Friday, July 7, 2023

How Green Tea Can Help Your Dog With Cancer

Has your dog tried OncoPet? Ask Ariel's OncoPet contains decaffeinated green tea extract, along with medicinal mushrooms offering exceptional immune support for dogs. Green tea is emerging as a promising supplement for dogs afflicted with cancer and for those breeds with a predisposition to the disease. The unique composition of green tea includes powerful antioxidants, such as catechins, which have demonstrated anti-cancer properties in numerous studies. These compounds work by neutralizing free radicals and inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, potentially slowing down the progression of the disease.

Moreover, green tea has anti-inflammatory effects, which can be crucial in managing cancer-related inflammation and providing relief to dogs undergoing cancer treatments. Inflammation is often associated with the development and progression of cancer, and the anti-inflammatory properties of green tea may contribute to an improved quality of life for affected dogs. In addition to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, green tea has shown promise in supporting the immune system. A robust immune response is vital for a dog's ability to combat cancer cells and recover from the side effects of cancer treatments. Green tea's ability to modulate the immune system may enhance the overall resilience of dogs facing cancer, potentially improving their response to conventional therapies.

Including green tea in the care plan for dogs with cancer or predisposition to cancer holds promise due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune-modulating properties. Consider OncoPet,a vitamin supplement for dogs with cancer that contains this vital nutrient.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

What Helped Rocket's Allergies?

Rocket has been using Ask Ariel's AllerEaze and Power Probiotic to help with his allergies. Here is what his mom, Terri, had to say: "Rocket, my pit bull really does well on this. He's had allergies since he's been a puppy and I will never be without this product again. I don't have to use AllerEaze every day, but when he's beginning a flare-up, I start right away so that the paws aren't licked raw and the big bumps that he used to get don't start up. It's awesome stuff. I will never give those shots from the vet. This works perfect." Rocket is such a handsome boy and we thank Terri for sharing his photo with us.

Monday, July 3, 2023

When To Feed Your Pets?

It’s really important to feed your pet twice a day. Feeding pets at least 2x a day regulates blood sugar, reduces stress and improves digestion. Twice-daily meals can keep your pet's body running on schedule. Your pet's stomach will empty in 6-8 hours. Some pets do best when they have several small meals throughout the day. By feeding smaller and more frequent meals, you can help ease acid stomach and reduce the risk of bloat. Regular mealtimes provide security and may reduce anxious and destructive behavior. It can also help you identify potential health issues, as a change in eating habits can be an early warning sign of illness.

How can you feed more without your pet getting overweight?  Take the daily portion and put into containers so it measured out.  Adding vegetables to meals can also help pets feel more satiated.  Mix in vegetables like squash, pumpkin or green beans along with your pet’s food.

If your pet has acid stomach, feeding a small snack before bedtime can really help.  Many pet owners notice that if their dog eats his last meal around 6 pm and then doesn’t eat again u til the next morning, the dog may vomit bile in the morning.  Some ideas for a small snack would be a little canned or raw food or some raw freeze dried food mixed with water. You can also mix in raw goat milk as that helps to coat the stomach. Giving probiotics mixed into the snack can also help.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Do You Know The Signs Of Cancer In Pets?

While these signs are not exclusively due to cancer, please watch for them and notify your vet if your pet has any of these health issues. Often they can be subtle like skipping breakfast or becoming more picky with food. Early detection can save lives and give you a chance to help your pet.

* Unusual lumps or bumps: Palpable lumps or bumps on or beneath the skin are common signs of cancer. They may be firm, swollen, or grow rapidly in size.

* Abnormal swelling: Unexplained swelling in any part of the body, such as the face, limbs, or abdomen, can be indicative of cancer.

* Persistent sores or wounds: Wounds or sores that don't heal or that keep recurring might be a sign of cancer, particularly in areas prone to trauma or irritation.

* Weight loss: Sudden or unexplained weight loss, even if your pet's appetite remains normal or increases, can be a sign of various health issues, including cancer.

* Loss of appetite: A significant decrease in your pet's appetite, leading to reduced food intake, can be a sign of cancer or other illnesses.

* Difficulty eating or swallowing: Cancer in the mouth, throat, or esophagus can cause difficulty in eating, swallowing, or excessive drooling.

* Persistent coughing or difficulty breathing: Continuous coughing, shortness of breath, labored breathing, or other respiratory problems may be indicative of cancer affecting the lungs or other parts of the respiratory system.

* Lethargy or decreased activity: If your pet is unusually tired, lacks energy, or seems less interested in activities they previously enjoyed, it could be a sign of an underlying health issue such as cancer.

* Changes in bathroom habits: Persistent diarrhea, constipation, difficulty urinating, or blood in the urine or stool may indicate cancer in the gastrointestinal or urinary tract.

* Behavioral changes: Noticeable changes in your pet's behavior, such as increased irritability, aggression, or withdrawal, can sometimes be associated with underlying health problems like cancer.

Has your pet been diagnosed with cancer? Our step by step guide can help.
Monday, June 26, 2023

Don't Use Human Lotion On Your Pet

Many pets suffer with skin conditions for a variety of reasons. It is tempting to try and relieve their discomfort by using your own lotions and creams, but using lotions intended for humans on pets can be potentially dangerous for several reasons:

* Different Skin Needs: Pets have different skin pH levels and sensitivities compared to humans. Human lotions are specifically formulated for human skin, which may not be suitable for your pet. Using the wrong products may not provide the desired effects and could potentially worsen existing skin conditions or create new ones.
* Potential Harmful Ingredients: Many human lotions contain ingredients that can be toxic or irritating to your dog or cat. Pets, especially dogs, lick their fur and skin. If they are wearing the products and ingest them, it can lead to gastrointestinal problems, including vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach upset. Some fragrances, essential oils (ex: tea tree oil), preservatives, or artificial sweeteners (like xylitol) can be extremely dangerous for pets and may require immediate veterinary attention. It's important to carefully read the ingredient list and ensure they are safe to use for your pet.
* Allergic Reactions: Dogs and cats, like humans, can have allergic reactions to certain ingredients found in human lotions. Applying human lotion to your pet's skin may trigger allergic reactions such as redness, itching, swelling, or hives. Some pets may be more prone to allergies than others, so it's important to be cautious when applying any new product to their skin.
* Pet-Safe Alternatives: There are numerous pet-specific lotions and skincare products available that are formulated specifically for dogs and cats. These products take into account the unique needs and sensitivities of canine and feline skin. Your veterinarian can recommend suitable pet-specific lotions or provide guidance on proper skincare for your pet.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Beware of Foxtails

Foxtails can be dangerous to dogs because their seed pods contain sharp, barbed structures that can easily penetrate a dog's skin, fur, and other body parts. These barbs allow the foxtails to become deeply embedded in the dog's skin or move inward if inhaled or ingested. Foxtails can pose a risk to dogs during the warmer months when the grasses that bear these seed pods are dry and begin to disperse their seeds. This typically occurs in late spring and throughout the summer. During this time, dogs can come into contact with foxtails while playing or walking in grassy areas. It's important to be vigilant and take preventive measures to minimize the chances of foxtail injuries, such as avoiding tall grasses and regularly inspecting your dog's coat, paws, ears, and nose for any signs of foxtails. Foxtails can cause a range of health issues, including skin infections, abscesses, and organ damage if they migrate to other parts of the body. Immediate medical attention is often required to remove and treat foxtails in dogs. If you are out on a trail, try to keep your dog away from the foxtails.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Does Your Dog Lick and Chew Excessively?

Updated: 3/25/24

Lick granuloma, also known as acral lick dermatitis, is a challenging condition that affects dogs. Characterized by excessive licking that leads to the formation of a raised, often ulcerated lesion, this condition can be frustrating for both dogs and their owners.

What is Lick Granuloma?

A lick granuloma is a self-inflicted skin lesion caused by excessive licking, usually of the lower limb
, particularly at the wrist or paw, but can also occur on other parts of the body. They are characterized by a localized, thickened, and often ulcerated area of skin that is frequently licked or chewed. This behavior is typically repetitive and compulsive, leading to further irritation and inflammation of the skin.

Causes of Lick Granuloma

Several factors can contribute to the development of lick granuloma in dogs. These include: Behavioral issues: Anxiety, boredom, stress, or compulsive disorders can trigger excessive licking behavior.
Underlying medical conditions: Painful conditions such as arthritis, allergies, or skin infections may prompt a dog to lick as a way to alleviate discomfort.
Environmental factors: Boredom or confinement can lead to repetitive licking behavior, especially in breeds predisposed to compulsive behaviors.
Neurological disorders: In some cases, neurological conditions may contribute to compulsive licking behavior.

Symptoms of Lick Granuloma

  • Raised ulcerated lesions
  • Hair loss in the affected area
  • Redness and inflammation
  • Thickened or granular skin texture
  • Foul odor due to secondary bacterial or fungal infections
  • Persistent licking behavior despite attempts to intervene
Treatment Options for Lick Granuloma
Treating your dog’s lick granuloma often involves a multifaceted approach, starting with behavioral modifications to address underlying issues. Identifying triggers such as anxiety or boredom is crucial, and providing alternative activities like increased exercise and mental stimulation games can naturally decrease licking behavior. In addition to behavioral changes, prescribed medications and topical treatments may be necessary to reduce compulsive licking and aid in healing. Low-level laser therapy has shown promise for more advanced cases, while surgical removal of affected tissue may be considered as a last resort.

Lick granuloma dog home treatments can play a large role in prevent further trauma from licking. Bandaging or covering the affected area is essential. Putting a shirt sleeve or T-shirt on the dog can create a world of difference. You can cut a human shirt so that there is just one sleeve along with the neckline remaining. Put your dog's leg through the sleeve and the neckline over the neck. This enables the dog to move freely and comfortably without access to the lick granuloma. Use a cone as a last resort and look for soft cones if possible.

Also, using herbal remedies or providing dietary supplements like omega-3 fatty acids can complement veterinary treatment efforts. Ask Ariel’s PureOcean Wild Omegas is derived from wild-caught sardine, anchovy, and mackerel, our concentrated formula ensures potent omega-3 fatty acids for optimal health benefits. We prioritize quality and test every batch to ensure it's free from contaminants, heavy metals, and toxins. Lick granuloma may require patience and persistence to manage effectively, but by addressing underlying behavioral issues, addressing any medical conditions, providing appropriate medical treatment, and implementing home remedies your dog can experience relief from this frustrating condition.

Author: Susan Davis
Original Post: 6/21/23
Updated: 3/25/24