Wednesday, November 16, 2022

What Helped Teddy's Cough?

With thanks to Katie in Florida for sending in 17-year-old Teddy’s success story:

"Teddy has had a chronic cough since May 2020. Over the course of 2 years, he has been on 3 different medications, had an EKG, x-rays, and many vet visits. The meds would work for a while but the side effects were awful for Teddy. I kept researching and finally came across a thread online where someone mentioned Ask Ariel. I learned a lot from the website and ordered some supplements. Since then Teddy is off all medication and is doing so much better! It took some time and he will have a bad day once in a while, but overall I’d say his cough is 85% better, which has improved his quality of life tremendously, and mine since the coughing was the worst during the night. Teddy takes Ask Ariel Power Probiotic, Ultra-Flex Collagen, and LypoZyme. He also takes Kidney Health to support his kidneys which were affected by the medications. I am so grateful I kept at it and finally found Ask Ariel. I had started to research end of life options because I didn’t know what else to do and didn’t want him to be suffering. I am so grateful for Ask Ariel’s educational approach and supplements.”
Monday, November 14, 2022

Why You Should Adopt A Senior Pet?

It’s so sad that wonderful adult pets are often overlooked in shelters. But you can change that. The truth is that love is ageless and adult pets are hidden gems! They already have life experience and maturity, making their transition to a home much easier. Adult pets are usually calmer, less destructive and low maintenance. With an adult pet, what you see is what you get! Their personality and size are already established, so there are no surprises. The best part is that adult pets seem to realize that they have been given a second chance and are loyal and grateful. Save a life and find a perfect pet by visiting

Monday, November 7, 2022

Today Is Canine Lymphoma Day

Today is National Canine Lymphoma Day a day to spread awareness about canine lymphoma

Lymphoma is one of the most common and most researched forms of cancer in dogs. Dogs have several lymph nodes throughout the body. One of the first signs of lymphoma is a swollen lymph node. The best time to treat lymphoma is early on when the dog is feeling well and perhaps the only sign is a swollen lymph node.
Chemotherapy can significantly extend the life expectancy of the dog, often by more than a year. The goal of the chemotherapy is to kill off as many cancer cells as possible putting the lymphoma “in remission”. Most dogs tolerate chemotherapy pretty well, and drug technology advancements are enabling pet owners to administer some medications at home. Chemotherapy attacks the cancer throughout the dog's body but a few cancer cells remain.
Holistic therapies such as cancer vaccines, natural supplements and a low carbohydrate diet can help the dog’s immune system recognize and attack the hiding cancer cells. This may help the dog stay in remission longer and experience a stronger immune response when out of remission. If you notice that your dog has a swollen lymph node, it is important to contact your veterinarian right away. Using holistic remedies (diet changes and immune support supplements) combined with conventional veterinary therapies can give your dog the best chance to fight canine lymphoma. To learn more, please visit our website page about holistic treatments for canine lymphoma.
Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Help For Your Senior Cat With Kidney Disease

Do you have an older kitty? Did you know that kidney disease is a common condition that affects many senior cats? Most cats over 15 years of age will have some renal insufficiency. Signs can be subtle such as being more finicky with their food, especially in the morning. Cats may vomit more or start to lose weight. A routine senior blood panel and physical exam is the best way to know. If your cat does have kidney disease, finding out early can improve their prognosis. Ask Ariel's Kidney Health is an all-natural, proteolytic enzyme supplement that breaks down protein and assists the kidneys to eliminate metabolic waste. This tasteless, easy-to-use powder reduces the workload on the kidneys and can be mixed into food. It can be used with any senior cat to help maintain healthy kidney function.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Legend Visits One Of California’s Crown Jewels

Mt. Whitney is the tallest mountain in CA and it’s surrounding areas have been featured in many of our greatest Western films. Our #cancerwarrior Legend, at 14 years old, led the way up the trail as the cool mountain air invigorated him. When he took his first steps, Legend stumbled on a few small boulders. But he kept going— slow and steady as we hiked on this magnificent wilderness trail. We had to turn him around about 40 minutes into the hike due to his age and health concerns, but he was still going strong. Over 7 weeks ago, we found out Legend had inoperable liver cancer (see his bare tummy). As the saying goes: The journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Does Your Dog Vomit Frequently?

Revised and Updated 3/29/2024

Is your dog vomiting bile in the morning? First, check with your vet to see if your dog has elevated liver enzymes or acid stomach. What is bile? Bile is a yellowish, foamy substance that is produced by the liver, stored in the gallbladder and released into the intestines to help digest fats and protein. Bile build up in the stomach can be very irritating and painful for your dog.

Last year we adopted an abused husky named Roo. He was only 1 1/2 years old but was an incredibly picky eater. We noticed that he wasn't nearly as picky in the evening as he was in the morning when his acid stomach was hurting the most. We would to try to entice Roo with baked chicken, salmon and steak in the morning and still, he would only take a few bites.

One morning, I heard the most awful sound of what appeared to be loud coughing like someone was choking. We ran in to see what it was and there was Roo gagging and vomiting up bile. He was coughing quite loudly but when he vomited, it was just a yellowish saliva-filled fluid. I knew that he was very uncomfortable and ran to get the only food he would eat in the morning -- goat milk. I poured a small amount of raw goat milk (I use Primal brand because that one seems to work the best for him) and he immediately calmed down. I then hand fed him some frozen food (raw patties) mixed with goat milk along with probiotics and digestive enzymes.

author susan davis and rescued husky roo
Susan Davis And Her Rescued Husky Roo

We realized that the night before, we fed Roo his last meal around 8 pm instead of 11 pm which meant that his stomach was empty for longer. One important way you can help a dog that is vomiting bile in the morning is to feed them lots of frequent meals. Keeping the time inbetween meals to a minimum helps reduce the burning and discomfort associated with acid reflux.

Why do dogs vomit more frequently in the morning? Overnight, acid builds up in the stomach causing the dog to vomit bile. During periods of fasting such as overnight, the absence of food in the stomach means there's nothing to absorb or buffer the stomach acid produced, allowing it to accumulate. Additionally, factors such as stress, anxiety, medications, or underlying medical conditions like gastritis can contribute to an overproduction of gastric acid. In Roo's case, he is such a nervous and anxious dog, it just causes even more build up of stomach acid.

If your dog is vomiting frequently, the first step is to get a diagnoses from your veterinarian. There are a lot of causes of dog vomiting and treatment will depend upon the diagnoses. Usually changing your dog's diet and feeding schedule can help a lot. Be sure to feed your dog a snack before bed and first thing in the morning. Try to feed a few small snacks throughout the day. What you feed your dog can also make a big difference, but this will depend upon the cause of your dog's vomiting. For example, if your dog is vomiting due to food allergies, you would feed a different diet than if your dog is vomiting due to a liver problem.

In our case, Roo showed he had intestinal dysbiosis, an imbalance in his gut microbiome. He had stress-related diarrhea so we added fiber, digestive enzymes and probiotics to his regimen. We always make sure to feed him before bed and have not had another incidence of choking or vomiting bile. We have seen the benefits of holistic treatments for dog acid reflux and as Roo has settled into our home, his stomach issues have greatly improved.

Author: Susan Blake Davis, Pet Nutritionist

Date: 3/29/2024

Originally Published: 10/24/22


Friday, October 21, 2022

Squamous Cell Carcinoma In Cats

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a cancer that can affect the skin and mouth of cats. SCC is very common as oral tumors in cats, but can also be found on the ear tips and nose. SCC in cats may look like a scab or a red, thickened area of skin so if you see something like that, be sure to point it out to your vet. The signs of oral SCC are foul mouth odors, difficulty eating and ulcerated lesions in the mouth. Oral tumors can spread to the jaw bones. Immune Harmony, Happy Paws Drops and the Immune Support Kit are products to consider if your cat has been diagnosed with SCC. These supplements can help support a healthy immune system.