Friday, May 28, 2021

Injured Baby Seal Rescued At Dana Point Harbor


Last Saturday night, on our evening walk at Dana Point Harbor, we came upon an injured young seal who was begging for help. He had a wound on his neck and was approaching people. I called for help and at first it seemed like we weren’t going to be able to help the seal because of difficulty reaching the appropriate rescue places. The seal was emaciated and exhausted and was trying to go into the street. What was so incredible was the number of people who tried to help, good Samaritans blocking him from the street, a fisherman offering fish (the seal was interested but too stressed to eat) and so many wonderful people coming together caring about him. The seal became exhausted…….I asked a fisherman for some fish and he offered it to him. The seal perked up and was trying to get the fish in his mouth but was too weak.  Finally help arrived! Animal Services Officer Keppler and the OC Sheriff Officers carried him into the truck. So thankful to all the kind and caring people, OC Sheriff and Officer Keppler for saving this seal’s life. The seal is now going to the Marine Mammal Center in Laguna Beach.  

At Ask Ariel Your Pet Nutritionist, we love all pets.  We are so happy to be part of this wonderful rescue.  For tips on how to keep your cat or dog happy and healthy, please visit 

May Is National Chip Your Pet Month

Lost pets that have a microchip are far more likely to be reunited with their owners than pets without a chip. The month of May has been designated as National Chip Your Pet Month to encourage microchipping as a way to help protect your pet. A microchip is a radio-frequency identification transponder (RFID) that is as small as a grain of rice. The implant procedure is as simple as getting a vaccine. The chip is usually inserted between your pet's shoulder blades. Each chip has a unique identification number that you can connect with your contact information. All pets should wear a collar and name tag, but those can fall off or become hard to read. A microchip can help protect your pet for life. Microchipping is a safe and effective way to link you to your pet…’s hip to chip!

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Is Your Senior Dog Stumbling And Scuffing It's Feet?


Is your dog stumbling or scuffing it's feet? As dogs age they begin to lose fine motor skills and experience decreased energy levels. Ataxia in dogs is the clinical term for the loss of coordination or unbalanced gait due to sensory dysfunction. Some older dogs may appear to be drunk. Some senior dogs begin to experience stumbling when they walk or their paws may seem to curl under. Knuckling of the paws can be one of the first signs of degenerative myelopathy. Degenerative myelopathy affects the spinal cord and it resembles arthritis in its early stages, but progresses to ataxia from hind limb weakness and paralysis.

Most pet owners don’t realize signs such as scuffing of the feet, worn toenails, paws dirty on top can indicate a neurological condition. Dr. Michelle Murray of NEST Veterinary Neurology points out that multiple orthopedic or neurological diseases can cause a dog to scuff its feet. This is not normal wear and tear due to aging. Early diagnosis can yield the best results. Please see a vet if you notice these signs in your pet. 

Ask Ariel's Dog Brain Booster can help dogs with neurological motor coordination disorders.  Dog Brain Booster can enhance motor skills with key nutrients such as Acetyl L-Carnitine HCL , Citicoline (as Cognizin) and Glycerophosphocholine (GPC).  ArthroStride For Dogs & Cats can help to improve your dog's mobility and help strengthen hind leg muscle mass.  It contains green lipped mussels, glucosamine, boswellia, MSM and collagen that are scientifically proven to support joint health and connective tissue.

Author:  Susan Blake Davis

Originally Posted: 5/26/2021

Updated and revised:  2/24/2024

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Millions Of Dogs & Cats Are Diagnosed With Cancer Every Year


Cancer can touch all of us…..even our pets. Most people have a family member, a friend, a colleague or even themselves that have been touched by cancer. Cancer is the leading cause of death of pet cats and dogs in the US. While most pet cancers are deadly, some can be cured and pets can live with some cancers (like mast cell tumors) for years.

The top warning signs of cancer in cats and dogs can include: swollen areas, weight loss, inappetence, bleeding or discharge, sores that do not heal, difficulty eating, lethargy, and difficulty going potty. Every pet, especially older cats and dogs, should get regular wellness exams and blood panels. These vet visits and routine tests can help to diagnose potentially life-threatening conditions, such as cancer, very early. 

Early detection ​of cancer can save lives. If you notice any of the warning signs, please contact your veterinarian right away. To learn more about cancer in dogs and cats, as well as the breeds that are more prone to cancer, please click here.
Friday, May 14, 2021

Does Your Dog Or Cat Make Loud Stomach Noises?

Digestive problems in pets may not be overt such as vomiting or diarrhea. Pets can make unusual noises that may seem like nothing but they could be a sign your dog or cat is experiencing GI distress.  For example,  a dog smacks his lips or makes gulping noises at night.  Cats may have loud stomach noises.  Listening for unusual noises is important as they are a sign your pet may not be digesting their food and experiencing discomfort.  Pets may have acid stomach and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). It is commonly caused by poor digestion, food intolerances or allergies, stress or kidney and liver disease. Acid reflux and GERD can be very uncomfortable and painful.  You can help your pet with diet changes and  Ask Ariel's acid reflux supplements for pets such as Soothing Digestive Relief and Gastro ULC.  

Monday, April 26, 2021

What Are Ski Patrol Rescue Dogs?

Have you gone skiing and noticed a working dog riding on the chair lift? Or dogs with the ski patrol? Many ski resorts employ ski patrol dogs to help keep the mountains safe. These dogs are highly trained in search and rescue and are particularly useful to resorts should an avalanche occur. Patrol dogs can smell a victim buried 10-15 feet down in the snow. It is said that one dog with its handler can do the job of 150 trained human searchers in the same amount of time.

Labradors, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Border Collies are the breeds most commonly used as ski patrol dogs. These dogs undergo extensive training and must recertify every couple of years. The characteristics that make for a great ski patrol dog are: obedience, prey drive, high energy and exceptional physical condition.

Please visit for great tips about pet health, nutrition and supplements. 
Monday, April 19, 2021

JuJu The Three Legged Rescue Dog Inspires So Many


"Monday April 13 marked the 8th anniversary  of when I adopted Juju so I have been feeling reflective this week about how much joy he has brought me.  I have loved all my dogs, each have been special in their own way, but I have to say Juju is extra special. Every day he inspires me with how much he loves life and how well adapted he is to life on 3 legs.  It’s interesting that people I don’t even know  often stop me while we are out walking and they tell me that they  feel inspired by him. For example one day a lady stopped her car to tell me that her dog had been recovering from a serious injury and the vet had told her he might never walk again.  She said that seeing Juju walking all over the neighborhood every day gave her hope through that difficult recovery and she wanted me to know how much it helped her keep hope.  Another day a man stopped me to tell me that he always sees Juju enjoying life inspite of his disability and it  helps him to put his own problems in perspective.  People also often stop me and say, “Oh he sure was  lucky you rescued him with a leg missing” but I  have to reply, “ I  think I’m the lucky one! “  He is an amazing, fun and wonderful  little guy. Your Power Probiotic helps to keep him healthy, too."


Randi- California

JuJu' story from November 2017

JuJu The Three Legged Rescue Dog


"I adopted Juju 4 years ago...I was visiting a friend’s farm out in Temecula and he and I fell in love right away. She had rescued him but couldn’t keep him.  She had been working at the shelter the day they brought him in with a shattered leg and no tags. They were going to have to put him down, but she said even with a shattered leg his little tail was wagging and his eyes were begging her for help.  She raised the money for the amputation on Facebook. He has his own Facebook page “Juju: A Three Legged Dog’s Incredible Journey” so that donors would be able to follow his progress. I always tell him we both won the lottery that day!  He is a true joy and so well adapted to life on 3 legs.

Since Sammie passed away last year it’s just been Juju and I…  When I first got him he had parasites, but even after we cleared that up at the vet, his appetite was poor and his stool was always rock-hard and strange looking. Sammie was taking the Power Probiotic so I started putting some in Juju’s food twice a day. It really helped his digestion and his stools became normal. He could finally eat normally and could easily go to the bathroom. I decided it was worth the price to have him on a really good probiotic and your products are always the best. 


Thanks again for all you do for animals!"   Randi- California