Showing posts with label canine kidney disease. Show all posts
Showing posts with label canine kidney disease. Show all posts
Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Supplements Help 16 Year Old Black Labrador With Kidney Problems



"Our black lab Bodie, turns 16 on Monday. He has had a lifelong skin problems stomach issues, and with his age, has elevated kidney levels. We started Bodie on's supplements when he was a year old. We have tapped into Susan’s expertise & products for over 15 years & have been so happy with her knowledge & love of animals. AskAriel's kidney, probiotic, & amazing omegas have helped support Bodie’s improvement so much. " Linda, CA.

Kidney disease can affect both cats and dogs, especially as they get older. The kidneys play an important role in maintaining the body's overall health by filtering waste and excess fluids from the blood.  They also regulate electrolyte balance and produce hormones that regulate blood pressure and stimulate red blood cell production.

In older dogs, kidney disease commonly occurs due to the gradual decline in kidney function over time. This decline is often associated with aging and can be exacerbated by factors such as genetics, diet, infections, toxins, and certain medical conditions. As a dog ages, the kidneys may become less efficient at filtering waste and maintaining proper fluid and electrolyte balance.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is particularly prevalent in older dogs and is characterized by the gradual loss of kidney function over an extended period of time. Symptoms of kidney disease in dogs may include increased thirst and urination, decreased appetite, weight loss, vomiting, lethargy, and changes in urination (such as increased or decreased frequency or changes in color). Early detection and management can help slow the progression of kidney disease and maintain a good quality of life for affected dogs. 

Treatment typically involves dietary management (feeding a lower phosphorous diet),  fluid therapy for hydration and supplements to support kidney function. Natural supplements, such as antioxidants, which help reduce oxidative stress, omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil supplements, have anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce inflammation in the kidneys, amino acids, B vitamins, herbal supplements, probiotics, and phosphorus binders, can aid in supporting kidney function in dogs with kidney disease. These supplements may help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, support circulation, maintain overall kidney health, and regulate phosphorus levels. It is also important to have regular veterinary check-ups and blood tests which can help monitor kidney function so that treatment plans can be adjusted.

Author:  Susan Blake Davis
Revised and Updated 4/28/2024
Originally Published on 7/6/2022

Friday, February 28, 2020

Dog And Cat Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) Supplements

Signs of chronic renal failure (CRF) may be subtle at first, such as loss of appetite, especially in the morning and increased thirst. While some cats and dogs may be born with a genetic kidney issue, most pets develop kidney disease in their senior years. It can be hard to detect in the early stages and often kidney disease is not diagnosed until 2/3 of the kidneys are dysfunctional.  Dog and cat CRF supplements can  help the kidneys work better and help your pet feel more comfortable. Ask Ariel's Kidney Health Protein Support is a tasteless powder that provides renal support for dogs and cats, helping them break down and metabolize protein, reducing CRF symptoms. Please click here to learn more.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chihuahua with Kidney Disease improves with Kidney Supplements

Dear Ask Ariel,

"I am writing to thank you for your site and products. On New Years Eve I took my 18 month chihuahua Loki to the vet. He had not been eating, was sleeping all the time and was losing weight. He only weighs 2.5 lbs and could not afford to lose weight. I was told by the vet that he had renal failure and would not live long as the treatment and or dialysis for him would be very expensive. I was heartbroken to say the least.

I began to search the internet to try to find something that could help my baby. There was your site, I ordered the Cat and Dog Kidney Disease (No-Pill) Package and Kidney Health -- Protein Support For Pets) and I am happy to say that Loki is back to normal. Eating, playing with his sister, running around the house just as if he had never been sick. Thank you so much for the work you do. "


Ruth Christian
Burton, Michigan
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Canine Kidney Disease, Canine Heart Problems Improved

"I would like to thank Susan Davis for all of her knowledge and expertise in nutrition and diet. My Archie and Noonie would not be here today if I hadn't found her! Through her instruction, we have corrected the heart problem Archie had and the kidney problem Noonie had. My vet is amazed and to me, it is no less than a miracle! Susan has taught me how to keep them healthy and happy in their "golden years"

I also want to thank her staff at Ask Ariel Your Pet Nutritionist. They have never failed to get my supplements here on time and exactly as I ordered them. And I must say, Archie looks forward to seeing me open the packages, because he knows there will be a surprise waiting inside for him. He loves the little toys you send and constantly carries them around."

The Underwood Family, Texas January 2011