Monday, November 28, 2022

Is Your Dog Or Cat Getting Enough Antioxidants?

Most pet owners have heard that antioxidants are important for their pets. But why? Antioxidants are substances that can help prevent cellular damage from free radicals. They are abundant in vegetables and fruits (especially berries). Antioxidants are not just another gimmick. Pets often need extra antioxidants beyond what is in their food. 

Here is why.  Pet foods may not always contain sufficient antioxidants for several reasons. Firstly, the processing and storage of commercial pet foods can lead to a loss of natural antioxidants present in raw ingredients. High-heat cooking and prolonged storage can degrade these sensitive compounds.

Moreover, the quality and sourcing of ingredients play a significant role. Lower-quality or heavily processed ingredients may have diminished antioxidant content. Additionally, the choice of ingredients in commercial pet foods may focus more on meeting nutritional requirements than on providing ample antioxidants.

Pet food formulation and storage conditions can also contribute. Over time, exposure to air and light can lead to the degradation of antioxidants. Some pet food manufacturing processes may prioritize long shelf life, potentially sacrificing the stability of these delicate compounds.

Including antioxidants inyo ur dog or cat's regimen can extend the quality of their lives as well as their longevity. Adding "live fresh food" to your pet's diet in the form of green or lower glycemic colored vegetables such as squash or raw frozen diets can greatly enhance the number of antioxidants in your pet's diet. Supplementing with antioxidants like Purrfect Pet CoQ10 or Resveratrol For Dogs can support organ health, immunity and may have an anti-aging effect. When you can, try to include some fresh vegetables and other antioxidants in your pet’s diet.

Published 11/28/2022
Updated 4/25/2024
Author:  Susan Blake Davis