Monday, June 1, 2020

Senior Kitty Saved with Natural Supplements

" looks like your probiotics, are working! My Buddy was, at deaths doorstep. He was miserable. His left eye was swollen shut, because his absessed k9 tooth. The  pus pocket from his tooth burst into his eye. I was so sad for Buddy. I didn't know if i should put him to sleep, and get some "Much Needed Rest", before going over Rainbow Bridge...or to fight for him. I decided to pray, a lot...and fight, using your Power Probiotic. I noticed right away that he was starting to feel better, right after his first dose, but now, his eye has opened back up again, and the pus is subsiding. I'm so happy with the results of NotaSAN, Power Probiotics, Silver Immune support, and Immune Harmony for pets and of course Buddy's Will To Survive... He is ever a Tough Cat! I'd recommend these even to the toughest critics out there. Skipping the doses is not an option, and is easy to administer! I just simply, pull open the capsules and sprinkle on Buddy's canned cat food, or make a soup, with the same food! Thanks to your recommendation! And Thank You for caring, Laura, Megan, and Ask Arial. You make me so happy!  Buddy I believe, is going to not only make it, but Thrive, and Frolic, like a Friskie Cat Should!! Age 15+. Wow!!!"

R. Birnel-  Washington

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Telly's Acid Reflux Improves with Digestive Enzymes


"Telly was diagnosed with reflux after many horrible months of not knowing what was happening with her. I heard about Ask Ariel products on a reflux page on Facebook. We are so thankful we did. We use Soothing Digestive Relief and their K9 Digestive Enzymes and they have made such a difference for her!! I have added a few other of their products to her regimen and see a huge difference!"

Jill, Maryland 2020

Friday, May 8, 2020

Mother's Day Pet Toy Contest Winners

Mother's Day Toy Contest
Grand Prize Winners
Mother's Day2020 Grand Prize Winners

Thank you so much to all the participants in the 4th Annual Ask Ariel Mother's Day Toy Contest!   We had two Grand Prize Winners. With the most votes we had Pepe (Chasity) and Telly (Jill). However, everyone was a winner...those not winning one of our Grand Prize packages won a Springtime toy and Free Shipping coupon. We loved seeing all of your photos and learning about your wonderful pets. A big THANK YOU to all for voting, sharing and participating!
Friday, April 24, 2020

When Was Your Pet’s Last Blood Test?

Sadly a pet's life cycle is more rapid than a human’s and if it has been more than a year for your dog, that's the equivalent of 7 years! Would you wait 7 years before having your lab tests done? Pet health issues can sneak up suddenly even if no outward symptoms are present. Senior pets should be tested every 6 months and younger pets annually. Lab tests can detect health issues early giving you an opportunity to try to help your pet sooner. Many vets are offering drop-off pet exams with your health and safety in mind. Please take a moment to look through your pet’s records. Lab tests are important and early detection saves lives.
Saturday, April 4, 2020

Dog Dementia Brain Supplement Helped Willie!

"I received your Dog Brain Booster for my 16 yo terrier mix, Willie, several weeks ago and the results have been amazing. Recently, Willie was exhibiting what I referred to as doggie dementia.  He was anxious, would wander around the house like he was lost, was urinating in the house and at night would be pacing until we went to bed.  He has been taking your Brain Booster for approximately 3 weeks and is like a new dog.  He's more alert, has less wandering and anxiety and few or no accidents in the house.  He was a rescue 8 years ago and has always been very shy and afraid but he seems calmer and a little more loving.

Thank you for your product!"  


Willie was 8 years old and had been surrendered to the shelter twice before he found is forever home with Jackie.   He had severe allergies and had suffered a traumatic injury to his hind leg leading to him having trouble walking.  With her love and commitment to giving him a better life, they have managed to get his allergies under control and give him daily walks which helped his legs. His "doggie dementia" is no different. We are happy the
Dog Brain Booster  is helping Willie!

Friday, April 3, 2020

3 Steps To Help Cats And Dogs With Elevated Liver Enzymes

Wondering what you can do if your cat or dog has elevated liver enzymes?  The liver is the main filtering system for your pet’s body. It is involved in the metabolism of nutrients, bile production, blood sugar regulation and filtering toxins. If your pet is diagnosed with elevated liver enzymes, there is a lot you can do to help improve your cat or dog's liver function.

1) Use natural supplements such as Special SAMe and the Liver Support Kit.

2) Change your pet's food to a low fat natural diet with added vegetables.

3) Work with your vet to monitor your pet’s blood test results.

Please click here to learn more.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

When To Call Your Vet

With so much going on with Coronavirus, the last thing anyone wants is for their pet to get sick. But they do. Pets that seem fine the night before can suddenly start vomiting or limping, develop a rash or a hot spot. Before you try to remedy it yourself, stop and call your vet. They can tell you if your pet needs to be seen right away and most will offer suggestions on what you might try at home first (especially if your vet has seen your pet in the recent past). There is no cost to make the call and you can choose to go or not. If you don’t call, you run the risk of your pet getting worse and an unexpected emergency visit.

For more pet health tips, please visit our online pet health center which has a comprehensive library of holistic care treatments for cats and dogs.