formula that is easy to administer and clinically tested to reduce joint stiffness and support the rebuilding of cartilage and joint connective tissue.  Very helpful for collapsed trachea and torn ligaments .  Best joint support remedy for small pets.  

Special SAMe -recommended by veterinarians for arthritis and joint pain treatment because it promotes cellular growth repair and helps to protect the cartilage in the joints.  Scientifically proven to help arthritis.  Powerful antioxidant that gives pets energy and detoxifies the liver.  Essential for pets using NSAIDs and steroids as it supports the liver and these medications can negatively impact the liver.

Holistic Treatments For Pets That Relieve Pain and Improve Mobility

Acupuncture, chiropractic, laser, physical therapy, acuscope are all treatment modalities that can reduce your pet's pain and improve mobility.  Adequan injections can also be helpful. Before resorting to daily use of pain medications, please contact your veterinarian or look on this directory to find a holistic veterinary practitioner in your area.

Senior Labrador Keeps Moving With The Help Of Ask Ariel Supplements

"Bailey and I have been a customer of Ask Ariel's for several years now and honestly I cannot say enough about their products and the loving kindness we have been treated with. I recommend Ask Ariel to every pet owner I speak with. Ask Ariel products are not just for pets with health issues but also healthy vibrant pets. Our pets can always benefit from preventative care. Thank You Susan and Staff for all you do to help keep our angels healthy."     Laurie