Monday, July 30, 2018

Give Your Dog A Bone? Use Caution As Bones Can Be Dangerous

Dogs love bones and pet owners want their pets to be happy, but are they really worth the risk?  It depends upon the dog's chewing habits, type of bone given and length of time gnawing on it.   While some older dogs may enjoy gentle gnawing on a bone and can benefit from a hard chew such as antlers, many young pups are aggressive chewers and would be best served with a hard rubber toy stuffed with healthy food (e.g. freeze a Kong ball with dog food). Some veterinary nutritionists advocate raw meaty bones and while there are 
nutrients in them,  there are also pitfalls. Raw meaty bones (especially ones containing marrow) can be high in fat and lead to diarrhea or pancreatitis in some dogs. It may be safer to give your dog those nutrients in the form of raw frozen or freeze dried diets such as Instinct, Stella and Chewy's, Primal and other brands.

Risks of Giving Your Dog Bones And Chews 

There are 3 major risks associated with dog bones and chews.

The manufacturing process can leave trace amounts of toxic chemicals on the bone or chew that can be harmful for your dog. Many chews are processed using such chemicals as: bleach, hydrogen peroxide, artificial colors and preservatives.  All can be toxic for your pet to ingest.

Also, just like with other foods, there's a risk of a food borne illnesses (such as Salmonella or E. Coli) from dog bones and chews that could put your pup and yourself at risk. 

Digestive Irritation
A dog may be sensitive or allergic to the the type of bone or chew  or something used during the manufacturing process. Your pet may experience stomach upset and diarrhea.

Choking or Blockages
Perhaps the biggest risk is when pieces of bones or other edible chews become lodged in the throat or digestive tract. The pieces can cause your pet to choke or they can get stuck,  requiring surgical removal. Do not allow your dog to chew on a bone unsupervised.

The risk can vary, depending upon how your dog chews bones, thetype of chew or bones (Steamed and smoked bones are very brittle) and their age. Some dogs tend to scarf down anything and everything and may swallow large hunks of dog bone whole which can be very risky! Or they may be an aggressive chewer and cause damage to their teeth or gums.

Types of Chews

  • Rawhide- carry a higher choking risk, because they start out hard, but become soft and slimy like taffy 
  • Hooves- sharp and brittle, can cause damage with a rough chewer
  • Tendon chews- very small, long and thin, similar to rawhide 
  • Fully edible chews-Most are made with milk or some other agent which is often an allergen  
  • Synthetic chews-synthetic chews made of rubber or flavored plastic 
  • Raw, "meaty" bones --often advocated by holistic vets and nutritionists.  Some pets do better with these than others as too much can lead to pancreatitis and diarrhea due to the very high fat content.
Safer Options: Antlers, Beef Trachea or Raw, Meaty Bones--but all can still have risks especially if your dog has sensitive digestion

Should I Give My Dog A Bone?
Ask Ariel is not an advocate of giving dogs chew bones as there are just too many reports of pets getting sick from them.  That is not to say that nutrients from bones are not essential for dogs--quite the contrary.  But, the safest position is to give your dog the benefits from bones in the form of raw frozen and raw freeze dried diets which contain ground bones. 

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Research Study Shows Dogs Have Empathy And Want To Come To Our Rescue

Image: A corgi named Drake participates in an experiment

A recent study by Ripon College, and reported in the journal of Learning And Behavior*, suggest that dogs may empathize with their owner’s distress. This conclusion was made after researchers tested if “dogs will actually take an action trying to alleviate that distress,” says Julia Meyers-Manor, an assistant professor of psychology and co-author of the study.

The study had 34 pairs of owners and dogs (variety of breeds and ages) divided into two groups. They then separated the owner and the dog by a glass door. The owners in one group “pretended” to need help and the other stayed monotone and just hummed. Half the dogs in each group opened the door to get to their owner, but the dogs that thought their owner was in distress did so much faster (23 seconds vs. 96 seconds). The findings suggest that dogs may show empathy for their owner’s distress and want to help. Also, these tended to be the same dogs that scored higher on another owner/dog bond test.

Regardless of the results, nearly all the owners thought “their” dog would absolutely come to their rescue if needed. Isn't this what we pet lovers have known all along?  Our pets are always there for us and will do anything they can to help us feel better.  

*Sanford, E.M., Burt, E.R. & Meyers-Manor, J.E. Learn Behav (2018).

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Three Steps to Reduce Elevated Liver Enzymes In Your Cat or Dog

Many pets will have elevated liver enzymes at some point in their lives and may not show any outward symptoms. Often the only way elevated liver enzymes are diagnosed is during a routine laboratory test and/or physical exam. The liver is the main filtering system for the body and performs many functions.  For example, the liver is involved in the metabolism of fats, protein and carbohydrates, production of bile which aids in digestion, synthesis of glycogen (related to blood sugar regulation), protein synthesis and of course filtering toxins. If your pet is diagnosed with elevated liver enzymes, there is a lot you can do to be proactive and help improve your pet's liver function. 

Three steps to reduce elevated liver enzymes in your cat or dog:

Step 1: Use veterinary-approved remedies to reduce elevated liver enzymes and detoxify the liver.

Special SAMe -  Powerful antioxidant scientifically proven to support liver health and detoxification (our formula is for pets over 13 pounds)

The Liver Support Kit -  Contains three gentle formulas Lypozyme, Power Probiotic and Liver/Gallbladder Support Formula to  support digestion and liver detoxification

Step 2: Change Your Pet's Diet-Change your pet's diet to a low fat, hypoallergenic, natural diet. Avoid grains, food allergens, chemicals and sweeteners.  A clean diet improves digestion and reduces the workload on your pet's liver.

Step 3: Get Regular Laboratory Testing to Assess Your Pet's Progress-Work with your veterinarian to perform regular laboratory testing.

Click more to learn about natural ways to help your dog's elevated liver enzymes
Friday, July 13, 2018

Natural Supplements For Cats With IBD And Allergies

Update June 2018
“Nala has been doing so well with her IBS! I currently wrote ask Ariel with some questions about allergies because Nala was extra itchy and had some health issues I hadn’t seen before. They wrote me back the very same day.   I started her on their NotaSAN drops and I’m seeing such an improvement! 

We are so grateful for the quick responses and products that actually WORK! I tell people all the time how lucky I feel to have found this great company! Especially when the vets we have seen don’t really have any answers for us, except for putting her on foods that just aren’t healthy for a cat long term. Thank you so much again from the bottom of my heart for helping us! Nala thanks you too!!  Sincerely- Velissa

March 2017

I just wanted to thank you for your help with my cat! I contacted you months ago after having months and months of issues with my young cat vomiting. After several vets and thousands of dollars later- they had no answers but possibly IBS. You guys recommended the IBS kit and also switching diets has made such an improvement in her vomiting! It was happening every couple of days and now it's been a few weeks! I'm just so grateful for your recommendation and that my cat is improving and I wanted to let you know. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!  Sincerely, Velissa

IBD Kit--This kit includes 3 unique formulas that have been specially formulated for IBD and used successfully to help cats with inflammatory bowel disease.  The Kit includes Power Probiotic, Soothing Digestive Relief and NotaSAN Anti-Inflammatory Drops. When a pet has severe IBD, it is necessary to use a combination of formulas because they work differently to help reduce the symptoms and repair the intestinal lining.  We have seen many cats especially improve using these three formulas together.

Power Probiotic - Pure, safe and natural--absolutely no fillers!  Power Probiotic repopulates good intestinal flora which is essential for pets with malabsorption and digestive issues.  Power Probiotic supports your pet's bowel and immune health, reducing inflammation and improving digestive discomfort.  

Gastro ULC - Provides natural stomach acid relief, coating the stomach to relieve pain.  Many pets have an improved appetite after using Gastro ULC. 

Soothing Digestive Relief Gentle, effective formula for the treatment of any type of indigestion in pets. Helps with gas, loose stool, mucous in stool, tummy rumbling, diarrhea and malabsorption.  

NotaSAN Drops and Capsules – Natural homeopathic formula that controls inflammation and infection and helps with allergy symptoms.  Clients report improved well being overall.  Very important for pets with autoimmune conditions.  Gentle, easy to administer and safe for long-term use.  

Sunday, July 8, 2018

4 Kind Things To Say And Do For Someone Who Has Lost A Beloved Pet

The hardest part of loving an animal is saying goodbye. It can be difficult for others to understand especially if they don’t have a pet. Still everyone wants to offer comfort to a grieving pet owner so here are four kind things you can say or do for someone who has lost a beloved pet:

1. I’m so sorry for your loss. 
A simple, heartfelt sentiment that acknowledges the pain the pet owner is in at this difficult time.

2. My favorite memory is...
Sharing something sweet, touching, and memorable about the lost pet will bring a smile to the owner.

3. Offer something in memory of the pet. A donation to their favorite rescue, a candle lit in memory on Rainbow Bridge or send a card acknowledging the loss.

4. Give them a hug
Sometimes no words are the best way to show your support. 

Anyone who has lost a pet knows it's like losing a beloved member of the family. The grief that follows is a natural process that you must go through. It will differ for everyone, some may go through it quickly and others may have a tougher time. There are resources for the grieving pet owners, websites, books, forums, and counseling, but often a friend just knowing what to say and more importantly what NOT say can be the the kindest act.

Four Things Not To Say or Do To Someone Who Has Lost A Pet 

1. He is in a better place
 The pet owner may not think that is the case. Chances are that they think the "better place" is here with them. 

2. How old was he? 
Seems like an honest question, but somehow it may feel like the amount of grief is dependent on the age of the pet. Young dog...tragic. Old dog... to be expected. But the grief they feel will not matter the age of the pet. 

3. My pet had cancer too-- 
It is natural to want to empathize through sharing similar experiences, but at this time they will not want to hear your tragic story. They just want a friendly ear.

4. Too bad you didn't try XYZ treatment ... 
Pet owners have to make healthcare decisions based many factors including their beliefs in treatment, availability of medical support and financial ability. The treatment plan may not have been your choice, but now is not the time to address them with the heartbroken owner. There is no benefit to second guessing. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Why Do Many Dog and Cat Foods Contain Rice?

Why Do Many Dog and Cat Foods Contain Rice?

Many pet food companies use rice as a “healthy” inexpensive carbohydrate that is likely to be an allergen then other grains such as wheat, oats or corn. It is a filler that can bring up the protein percentage on the label INSTEAD of using the more costly real meat, fish or poultry. “Premium” brands may market the fact they use brown rice or even organic brown rice as a benefit, but the fact is, the rice is still a replacement for the real nutrition a pet needs. Feeding brown rice and starchy carbohydrates can affect the pet's overall nutritional balance contributing to obesity, yeast overgrowth, skin problems, diabetes and even cancer.  Feeding pets a hypoallergenic, low carbohydrate diet can be life-changing, resulting in fewer infections, lean muscle mass and improved immune health.   Cats are carnivores and do not need carbohydrates whatsoever while dogs thrive when their diet consists of minimal carbohydrates.  The only exception is when pets have liver or kidney disease and require a reduced protein diet, in which case, carbohydrates are necessary to replace calories.  Overall though, carbohydrates are in pet food to reduce the overall cost so to keep your pet lean and healthy, keep the starchy carbohydrates to a minimum. 

To learn more about the effects of starchy carbohydrates such as  rice on your pet's health, please click on the link: 
Friday, June 29, 2018

Natural Remedies For Itchy Dogs With Skin Problems

"Finnick uses most of Ask Ariel's allergy and yeast products. We’ve been using Ask Ariel products for 10+ years... We love your products! "  Jenny Morena-California

Finnick has suffered with allergies and skin issues for years. Dogs with skin allergies can exhibit a range of symptoms that often indicate an allergic reaction to certain substances. Common allergens for dogs include certain foods, environmental factors like pollen or mold, or contact with irritating substances. Itching and scratching are one of the hallmark symptoms of dog allergies. Dogs may chew or lick their paws, scratch their ears, or rub their face against furniture to relieve the itching.  

We are so happy that Finnick has found relief using the following Ask Ariel products:

AllerEaze  Nature's "Benadryl" and helps to naturally reduce histamine levels.  This product can take the edge off allergic itching.

NotaSAN Capsules-- reduces odor, redness and fights bacterial overgrowth.  This tried and true natural "anti-bacterial" has been the first line of defense for dogs with skin problems and allergies for over 12 years!

Silver  Support- 
Silver Immune Support  is an all-natural, easy to use remedy to help your pet recover from a bacterial infection or viral flareup.  Pets with skin issues and allergies often need both fungal and antibacterial support.

K9 Yeast Defense along with the Power Probiotic kills off the yeast overgrowth while the Power Probiotic replenishes with healthy, friendly bacteria.  If your pet has ear infections, is scooting or licking at the groin, K9 Yeast Defense can bring great relief.

Immune Harmony - Unique plant sterol formula that helps to rebalance the immune system and can be used with prednisone and/or antibiotics. 

Author:  Susan Blake Davis
Date Published:  6/29/2018
Revised:  2/2/2024