“Our lil boy is doing amazing with
his supplements from you (UltraFlex, Power Probiotics, Soothing Digestive) and his diet changes to grain free/gluten free since
Mar 2016. Jaspurr is now 17 yrs and 9 months old. He still runs around and plays with his two brothers Bailey (he’s 7.5 yrs old) and Tinker (he’s 2.7
yrs old). I switched them to the same foods and just Power Probiotics and they
are just great.”
Jaspurr’s History:
“March 2016 I took him (Jaspurr) in
for an ultrasound and they noticed spots on spleen, lymph nodes and small bowel
and said it might be cancer, but I wouldn’t accept that. I started doing
all kinds of research online about IBD and realized he probably had this since
a kitten. He was a healthy happy boy up until about 6 months prior to
ultrasound and was now losing weight. He was eating regular foods that had gluten and grains and he was having more issues with bowel movements and
vomiting… "
Jaspurr Now:
Jaspurr now maintains a 10.5 lb weight and eats 3 small meals a day
with his UltraFlex, Power Probiotics, Soothing Digestive and Miralax. I started using the Ultraflex as Jaspurr seemed like he had arthritis as he had some difficulty and hesitation coming down stairs. My notebook of records and food
diary is about 2” thick as I write everything down. When you love your
cats as much as I do, like your kids (we don’t have any) you do everything to
keep them happy and healthy…”
Joyce and Bob C. (Jaspurr, Bailey and Tinker)