Saturday, December 31, 2022

Wishing You A Happy & Healthy New Year!


"In January 2023, it will be 18 years since introduced our premium pet care supplements. It has been an honor to help you with your pets. We have learned so much by working with you. Your feedback has improved the quality of our products and the services we offer. We send our sincerest thanks to the veterinarians (especially Dr. David Gordon at ), pet owners, rescuers and pet lovers everywhere who made this possible. We couldn’t have done it without you."

At we have been offering pet nutrition tips and natural supplements for dogs and cats since 2005. Based in Orange County, CA, pet owners trust our holistic pet supplements because they are human-grade, made with quality ingredients and tested for safety and purity. You can feel confident using them along with conventional veterinary treatments recommended by your veterinarian. Ask Ariel’s pet supplement protocols are based on Pet Nutritionist Susan Blake Davis' 10+ years of experience on staff at VCA Hospitals, working in conjunction with holistic veterinarian Dr. David Gordon and other veterinary specialists. To help your pet get the best results, we include FREE DIET TIPS with your order.