Saturday, November 1, 2014

Holiday Safety Tips for Pets

                                                                halloween kitty

1) Candy, gum and diet candies can be toxic to pets, especially  if they contain Xylitol.   Doublecheck before you leave your home and at bedtime to make sure that the candy and gum have been put away in a secure cabinet.

2) Watch out for  burning candles and cords.  Pets can easily knock them over, starting a fire.  Electrical cords and lighting can be chewed on.   Also if you are cooking with a gas stove, it's easy to accidentally leave the stove on.

3) Doorbells and guests can be scary to pets.    Even a very calm dog might snap if a guest in dark clothing comes through the door.  If your pet is skittish, please keep them on a leash for their protection and your guests.

4)  We all get busy when guests are coming over, but even if it is earlier than usual, try to ensure your pets are fed before guests arrive.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Nina Pham "Ebola Free" Anxious for Reunion with her Dog

Credit Facebook

Nina Pham, the Texas nurse who suffered with Ebola and is now "Ebola Free", was released on Friday from National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland.  In her press conference, Pham said she felt "fortunate and blessed"  and thanked her care team.  She also stressed her desire to return to a normal life, and be reunited with her family  which included her "dog family". It has been widely reported how close Nina is to her dog Bentley, a King Cavalier Charles spaniel . They have been separated since October 10th when they both were put into isolation. 

However, the reunion will have to wait until November 1st.  A Dallas County Judge, has ruled that Bentley must remain in quarantine until the end of the recommended period, to make certain that the dog is virus-free.  Dallas Animal Services has been caring for Bentley and has been giving daily feedback to the Pham's family. Bentley tested negative for Ebola last week and will have one more test before his 21-day quarantine ends on the first of November. Pham is now immune, but veterinarians are concerned, if she visits Bentley, it could effect his demeanor and make it harder for them to tell if he is demonstrating symptoms. Bentley has suffered from separation anxiety and they do not want to make it any more difficult for him. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

"My Dog Shakes His Head All Of The Time"

"My dog shakes his head all of the time"... Does this sound familiar?
Some head shaking is normal, but if it is excessive, it usually indicates that your pet's ears are bothering them and this is their way to relieve the symptoms.  The key is to find out what is causing them discomfort or pain. 

Possible Causes:

Otitis Externa, an inflammation of the external ear canal. Once inflamed, an ear infection can follow. Ears are a prime location for bacteria and yeast infections, It is warm, dark and moist, just the kind of place infections like to grow.  Even a mild yeast infection could cause your dog to shake his head frequently. Symptoms could also include redness, swelling an unpleasant odor (indicating yeast)  A common cause for ear infections are  underlying allergies.  Here is an interesting article on ear infections and  yeast.  We have had wonderful results using K-9 Yeast Defense . Diet can also play a big part so be aware that  food allergies in pets can be a trigger.

Ear Vasculitis-an inflammation of the vessels in the pinna or ear flap. More common in breeds like Dachshunds and Jack Russell Terriers. The ear flap will  begin to have a thickening of the outside margins of the ears, which eventually become ulcerated and then crust over. Treatment of the inflammation and any open ulcers are advised.  In addition, adding fish oil, such as  Amazing Omegas could help with Ear Vasculitis.

Ear Mites- a close examination of the outer ear and the visible part of the inner ear will reveal a fine dark substance that looks like coffee grounds, which indicate that mites have taken up residence.  If you suspect ear mites see your vet for a microscopic evaluations and treatment.

Ear Hematomas  If your pet shakes his head too much from the ear infection, it can cause other problems, such as an ear hematoma which is when a pocket of blood forms on the ear flap. Treatment usually consists of the blood being released from the hematoma, a treatment your veterinarian must do.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Mobility Aids For Injured and Aging Pets

Our pets are an important member of our family, and we would do anything to help them. As they age, or perhaps in the event they suffer an injury, special medical attention may be required.  Hip dysplasia, ligament injury, and arthritis are a few of conditions that could affect your dog's mobility. These condition can come on suddenly or be a slow progression.  Your once active energetic dog may now be resigned to a day of just laying about, possibly in pain. Fortunately, there are options to help your pet regain mobility and a happy, active life once again.  They include joint support supplements and mobility aids.

Mobility Aids that can help:

  • Harnesses and slings-mobility devices that are for dogs that have trouble standing or that get tired easily, but have not lost all their mobility. There are different types of harnesses and slings depending upon your dog's ability to get up and down.  If your dog is still pretty mobile, but just needs a little help getting up than a sling can work out well.  It's very easy to get it 2
  • Ramps- for dog's that have trouble climbing stairs, simply setting up a ramp will allow your dog to easily walk up.
  • Boots and Splints- If your pet has partially mobility, but is unsure of their footing or needs added joint support (perhaps from being injured) using a splint or boot could help significantly.
  • Dog Wheelchairs- For those dogs that have lost much of their mobility, a dog wheelchair--or a dog cart, as they are sometimes called.  For dogs with degenerative disc disorder, the devices can help take the weight off the dogs' damaged parts.  Dog wheelchairs allow pets to run, play, and even swim again getting the exercise they need. to live happy, healthy lives. 

Maintaining or regaining your dog's mobility is important to both you and your dog.  Just as a cane or wheelchair can help humans overcome their challenges, using the supplements and mobility aids can help your pet have the active lifestyle that they crave  and to live a happy, healthy life. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

How to Keep Your Dogs Healthy and Happy

Molly (12 yrs), Ben (10 yrs), Kayla (3 yrs)

Many thanks to our friend and animal rescue volunteer, Susan Oney for sending in a picture of her "Three Amigos".  Look how adorable these three posed for their July 4th Photo opportunity!
Here is what Susan had to say:
"Right now all of our pets are doing really well.  They're happy and full of energy with shiny coats which I totally attribute to your nutrition guidance - good foods and supplements.  I'm attaching a picture we took on the Fourth of July.  We call them "The Three Amigos" because they all get along so beautifully.  It was one of those rare moments when they were all being very obedient and cooperating with the camera!
My dogs use several of your products:  Kayla (Belgium shepherd-3 yrs old) has a sensitive stomach so I give her K9 Digestive Enzymes and Power Probiotics.  Ben (Golden retriever-10 yrs old) has a bad hip from an accident when he was a puppy so he takes Amazing ArthoSoothe, Curcumin Complex and Vitality Now.  Molly (Schnauzer-12 yrs old) has skin issues so she gets Power Probiotic and K9 Yeast Defense.   Obviously, as you can see, we are very satisfied Ask Ariel customers!"  
Friday, October 3, 2014

Pet Suite Options Are Now an Added Feature in New Homes

Standard Pacific, a California-based home builder, has begun to sell homes that include an option of adding a pet suite that is especially designed for your family pet. These suites are being offered in 27 of its 190 developments nationwide.  Jeffrey Lake, Vice President and National Director of architecture says "Devotion to pets is second-to-none...they are family" 

Their research backed them up.  It found that people are more sensitive to the needs of their four legged family members and consider them when buying a home.  Important factors for some families include whether the home is located near walking trails, has cat-friendly interior design, apartment complexes with dog-washing facilities, or space for a dog run. Considering that nearly 70% of households have pets,and pet spending in America is predicted to top $60 billion in 2014, the home-builder is "banking" on pet-friendly residential design gaining in popularity 

The selected Standard Pacific homes have an optional 170-square-foot "pet suite." These suites include everything from a tiled washing station with leash tie-downs, a hand-held sprayer, and a pet dryer. It also includes a water station; automated feeders; a large bunk-style bed; cabinets (for toys, treats and food); a stackable washer and dryer; a French door that opens to a puppy run; and a flat-screen TV. There is also no need to worry about resale value, it is designed to be easily converted to a functioning room.  

Danielle Tocco, a spokeswoman for Standard Pacific, recently told the Los Angeles Times, that the "prices are beginning at $1,500, but are typically around $8,000 or more" The Avignon community, in California, features the largest plan and can add up to $35,000 to the home price.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Soft-Coated Wheaton Terrier Diagnosed with PLN

Q:  My Wheaton Terrier was diagnosed with PLN Protein-Losing Nephropathy.  Is there anything I can do from a natural standpoint to try to help him?

A:  So sorry your dog was diagnosed with Protein-Losing Nephropathy.   (PLN) is a disease where the filtering mechanism of the kidneys is defective and the dog loses protein through the urine.  It can be a life long condition that will need special care. Certain breeds have a genetic predisposition to PLN and other protein losing diseases such as Protein-losing Enteropathy (PLE). Most common breeds effected are Soft-Coated Wheaton Terriers, Bernese Mountain Dog, Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers.  Usually the  first sign of PLN is an increase in urination and drinking.  Other symptoms could include: listlessness/depression, decreased appetite, vomiting, weight loss, changes in skin and coat, poor growth in young dogs, and edema (swelling) 

Treating Protein-Losing Nephropathy consists of managing symptoms and slowing the progression of the disease. Since conventional veterinary treatments are limited, using a holistic approach with natural supplements can greatly help.  Kidney Health Protein Support helps pets to break down the protein, better absorb and utilize the protein.  This is key with this condition.  Renelix is a powerful kidney detox that helps to flush out toxins and improve kidney function.  Purrfect Pet CoQ10 is an essential antioxidant that is very important for kidney function. While many pets will eat a prescription kidney diet, we have found that using a natural diet, free of glutenous grains with limited, but highly bioavailable protein is best.  Avoid dry food as it is hard to digest and dogs with kidney disease need a high moisture diet.