Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Choosing A Good Groomer: Potential Grooming Hazards


We all want our pets to look and feel clean and beautiful.  Grooming is part of every day care. But sometimes pet owners don’t realize there can be hazards associated with grooming until after their pet comes home and there is a problem. Use these tips to stay informed when choosing a new groomer.

Every pet requires a certain amount of grooming on a regular basis. Grooming services can range from a basic wash, cut/clip, nail trim, teeth brushing, and anal gland expressing to name a few.  Each pet will respond differently to the grooming experience depending upon their past encounters. Unfortunately,  pet grooming can come with some risk for your pet. The risk may stem from the dog’s anxiety and being jumpy, the groomers skill level or the environment. The size and breed does not matter, each pet brings its own challenge.  It is helpful to start grooming at an early age, so that your pet will be more comfortable at the groomer, and it will help elevate their anxiety.  It is also important to research your groomer and the salon before making an appointment. The best way to find a quality groomer is to ask for referrals from a veterinary professional or from your friends and family.

The most common hazards of pet grooming:

Brush or Razor Burn- This is when the skin becomes irritated from the groomer going over an area repeatedly and/or the pet is shaved very close to the skin. It is more common when a dog is matted, and the groomer is trying to remove the mat. Daily brushing will help reduce matting and make the risk less. It can also occur when a dull or hot razor is used. Skin irritations are more common if the skin is sensitive, inflamed or the pet is suffering from a skin condition (such as yeast). 

Nicks and Scrapes- Your pet may get small cuts or nicks when the groomer is trying to remove mats, or if your dog is jumpy and moves unexpectedly. It is also possible that your pet has warts or moles under their coat that get nicked when being trimmed. It is important to treat these cuts immediately to avoid infection. Spraying Silver Immune Support on the cuts is helpful.

 Bleeding Nail Quick- When nails grow too long the nails may curl under causing your pet to have challenges walking.  If not trimmed regularly, the quick will become overgrown and if the nails are clipped too short they may bleed and be painful. To avoid bleeding quick, trim the nails a little at a time allowing for the quick to recede before trimming again. 

Ear Hematomas- If your dog has had tightly matted hair, the blood flow may have been restricted in that area. If the mat is removed the blood flow will return quickly and a blood blister  (hematoma) may form.  Ear hematomas which may occur after grooming are blood vessels in the ear that burst. Although they can occur from grooming, they can also occur from infections that causes the dog (especially floppy eared dogs) to shake their heads violently causing the hematoma and/or scratching. Dogs can also get ear infections from water getting in their ear.  Please pay close attention to your dog’s ears after a grooming. Unfortunately many of us do need to take our pets to the veterinarian following a grooming, even with the best groomers.