Thursday, December 11, 2014

Is Tartar Making Your Pet Sick?

What is Tartar Accumulation?
Tartar, or calculus, is the advanced form of dental plaque. It is the result of a long and continuous accumulation of plaque that has been allowed to remain on and in between teeth. There are many  factors that lead to the accumulation of tartar including: age, health status, breed, oral hygiene, diet and mouth environment.

It is important to treat and control tartar accumulation for two very important reasons:
to maintain the health of teeth and gums
to guard against infection spreading to other parts of the body

If the plaque is not removed, it may start to combine with the saliva and begin to mineralize, into tartar, in just 3-5 days. If left untreated the tartar can cause the gums to become inflamed and red, pockets may form between the gums and the teeth and it can allow bacteria to grow, which could lead to tooth loss, bone loss and wide spread infection. 

However, good oral hygiene may not be enough to help your pet. Because saliva plays a role in tartar development, and the more acid in the saliva, the more rapid the build-up of plaque, stomach acids need to be managed. This is where diet and holistic supplementation can help. Feeding your pet a diet specifically designed to reduce the amount of plaque and tartar build up can help.  Raw frozen diets provide optimal nutrition for pets and can help with tartar accumulation.  The raw meat and bones will help to control the tartar by acting as a  gentle dental abrasive and the raw meat contains natural enzymes, that helps digestion and reduces acid.  The addition of holistic supplements such as; Power Probiotics, K9 Digestive, Lypozyme (for cats) and Gastro ULC, will further aid digestion will add another level of protection. 

Here are symptoms to watch for:

  • Persistent bad breath
  • Gums that bleed easily
  • Sensitivity around the mouth
  • Pawing at the mouth
  • Gums that are inflamed (red),or receding
  • Loose or missing teeth
  • Loss of appetite
  • Stomach or intestinal upsets
  • Drooling
  • Difficulty chewing or eating
  • Irritability or depression
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

With Thanks To All Who Serve Our Country on Veteran's Day

Today is Veteran's Day and a time to remember all of the men, women and canines who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Have You Walked Your Dog Today?

A new study from the University of Liverpool has recommended that the well-being of both  pets and their owners can benefit from education and pet-friendly facilities. During the study, it was found that an estimated 40 percent of dog owners do not walk their pets, which could be a contributing factor to dog obesity. Canine obesity can have the same serious health consequences as people (diabetes, heart disease and joint issues). It is also believed, obese owners may be more likely to have obese dogs, perhaps because they are less likely to exercise their dog, or less able to recognise obesity. The study found the two main reasons people were not walking their dogs were: not being informed on how much was needed and having limited access to dog friendly areas. Walking is a great form of exercise and can be beneficial for you and your pet.

Here are the findings from the study 

  • People who did not have access to high quality areas that support dog walking (dog parks that allow dogs off leash and provide waste disposal facilities, for example), were much less likely to walk with their dog. People were just more motivated to walk when the area was more conducive. 
  • Many pet owners did not have the knowledge of how much exercise their pet really needed (150 minutes of physical activity a week is recommended) , or the the health benefits that could be obtained from walking your furry friend.  A coordinated effort to educate pet owners could have a great impact, the study showed that those that were aware, were much more likely to walk their dogs.
  • The stronger the dog-owner bond,  the more likely they were to take them on regular walks.
  • Anxiety over their pet's behavior also had an impact on how often people would take their pets out. Training your pet to be a good citizen is always important, but it could also lessen this fear and make it a fun time for all.
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Ear Infections in Cats

Although, ear infections are much more common in dogs than in cats, cats can get them too.  (If you have a dog that is getting chronic ear infections, yeast and allergies are typically the cause.)  Some of the signs that could indicate your cat has an ear infection include:
  • Scratching or pawing at their ear 
  • Shaking or tilting of the head in the direction of the painful ear
  • Black or yellowish discharge
  • Redness or swelling of the ear flap or ear canal
  • Waxy buildup on or near the ear canal
  • Discharge from the ear that resembles coffee grounds (a symptom of ear mites)
  • Strong odor
  • Hearing loss
  • Loss of balance or disorientation 
Natural Treatments For Cats with Ear Infections

The first step is to determine the underlying cause of the ear infection.   If your vet determines that your cat has ear mites or a yeast or bacterial infection, these can be treated with anti-parasitic, anti-fungals or antibiotics, as appropriate. These all come in ointment or ear drop form. However, since ear infections can frequently return, it's important to use a natural, holistic approach to support your cat's immune system.  Using a few natural remedies along with diet changes can help prevent ear infections from returning and build a strong immune system.

         Home Remedies For Cats With Ear Infections

  • Power Probiotic- essential for your pet's good health. Supports digestion, helps fight infection and enhances overall immunity.  Very important if your cat has taken any antibiotics.

                                                                   Immune Support Kit

Immune Support Kit - Contains three tasteless liquid formulas:  Silver Immune Support, NotaSAN and QuentaSAN drops.  These three remedies can provide fast relief for your cat's stomatitis and are easy to administer.  Save on the package price when you buy all three natural remedies together.  

  • Silver Immune Support For Pets--  Silver Immune Support is an all-natural, easy to use remedy to help your pet recover from a bacterial infection or viral flare-up.
  • NotaSAN Drops Natural homeopathic formula that fights infections. First line of defense for infections in cats. Can be used safely long-term to prevent recurrences. 
  • QuentaSAN Drops- Excellent for fighting infections, viruses, and immune support.  Use along with the NotaSAN on alternating nights for best results.
Diet Changes Can Help
A change in diet can also make a big difference as allergies and yeast can weaken a cat's immune system. Avoid dry food as the high carbohydrate content can contribute to yeast overgrowth.  Please include your cat's diet on the order form at checkout.  The AskAriel nutritionist will include a diet suggestion on the packing slip that comes with the product directions.

What causes ear infections in cats?

Parasites: The ear mite, Otodectes cynotis, is a common cause of ear problems, especially in kittens. 
Allergies: Allergies, either to food or environmental, may have ear problems.  It actually can be one of the first signs of a pet's allergies.  Allergies can also lead to secondary infections with bacteria or yeast. Treating the allergies is key to ending a cycle of allergy induced ear infections.
Bacteria and Yeast:  Under normal conditions, your cat has a good defense system to keep the ear healthy. However, if the ear environment changes due to allergies, hormone abnormalities, or moisture, the bacteria and yeast  can grow quickly, bacteria and yeast love to grow in warm, dark places.  
Ear Conditions: Wax buildup in the ear canal and thick hair in the ear canal
Foreign Bodies:  Especially if you have a cat who goes outside, be sure to routinely check their ears for foreign objects.
Trauma: Injury or self-inflicted trauma to the ear (from scratching ) can lead to infections.
Hormonal Abnormalities and Other Health ConditionsDeficiencies or excesses of various hormones can result in skin and ear problems, as will immune system disorders.

There are many reasons cats can get ear infections. A holistic approach using a few immune support supplements along with a diet change can help your cat feel much better.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Holiday Safety Tips for Pets

                                                                halloween kitty

1) Candy, gum and diet candies can be toxic to pets, especially  if they contain Xylitol.   Doublecheck before you leave your home and at bedtime to make sure that the candy and gum have been put away in a secure cabinet.

2) Watch out for  burning candles and cords.  Pets can easily knock them over, starting a fire.  Electrical cords and lighting can be chewed on.   Also if you are cooking with a gas stove, it's easy to accidentally leave the stove on.

3) Doorbells and guests can be scary to pets.    Even a very calm dog might snap if a guest in dark clothing comes through the door.  If your pet is skittish, please keep them on a leash for their protection and your guests.

4)  We all get busy when guests are coming over, but even if it is earlier than usual, try to ensure your pets are fed before guests arrive.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Nina Pham "Ebola Free" Anxious for Reunion with her Dog

Credit Facebook

Nina Pham, the Texas nurse who suffered with Ebola and is now "Ebola Free", was released on Friday from National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland.  In her press conference, Pham said she felt "fortunate and blessed"  and thanked her care team.  She also stressed her desire to return to a normal life, and be reunited with her family  which included her "dog family". It has been widely reported how close Nina is to her dog Bentley, a King Cavalier Charles spaniel . They have been separated since October 10th when they both were put into isolation. 

However, the reunion will have to wait until November 1st.  A Dallas County Judge, has ruled that Bentley must remain in quarantine until the end of the recommended period, to make certain that the dog is virus-free.  Dallas Animal Services has been caring for Bentley and has been giving daily feedback to the Pham's family. Bentley tested negative for Ebola last week and will have one more test before his 21-day quarantine ends on the first of November. Pham is now immune, but veterinarians are concerned, if she visits Bentley, it could effect his demeanor and make it harder for them to tell if he is demonstrating symptoms. Bentley has suffered from separation anxiety and they do not want to make it any more difficult for him. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

"My Dog Shakes His Head All Of The Time"

"My dog shakes his head all of the time"... Does this sound familiar?
Some head shaking is normal, but if it is excessive, it usually indicates that your pet's ears are bothering them and this is their way to relieve the symptoms.  The key is to find out what is causing them discomfort or pain. 

Possible Causes:

Otitis Externa, an inflammation of the external ear canal. Once inflamed, an ear infection can follow. Ears are a prime location for bacteria and yeast infections, It is warm, dark and moist, just the kind of place infections like to grow.  Even a mild yeast infection could cause your dog to shake his head frequently. Symptoms could also include redness, swelling an unpleasant odor (indicating yeast)  A common cause for ear infections are  underlying allergies.  Here is an interesting article on ear infections and  yeast.  We have had wonderful results using K-9 Yeast Defense . Diet can also play a big part so be aware that  food allergies in pets can be a trigger.

Ear Vasculitis-an inflammation of the vessels in the pinna or ear flap. More common in breeds like Dachshunds and Jack Russell Terriers. The ear flap will  begin to have a thickening of the outside margins of the ears, which eventually become ulcerated and then crust over. Treatment of the inflammation and any open ulcers are advised.  In addition, adding fish oil, such as  Amazing Omegas could help with Ear Vasculitis.

Ear Mites- a close examination of the outer ear and the visible part of the inner ear will reveal a fine dark substance that looks like coffee grounds, which indicate that mites have taken up residence.  If you suspect ear mites see your vet for a microscopic evaluations and treatment.

Ear Hematomas  If your pet shakes his head too much from the ear infection, it can cause other problems, such as an ear hematoma which is when a pocket of blood forms on the ear flap. Treatment usually consists of the blood being released from the hematoma, a treatment your veterinarian must do.