Thursday, March 19, 2020

Buy With Confidence-Your Order Is Secure

When purchasing from an online business, consumers need to know their data is safe and secure. Our website allows you to buy our pet supplements online in a safe and secure way. All orders and credit card details are encrypted when the order is placed. We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology which is the standard for securing communications and transactions across the Internet. This means you can be assured that communications between your browser and our website web servers are private and secure. 

Look for our SSL icon

Also, your email address is never sold or given to third parties. It is mainly used to provide you with confirmation of your order and enables us to contact you with order questions. We may occasionally send you offers or informational articles via email – but you always have the opportunity to unsubscribe from any further emails.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Dog And Cat Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) Supplements

Signs of chronic renal failure (CRF) may be subtle at first, such as loss of appetite, especially in the morning and increased thirst. While some cats and dogs may be born with a genetic kidney issue, most pets develop kidney disease in their senior years. It can be hard to detect in the early stages and often kidney disease is not diagnosed until 2/3 of the kidneys are dysfunctional.  Dog and cat CRF supplements can  help the kidneys work better and help your pet feel more comfortable. Ask Ariel's Kidney Health Protein Support is a tasteless powder that provides renal support for dogs and cats, helping them break down and metabolize protein, reducing CRF symptoms. Please click here to learn more.
Monday, January 20, 2020

Silver Immune Supplement Helps Senior Cat's Sinus Infection


"I have a pride of 6 kitties, worked at a VCA myself for a good 20 years and was a "foster failure". I had Herpes run through the house when they were babies and I'm over here with 6 cats all about 15 years old with multiple outbreaks when I no longer work in the vet field. I was a little apprehensive about my first order for Baby who has been battling sinuses for quite some time and at this point is unresponsive to antibiotic use. So I went ahead and ordered and all I can say is I wish that Silver Immune was available in bulk! How did I go this long as a pet owner and not have that stuff on hand!? It's not like other silvers I have discovered. I did have to experiment with the dosing. This has even helped her when she came down with an abscess on the side of her face (all indoor cats but once a year its bound to happen with all of them). To my surprise no rupture. Just a reduction of swelling and the product saved me yet another full priced vet bill (spoiled former employee!). Thank you. Looks like I'm a lifer!"

Raven, Oregon
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Cat Pancreatitis Supplement Helped Jake Overcome Pancreatitis

"I have attached a picture of Jake and his brother Oliver. In the picture Jake is on the right and Oliver is on the left. Over a year and half ago, Jake became extremely sick, with not eating and constantly vomiting. He was put into the Hospital for 4 days and they diagnosed him with Pancreatitis.  

He was sent home with me administering fluids and was not eating and was also sick from the medication. What the Vet prescribed was not working and the Vet's prognosis was not positive... I decided to check out Ask Ariel products and came across Lypozyme (a cat pancreatitis supplement).  

I stopped all fluids and all medication and started him slowly on adding Lypozyme into his food, as I was hand feeding him.  Little by little he started eating.  I started giving it to him in his food, he did not even notice as Lypozyme is flavorless.... and year and half later....Jake has not vomited or has had any stomach issues...and has been eating all of his food on a daily basis.

Lypozyme saved Jake's life and saved me a tremendous amount of money on Vet bills. Jake will get Lypozyme in his food for the rest of his life.  The reason I added Oliver, is I have started to give Oliver too. Thank you Ask Ariel for making such a great product.  

Jake and Oliver are both very happy and want to thank Ask Ariel for taking care of them, and allowing them to live a happy life."

Gary, Florida

Note:  Lypozyme is an easy to use supplement that contains digestive enzymes for cat pancreatitis. 
Friday, January 3, 2020

Cat With Mast Cell Tumor Going Strong With Natural Supplements


“Ask Ariel has been an absolute life saver for my sweet cat, Puma.  I’m so blessed to have found this awesome company online during a desperate search for quality holistic supplements for pets.  During the past two years, Puma has been plagued with various health issues (immune system disease, bladder issues, asthma, and a malignant mast cell tumor in her small intestine that has metastasized into her lymph nodes.  I purchased your following products and use them on an alternating basis: Silver Immune Support, Immune Harmony, Power Probiotic, Immune Support Kit, Purrfect Pet CoQ10, AllerEaze, and Organic Hemp Extract.  The supplements have significantly alleviated Puma’s illnesses.  Besides my present cat, over the years I’ve had three others that have passed on as well as two beloved dogs.  I often wonder if I had known about your company’s products when they were living, if they’d still be here today.  I LOVE your products and their effectiveness and recommend them to everyone with ailing pets.  Lastly but certainly not least, your customer service is extremely helpful, caring, personable, and top notch.”

~Carol D.
Xenia, Ohio
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Best Holiday Gift For Pet Lovers

What gift are you getting your pet this year? A survey on shows that 95% of pet owners buy a gift for their pets. Along with the toys and treats, give your pet the best gift of all - good health!! This holiday season choose the best holistic pet supplements from Ask Ariel. We are passionate about pet nutrition and are dedicated to helping every pet get the best results. Not only will your pet receive the finest, human grade supplements, but you will also get FREE diet tips for your dog or cat with your order. Have a friend who is an animal lover? Ask Ariel’s Power Probiotic Is a great gift or stocking stuffer for any pet young or old, big or small.  

Do you know someone who has everything and loves their pet?  Power Probiotic is a great gift and pets love the taste.  Happy Holidays to you and your pets!
Monday, December 9, 2019

Best Digestive Enzymes For Dogs With Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI)

Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) occurs most often in German Shepherds, Collies and Chows but can affect any breed. Symptoms include bouts of diarrhea, weight loss and malabsorption. An EPI dog will eat ravenously and remain very thin. He lacks the pancreatic enzymes to digest fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Ask Ariel's K9 Digestive Enzymes contains Oxbile Extract, Pancreatin and HCL - animal based digestive aids that naturally replenish the missing enzymes to help breakdown and absorb nutrients.

  • Veterinary Recommended Digestive Enzyme Supplement
  •  Improves Digestion And Absorption Of Fats and Protein
  • Supports Normal Bowel Function 
  •  Promotes Healthy Saliva to Reduce Tartar Buildup
Excellent Value!
3 Months Supply for Dogs Over 21 lbs
4-6 Months Supply for Dogs Under 21 lbs

Click here to order K9 Digestive Enzymes, the best digestive enzymes for dogs with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency  (EPI).