Monday, August 31, 2015

Adenocarcinoma Most Common Form of Lung Cancer in Dogs and Cats

Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of lung cancer in dogs and cats (accounting for 75% of cases). It can be a fast growing malignant type of cancer, which can quickly spread to other parts of the body (including lymph nodes and the brain). It is usually found in older dogs and cats (average age about 10) and some breeds may be more predisposed than others (boxers have a higher risk rate).  The cause is unknown at this time, but one thought is long term exposure to toxins (second hand smoke, toxic cleaning agents, etc.) could raise the risk.

Following are some of the symptoms of pets suffering with adenocarcinoma of the lung:
·         Pain
·         Dyspnea (difficult breathing)
·         Tachypnea (rapid breathing)
·         Low energy level and lethargy
·         Poor appetite
·         Gradual weight loss
·         Hemoptysis (coughing up blood)
·         Lameness, in cases with metastasis to bones
·         Muscle wasting
·         Fever in some patients
·         Ascites (an accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity of the abdomen)
A chest x-ray, in combination with a complete physical examination, will be one of the most important test your veterinarian will perform, to determine the diagnosis.  A CT scan and MRI may also be ordered to see if the tumor has metastasized to other areas.

Most often you will be referred to a veterinary oncologist to help you determine the best course of action. The three conventional treatments, surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, which may be used individually or in combination, depending on your pet’s overall health, location, size, and how quickly it is growing.

Living and Management
The prognosis can be very poor (If metastasized usually less than one year), but treatment and complimentary supportive measures can improve your pet’s quality of life significantly. Resveratrol for Dogs, Peppy Pet, Purrfect Pet CoQ10 and Amazing Omegas fight cancer and also provide critical nutrition for the heart and lungs. Onco-X is a powerful cancer multivitamin that can be used with or with chemotherapy to give dogs with cancer a combination of nutrients to help your pet's immune system fight the cancer.