Monday, October 12, 2020

Kidney Health Supplement Helps Dogs And Cats With Diabetes

The kidneys are a filtering system that help regulate blood pressure, maintain salt and mineral balance and remove toxins. Diabetic pets accumulate excess sugar in the blood, which is filtered by the kidneys into urine. Pets with diabetes can also develop kidney disease. Ask Ariel's Kidney Health Protein Support assists kidney function and improves protein metabolism. Protein is essential for regulating blood sugar. This easy to use, natural supplement is an excellent choice for diabetic cats and dogs. Please click here to learn more.

New Kidney Health 2

Kidney Health Is An Easy-To-Use Vet-Approved Supplement

  • Assists the kidneys to eliminate metabolic waste
  • Breaks down protein reducing the workload on the kidneys and liver
  • Supports the urinary system for healthy kidney function
  • All natural treatment; combines easily with kidney medications
  • Essential for diabetic pets as the kidneys are adversely affected
  • Backed by scientific research

Friday, September 11, 2020

Husky With Cluster Seizures Turns 12


Hooray! Legend is 12 years old! (We don’t know his exact birthday because he is a rescue but this was our best estimate.). Thanks so much for your love and encouragement when our sweet boy was so sick. When Legend was 9 he was experiencing horrific cluster seizures and spiraling downward, but he recovered. Seizures are especially common in certain breeds such as Border Collies, Golden Retrievers and Huskies.  Big hugs and thanks to Dr. David Gordon, holistic veterinarian Arch Beach Veterinary Clinic  and Dr. Michelle Murray, veterinary neurologist NEST Veterinary Neurology, for their unending concern and guidance in Legend’s care. Legend is living proof that holistic treatments really work! Even though he has hip dysplasia, epilepsy and endless allergies, he still has a wonderful quality of life and there is never a squirrel he isn’t ready to chase. Legend hasn't had a seizure in over 2 1/2 years. We are so grateful that our beloved Legend is still with us and do everything we can to cherish every day with him. For information on neurological issues and seizures or to read more of Legend's story click here
Friday, September 4, 2020

Chorkie Gets Relief From Allergies And Digestive Problems

"Just a bit of history, we got our Chorkie when she was about 9 weeks old. We truly believe she was the runt or just didn't get enough milk from her mother. She was not in good shape. She is 2 years old now. Since we got her until now she's had different health issues but the allergies have been the worst. We've spent thousands on vet visits, medications, natural treatments, etc. to no avail. Well, not until I found Ask Ariel while doing a Google search. I ordered some of the recommended supplements for allergies and gut issues. I have to say I was skeptical at first, but I am happy to report our Chorkie, Chocolate Chips, has improved significantly! I am so thankful that I found Ask Ariel."

Liza, Texas

Chocolate Chips supplements included: K9 Digestive Enzymes, ProAller, NotaSAN Drops, K9 Yeast Defense and Power Probiotic.
Monday, August 31, 2020

Endorphins And How Exercise Can Benefit Your Dog

We have all heard the phrase “runner’s high” in athletes and the same holds true for pets. A good exercise session (and the release of endorphins) not only improves muscle strength and circulation, but also supports brain health. Exercise, especially in active and working dog breeds, can help with some behavioral problems too: Compulsive Behavior (e.g tail chasing and chewing), Puppy and Hyperactivity  as well as Destructive Behavior (e.g. digging) can be reduced or eliminated when a pet is exercised. Keeping your kitty busy with lots of toys (such as a laser or feather toy) during the day can help everyone sleep better at night. Exercise also helps pets with anxiety as endorphins from exercise can help to calm an anxious pet. For example, walking your nervous pup can help Lick Granulomas, skin lesions caused by obsessive licking, which are often started from anxiety. Try to plan out a little block of time every day to spend with your cat or dog (young or old) exercising as a tired pet is a happy ❤️ pet. For more information about pet health and nutrition visit
Sunday, August 16, 2020

Resveratrol For Intervertebral Disc Disease in Dogs

Revised:  3/10/2024

Dogs can suffer from back pain just like we do.  Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) in dogs is when the cushioning “shock absorber” discs between the vertebrae in a dog's spinal column rupture or degenerate. IVDD has a higher incidence in  breeds like Dachshunds, Cocker Spaniels and French Bulldogs.  IVDD can cause back pain, loss of limb function and in severe cases, paralysis.  IVDD can occur suddenly due to injury or trauma or it can progress more gradully, particularly in older dogs.

Along with conventional treatments such as medications, restricted activity and physical therapy, natural supplements can help dogs with IVDD.  In particular,  scientific studies have shown the benefits of resveratrol for cartilage and discs.   Resveratrol was shown to have protective benefits in the degeneration of cartilage in the knees (1).  Then scientists tested resveratrol on IVDD to see what benefits it could provide.  Their research study found that resveratrol helped slow the progression of IVD degeneration (2) and had potential for the repair and regeneration of  discs as well. 

Where can you find resveratrol for dogs and what should you look for when choosing a brand?  Ask Ariel’s Resveratrol For Dogs is made with Trans-Resveratrol from Japanese Knotweed, an antioxidant that combined with quercetin has a synergistic anti-inflammatory effect. Inflammation affects joint and spinal conditions, including IVDD. By reducing inflammation, this supplement can help alleviate pain and discomfort associated with IVDD.

What should you look for when choosing a brand of resveratrol for dogs? Look first for the source of resveratrol to ensure it is from Japanese knotweed rather than red wine.  Be sure the brand shows third-party testing.  GMP (good manufacturing practices) certification ensures that the resveratrol supplement meets quality standards and is free of contaminants. Check the additional ingredients and be sure the product is free of unnecessary fillers.  Finally check the dosage as some products may offer very little dosage for the price.   

(1) Elmali N, Baysal O, Harma A, et al. Effects of resveratrol in inflammatory arthritis. Inflammation. 2007;30:1–6. [PubMed]

(2) The Action of Resveratrol, a Phytoestrogen Found in Grapes, on the Intervertebral Disc. Spine. November 15, 2008 - Volume 33 - Issue 24 - p 2586-2595. Li, Xin, MD, PhD; Phillips, Frank M., MD; An, Howard S., MD; et al.

Author:  Susan Blake Davis, Pet Health Nutritionist
Originally Published 8/16/2020
Revised and Updated: 3/10/2024

Monday, August 3, 2020

Cat Stomatitis Holistic Treatments Success Story

Many of you might recall the adorably photogenic kitty Pumpkin who suffers from stomatitis, an autoimmune condition. Pumpkin has been using Ask Ariel products for 2 years. His mom, Cassandra, takes amazing care of him and recently sent us this update. Cat stomatitis holistic treatments really works!

"Thank you so much for everything. The love of my life, Pumpkin, would NOT be here today if it wasn't for you (and he is literally everything to me). He is now 9 1/2 years old, and still going strong. He STILL has not had to go to the vet once (aside from routine dental etc) and has had NO flare ups." Pumpkin uses the Immune Support KitImmune Harmony and  Power Probiotic.

new immune support kit
Immune Support Kit

Contains three tasteless, natural remedies. NotaSANQuentaSAN and Silver Immune. These three remedies deliver fast relief for your pet's autoimmune symptoms and chronic viral infections and are easy to administer.  They help modulate and support your pet's natural immune response rather than overstimulating it the way many supplements can. These three liquid drops can be mixed into a little bit of soupy food making it easier to administer.
Friday, July 31, 2020

Help Your Pet Lose Weight With The Right Foods

We live in a world where more and more pets are suffering from obesity. Overweight pets can have serious health consequences. It can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and joint problems to name a few. There are many weight management pet foods on the market to help your pet lose weight, but they contain fillers that provide no nutritional benefit to your pet and could potentially cause health issues. Some of the most common fillers in reduced calorie brands are rice hulls, soybean hulls, beet pulp and peanut hulls. If your pet has a sensitive digestive tract these ingredients can be very problematic. Moreover they are often low in protein and high in carbohydrates making pets hungrier. Finally they frequently contain grains which are pro-inflammatory and can make your pet itchy. Before feeding reduced calorie cat or dog food, review the ingredients. 

Here is just one example of some of the first few ingredients in a brand-name reduced calorie dog food:

dog food overflowing

Ground Whole Grain Corn, Chicken By-Product Meal (Source of Chondroitin Sulfate and Glucosamine), Ground Whole Grain Sorghum, Ground Whole Grain Barley, Chicken, Dried Beet Pulp.....

Instead, you can help your pet lose weight by feeding your pet a high quality, high-protein food mixed with nutrient rich sources of natural fiber such as green vegetables and pumpkin. Feeding several times a day will also help to regulate your pet's blood sugar.  Many pets love these low-calorie options. Before choosing a "diet" food, ask these questions: Is the ingredient safe for my pet and is it nutritious for my pet?

For more tips on how to help your pet lose weight, please click here