Monday, September 8, 2014

Reverse Sneezing in Dogs

What is wrong with my dog? Why does he have episodes of snorting and gagging? These comments describe what is commonly called "Reverse Sneezing".  Reverse sneezing is when the pet is pulling air rapidly in vs. a regular sneeze when air is pushed out through the nose.  It is not know exactly why these episodes occur, but it thought to be an irritation of the  soft palate, which results in a spasm.  It could be caused from many factors including: eating or drinking, exercise, allergies, post-nasal drip, and irritating chemicals (cleaners, air fresheners, perfumes). 

A reverse sneezing episode can be scary and last for several seconds, and may make the owner think they are choking or having an asthma attack,  but is not usually considered harmful. However, if your pet has frequent episodes, it is a good idea to visit your vet to rule out other causes (collapsing trachea, nasal tumors or polyps, foreign bodies in the nasal passages or mouth). To help halt the episode, try massaging your pet's throat to stop the spasm or covering your pet’s nostrils very briefly. 

If your pet has other signs of allergies (scratching, licking, chewing at the paws, etc), then post-nasal drip may be the culprit.  Using K9 Yeast Defense and Power Probiotic along with AllerEaze can help.   Yeast is often a contributor to skin problems, ear infections and genital licking.  Yeast congregates in moist areas such as the throat and mucous membranes.  Diets high in carbohydrates such as grains and starchy foods can contribute to yeast overgrowth.
Saturday, September 6, 2014

How Attached Are Your To Your Dog?

A Study conducted with coordination between Canisius College, University of Chicago, and University of Pennsylvania, questioned 60 dog owning families, with both parents and children. The purpose of the study was to look at the human-animal attachment.  The participants were asked not only about how attached they felt to their dog, but also their level of responsibility for the pet (feeding, walking, and general care) plus how they rated their pet's behaviors (trainability, aggression, stranger fear, separation problems and attention seeking actions).

What the study found:
  • Perhaps not surprising, those that had the most positive feelings and had the highest level of attachment, were also the ones that provided the most care taking responsibility  for the dog. 
  • They also found that the more well-behaved and social the pet, regardless of gender and age, the owners had more positive feelings. 
  • Adults also tended to feel more attachment to dogs that demonstrated attention-seeking behavior.  This was not true with children that maintain a high level of attachment regardless.
  • The study did not find any difference between male and female owners and their attachment to their dogs
Based of the study "Man's best friend: What does 'Fido's behavior say about the relationship between you and your dog?"  published June 6, 2014 in ScienceDaily.
Friday, September 5, 2014

FDA Issues Warning On Pet Tear Stain Products

Many dogs suffer from tear-staining, which is a condition most often caused by excessive tear production. Certain breeds are more prone to tear-staining, and the tell-tale sign is the reddish-brown streak under their eyes. It is important to know that tear staining is usually a symptom of a problem and should not be overlooked. The issue causing the staining may be an eye problem (structural, inflammation, or infection), but it could also be a symptom of allergies (both food and environmental). If your pet also has bad breath, gas, tummy gurgling, loose stools or vomiting, it most likely is food related. Many people seek over the counter products to help with the tear staining without realizing they are giving their pets a daily dose of antibiotics.  Over time, the excessive use of antibiotics can have serious consequences.  

These concerns led the  U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue a warning on August 29, 2014 to the makers of Angels' Eyes, Angels' Glow, Pets'Spark, Glow Groom and Health Glow because they are misusing an antibiotic. The products contain the antibiotic tylosin tartrate, which has not been approved for use in cats and dogs and has not been reviewed for their safety and effectiveness in treating the conditions associated with tear stains. Here is  a link to the FDA warning

A diet change and holistic products that support the pet's immune system (Argentyn and Power Probiotics) and products to help with allergies (AllerEaze) can offer your pet great relief from their symptoms.  A good starting point is to use the  K9 Yeast Defense calong with the Power Probiotic and Quentans as tear stains are often due to yeast that form from the moisture.
Sunday, August 31, 2014

New California Law Lets You Take Your Dog To Dinner

California Gov. Jerry Brown announced this month that beginning in 2015, your dog may be permitted to eat at restaurants with you on outdoor patios.  This is a great victory for dog lovers!

The new California law states:

  • There must be a separate entrance for the outdoor dining areas 
  • Pets are not allowed on the the seats.
  • They must also be on a leash or in a carrier and completely under the control of the owner 
  • Owners are required to clean up after their pets.

The new California law does not force restaurants to allow dogs, but helps to provide guidelines. It also does not limit the local jurisdictions from implementing their own ban on dogs in restaurants.   For those of us who love to bring our best friend everywhere we go, this is a wonderful new California law!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Spaying and Neutering Cats Saves Lives

In a recent study published in the Veterinary JournalDr. Julie Levy, a professor of shelter medicine at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, gave results of her program to reduce the number of sheltered (and euthanized) feral cats in a given area.

The target area was in Alachua County, where 2300 feral cats (54% of the estimated population) were trapped, sterilized and replaced back into their area. The number of cats taken into the local shelter fell by 70 percent and cats euthanized decreased by 95 percent. In the rest of the county, the number of sheltered cats also fell by 13 percent, an euthanasia decreased by 30 percent.  As an unexpected bonus, adoptions increased of these friendlier kittens and cats too.

Dr. Levy is also the director of Maddie's Fund (Maddie's Shelter Medical Fund) at the University of Florida. It is dedicated to "helping shelters achieve their life savings goals, training the shelter medical professionals of today and tomorrow, and developing new knowledge to enhance the well-being of sheltered animals"   

Friday, August 22, 2014

Preventative Veterinary Care Can Save You Money and Your Pet's Life

We just heard an alarming statistic... over the past seven years, the percentage of pets that are overweight or obese has increased up to 52% of all dog and 58% for cats according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention.  This obesity boom has added to the increase in serious medical conditions such as; diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, thyroid disease, kidney disease, and even dental disease.  How can are pets be getting more ill, or are they?  It is believed  a major factor of the increase in these health conditions could be pet owners putting off preventive or early intervention care. 

Since 2001 vet visits have dropped  (21% for dogs and 30% for cats) according to the American Veterinary Medical Association.  However, emergency visits have been on the rise, which leads you to believe that pet owners are waiting until their pets are really sick before going to the vet.  This especially true during the difficult economic times.   

Pet owners are some of the most caring people in the world, but many factors go into the level of care they are willing to give  their pets. Cost remains the number one factor and as result, many pet owners may wait until there is a crises before taking action.  This can result in a poor prognosis for your pet as early diagnoses often results in better treatment outcomes, as well as less costs overall.  It is important to realize that preventive care can actually save money and help your pet live a happier and healthier life. For example building  up your pet's immune system with supplements such as Amazing Omegas and Power Probiotics for Pets can help with infections, allergies/skin problems, and even kidney and heart disease.   Using Amazing Arthrosoothe for an active dog BEFORE arthritis sets in will save you thousands in XRAYS and further treatments, as well as help reduce your pet's discomfort.  Using gentle kidney support such as Renelix  for senior cats will help support their kidneys before a kitty goes into renal failure.  

Please see our testimonials to see how holistic support can make a difference in preventing health problems in dogs and cats.
Getting regular veterinary laboratory testing is also key.  While blood and urine testing can expensive, it is well worth the upfront expense.  Catching a disease early means that you can treat it sooner. Sometimes, pet owners may delay taking their pet to the veterinarian and instead choose to look for information on forums on the internet.  There is just no substitute for scientific information, so if you notice that your pet is acting differently or suspect something may be wrong, don't delay.  Finding out early could save your pet's life and save you money in the long run. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

International Homeless Animals Day 2014 - How You Can Help Homeless Animals

Every year local pet shelters and animal rescue organization are overwhelmed by overpopulation. The consequence is many animal are euthanized when homes can't be found for them. Saturday, August 16th was designated for the purpose of bring attention to the problem of homelessness. 

International Homeless Animals’ Day 2014 may be limited to one weekend, but it could be a starting point for you. Here are things you can do?
  • A Forever Home-of course number one on the list is to adopt a homeless pet.
  • Foster-for those of you cannot give a forever home, but have a little extra love, space and time consider fostering. 
  • Just a Little of Your Time- volunteering doesn't cost anything, but your time and can make a world of difference to shelters and rescues.  Check out to find a rescue or shelter near you that needs help
  • Donations- Cash or much needed supplies. Most organizations run on a very tight budget and every little bit helps.
  • Be the Voice- in person or via social media. Let your world know about the needs of our homeless pet population.
  • Let Your Wallet Do the Talking-consider doing  businesses with those organizations that support animal causes
  • Walk the Talk-participate in events that help shelters and rescues
  • Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve-wear a t-shirt with the message, put on a bumper stickers, key chains, etc. they can start a conversation.