Thursday, April 27, 2017

Reading to The Pet Dog Helps Kids Learn

It has been shown that children reading to a dog can improve their reading skills, self esteem and have an overall increase in positive feelings associated with reading.  Many children are very self-conscious about reading aloud.  A dog is non-judgmental and it allows the child to focus on practicing the art of reading.  Reading to the pet dog helps kids learn!

Update:  After publishing our own post on this adorable topic, we since learned that the Laguna Niguel Library offers a Tales for Tails event on the 2nd Monday of every month where children can come and read aloud to trained therapy dogs.  This allows them to build their confidence and reading skills.  To learn more, please contact the Laguna Niguel library 949-249-5252.  The next event is Monday May 8 at 4:00 pm.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Best Kidney Supplements For Cats With Renal Failure

We wanted to share this testimonial from years ago as the same products that are helping cats with renal failure today were helping cats many years back.  These are the best kidney supplements for cats with renal failure.  They have proven themselves over time to work consistently for many cats.  The kidney remedies have the best chance to help when a kitty is just diagnosed but can still relieve symptoms in an older cat that has had the disease for awhile.  If your cat is experiencing symptoms of chronic renal failure (crf) such as vomiting, weight loss, lethargy, inappetance, please bring your cat to the veterinarian immediately for laboratory testing.  Most cats with kidney disease are dehydrated and need fluid therapy.

Tuesday Testimonial 2010: "I ordered herbs for Ranger, my 14 year old cat, on Friday Jan 29th. To my great surprise, they arrived here in Upstate NY on Monday Feb 1st! Ranger, my kitty was near death. She hid to sleep constantly. Usually cats hide to die. She was in really bad shape. I had one cat die of liver disease and two others from renal failure. Ranger is my third cat with renal failure so I know how they act before they die. Anyhow, Ranger was near death on Feb 1st when your supplements arrived. I ordered  Renelix, Kidney Health (and a few other kidney support products.) I gave them to her but assumed she was probably too far gone by this time and I was kicking myself for having waited too long. However, after 3 -4 days, she started eating more, was more alert, sleeping less and feeling so much better. I know she isn't cured...but your supplements are giving her more quality time with me. For that, I am truly grateful. I know she is 14 but I can possibly see that if she stays the same as she is now, maybe she will be around awhile more. THANK YOU!!!!!" Daniel   New York
Aug. 2011 (1 1/2 years later):  "My Kitty Ranger is still alive thanks to the wonderful products you sell.  She is now 15 1/2 years old."
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Find Your Perfect Pet on

If you work full time, why not consider adopting a second pet through There is a dog or cat of every size, breed, age and color just waiting for you to come rescue them. Looking online is great but you can also view homeless animals at shelters and many rescue groups show them at stores such as PetSmart and adoption events.  You can find your perfect pet through or any other rescue organization.  It is a misnomer that rescue pets have something wrong with them.  Rescued animals have no control over their lives and are in this unfortunate situation due to the circumstances of their owners.
Have a question about your pet? Email us at

Monday, April 17, 2017

A Bonded Pair of Kittens Leads To a Healthier Cat

Kittens are high energy, curious and crave constant stimulation. Kittens are active at night and a single kitten may awaken you with jumping, pouncing and other hunting behavior. However, two kittens will occupy each other by finding interesting shadows to chase and games to play until they finally tire and fall asleep, too. Kittens who are able to remain with one of their littermates or a similarly-aged companion tend to be healthier and happier, and in the long run, better socialized pets.  If you are looking to get a kitten or cat in the future, adopting a pair will be a healthier and happier life for both you and your pets.

Thank you to @myfosterkittens for letting sharing these great photos with us!

Have a question about your cat?   Email us at
Sunday, April 16, 2017

How To Find Pet Nutrition Advice on Instagram

Instagram websiteEaster 2

Join us now on Instagram! Be sure to follow @Ask.Ariel for cute pet pictures, videos and pet health tips.

A Natural, Holistic Boutique For A
Happy & Healthy Pet! 

Have a question about your pet? Ask Ariel's supplements have been used in veterinary hospitals since 2005.  Send an email to and our pet nutrition experts will be happy to assist you.  Please know we cannot provide veterinary advice but will be happy to include links to articles about how to treat a variety of pet conditions using natural supplements along with diet changes.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Special Needs Dog With MegaEsophagus Is a Happy Dog!

Meet Wrangler!  He is feeling so happy all dressed up for Easter. Wrangler is a special needs dog rescued by the wonderful Leashes of Love Rescue, Inc. who saved him even though he has a life threatening condition. His awesome Mommy Gina Gina Gould gives him 24 hour care so that he can live a happy life with lots of love! Wrangler has a feeding tube in his tummy because if he aspirates the food he could suffocate. But in spite of all this, he lives a wonderful life playing and hanging out with his family and doggie friends. Just wanting to say thanks to ALL the wonderful rescuers who dedicate their time, money, love and energy helping pets like Wrangler and saving the lives of so many animals that would otherwise perish!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Pet Fooled--Investigative Documentary About What's Really In Pet Food

Do you really know what's in your pet's food? Are the ingredients in there because they are good for your pet or because the pet food industry has "sold" you on what your pet should eat?  Buyer Beware: Good advertising does not equal good ingredients.  In fact some of the best pet foods may be from brands you might not be familiar with because these smaller companies invest in quality ingredients and not in large scale promotions.  Marketing in the pet food industry can be especially deceptive and is made to appeal to you the consumer---making it easy, affordable and convenient for you to keep buying the food--regardless of whether or not it is actually good for your pet.  You might unknowingly be giving your pet treats and food that contains harmful ingredients even though the label might say "all-natural" "precisely balanced" or "nourishing"

Pet Fooled is a new investigative documentary about the the pet food industry. The inspiration for the investigative documentary, Pet Fooled (co-produced by Kohl Harrington and Michael Fossat) came from a passing comment made by Fossat’s groomer suggesting his dog’s itchy skin could be diet-related. The comment lead them on a six year journey of research and production that lead to an eye opening 71 minute film.  The film features everything from heartbreaking stories of pet owners who lost their pets from tainted jerky treats, examples of misleading information from pet food companies and pet industry lobbyist groups, and valuable information from holistic veterinarians. To view the movie, Pet Fooled is now available on most digital platforms (e.g., itunes, netflix, Hulu, Vimeo, Xbox, Amazon, etc.)