Friday, September 14, 2018

September is Happy Cat Month

Happy Cat Month was originated by the CATalyst Council, an organization focused on educating people on the health and welfare needs of companion cats. It was their hope, in the month of September, that people would stop and reevaluate the health needs of their cats. They found that many people believe that cats are self-sufficient and may neglect preventative healthcare, but it is important to remember a healthy cat is a happy cat.  

Ways to Celebrate Happy Cat Month
  1.  Take your cat to the veterinarian for a check-up
  2.  Review your cat's diet – cats are carnivores and need a feline appropriate diet (limited carbohydrates)
  3.  Provide preventative supplements (such as Power Probiotics and Amazing Omegas which help support their immune system) and supportive supplements (depending on their needs)
  4. Spend some extra time cuddling your kitty

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Natural Treatments For Feline Viruses (FIV, FeLV, FIV)

​Kittens and cats can get viruses such as FeLV, FIV and feline herpes. Viruses can weaken their immunity making them more susceptible to infections. Kitties with viruses can have chronic health problems such as sneezing, upper respiratory infections, eye discharge and lethargy. Using a holistic approach along with conventional treatments from your veterinarian can reduce flare ups and improve your kitty’s quality of life. Diet and nutrition play a big role in immunity as feeding cats a hypoallergenic, low carbohydrate diet can be helpful. Also Power Probiotic and the Immune Support Kit (contains three tasteless, liquid drops) have been an essential part of helping cats feel better too.

Immune Support Kit – The Immune Support Kit is very helpful for cats with sneezing and upper respiratory infections.  It contains three tasteless liquid immune support formulas:
  • Easy to use drops (with minimal smell and taste - no alcohol)
  • Fight infections to reduce nasal discharge and sneezing
  • Clears up sinuses, nasal tract and improves breathing
  • Gentle, natural formulas that can safely be used on an ongoing basis
  • Supports your pet's own immune system to reduce viral flareups or asthma attacks
QuentaSAN and NotaSAN--Two powerful homeopathic formulas that are most effective when used together. Easy to use gentle drops that can have powerful and effective results in treating infections and relieves nasal and sinus discharge. The drops can be used long-term for immune support.

Silver Immune Support for Pets - Broad spectrum antimicrobial that can be used along with antibiotics. Safe for young kittens with upper respiratory infections too. AKA  "The Germinator"

Sunday, August 26, 2018

A Dog's Sense of Smell Tells Them A Lot About You

A dog’s sense of smell is said to be a thousand times more sensitive than that of a human's, but in fact they have more than 220 million olfactory receptors compared to just 5 million in our human nose. This keen sense of smell can allow them to detect illegal drugs, cancerous cells, explosives, and missing people very effectively, sometimes even as far as 40 feet underground.

Dogs use their sense of smell to gain information, interpret its surroundings and to communicate.   Dogs are born sniffers and can read a situation even though they can't talk.  It is believed that dogs can smell fear and anxiety (e.g. a person may start to perspire and dogs will know), can detect that you aren't feeling well (when a person is sick their metabolism changes which can affect the chemicals in your breath) and can even detect when you are stressed because they can smell the rise of cortisol (increases under stress).  Because of a dog's sense of smell,  a dog may know  and understand  you better than you know yourself! 

Thursday, August 23, 2018

How Does Your Cat Say "I Love You"?

Even though cats can not express their love in words, they have their own specific and unique ways to communicate “I love you”.

Here are the top 10 ways a cat can say “I Love You”. I am sure some you already know, but others might surprise you.

  • Kneading Your Legs
  • Bringing You a Present (toy or prey)
  • Head-Butting You
  • Staring Into Your Eyes and Slowly Blinking
  • Showing You Their Belly
  • Curving the Tip of Their Tail
  • Nipping You
  • Rubbing Against Your Legs
  • Purring
  • Following You Around
How does your cat show that they love you?

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Dog Dementia Brain Supplement Helps Senior Dog

"I have been using Dog Brain Booster for about two months with great results with my 16 1/2 year old Aussie Pancho.  He has been showing classic signs of dementia like pacing, sleeplessness at night, getting stuck in corners, etc.  The worst part was his disconnect and almost total lack of interaction with us.  I tried Anipryl which did nothing to help.  I tried hemp oil which relaxed him but caused him to have more pottying accidents.  Finally I tried the Brain Booster.  His dementia is so much better.  He paces less, sleeps most of the night, and is able to make it through the night to potty in the morning (we put tarps on the floor because of night time accidents).  Best of all he is interacting with us and is more responsive and alert.  Now when I pet him or hug him he responds instead of ignoring it.  Even his chiropractor has noticed the change in him.  I just wanted to let you know that this product works and has improved the quality of life for all of us."   Rory M.  PA

Recommended by Veterinarians Because It Works! Successfully used in veterinary hospitals since 2005. All-Natural Dog Brain Booster can help reduce and prevent dog seizures, help dogs with dementia, brain tumors and other brain disorders.  Safe for small and big dogs.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

How Much Protein Is In Your Cat Or Dog's Diet?

Is your pet always ravenous? Begging for treats all day long? Is your pet overweight? One reason could be that the protein percentage in your pet’s diet is too low. Pets need ample amounts of real protein from real food. Many pet foods amp up the protein percentage on the label sourcing with protein from potatoes, peas and soy. Animals (especially cats) require natural protein from meat, poultry or fish. If one of these sources isn’t the very first ingredient on your pet’s food, then the diet might be lacking. Protein builds a healthy immune system, muscoloskeletal system and regulates blood sugar. Protein is an essential building block for bones, muscles, blood and hormones. Diets low in protein are often high in carbohydrates which can cause insulin to spike leaving pets feeling hungrier just a few hours after eating. What’s a pet owner to do? Invest in a higher quality food and if possible keep dry kibble to a minimum (most dry food is high in carbs). If possible, feed your pet a raw frozen diet or include some raw frozen nuggets as a portion of your pet’s meal. Give your pet freeze dried protein treats (e.g. salmon pieces) vs biscuits or cookies made from grains. Look for grain-free foods (remember grain-free could be sourcing the protein from peas, legumes or potatoes) but more importantly look for pet food where the first ingredient is meat, poultry or fish.

Note: Pets with kidney or liver disease need a controlled protein diet and some elderly pets as well.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Hope For Sick Pets -- Wellness Is A Healing Journey

Hi, It’s me Legend.  I wanted to send you an inspirational message to tell you to that even when it seems there is no hope, sometimes miracles can happen.  Today is a day to celebrate! It’s the 8th of the month and it is 8 months since I had my last grand mal seizure.   We want to thank everypawdy who supported us and cheered us on even after it seemed there wasn’t going to be a rainbow for me. I had one seizure after another and Momma tried everything.  We kept fighting on—over and over with no stone unturned.  Momma never gave up on me.  Finally we found the answer and suddenly all of the other things we tried came together.  It wasn’t just one drug, or one supplement—-it was all the things we learned along the way on our journey that finally came together.  So now I am sending you love and hope and if you are feeling discouraged, please think of my story and keep forging on.
❤️With Love and Heartfelt Thanks, Legend

If your pet isn't feeling well, we understand how troubling that can be. If you have questions about your dog, or wondering what else you can do to help your sick cat, please reach out to us.   While we can't provide any type of veterinary or consultative advice, we can provide you with links to articles that can help you better understand how you can help your pet.  Wellness is a journey and holistic healing has many ups and down.  Please feel free to email us at