You may be wondering "What vegetables can I give my dog?" We wanted to provide just a sampling of the vegetables that many dogs will eat readily. Adding vegetables to your pet’s meals doesn’t have to cost a lot or take a great deal of time. Choose whatever works for you. Here are just a few examples of what goes into Legend’s meals. Buying frozen vegetables takes a lot of the work out of it. Just defrost a handful or run under warm water. Depending upon the size of your pet, you can quickly chop up. Cats sometimes like a few pieces of asparagus or carrots. Try just a spoonful thoroughly mixed into the meal and work up to more if your pet is finicky. Vegetables add important prebiotic fibers which build a healthy immune system. They contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Vegetables help ward off disease and support a healthy liver. There is just no substitute for the wholesome goodness of vegetables. We all need to eat more!
Please visit our pet health library for more pet nutrition tips!