Here are some common myths and misconceptions about dogs which have been found to be untrue.
Myth: Dogs and
cats do not mix
Ask anyone that has a mixed, multi-pet household and they would
be quick to tell you this isn't the case. There are some breeds such as huskies which have a strong prey drive and some pets that just can't get along, but there are plenty of households that have both cats and dogs living harmoniously. Important to note: introducing younger pets as kittens and puppies have a better chance for a successful outcome.
Myth: One human
year equals seven dog years
The process of determining the age comparison between a pet and a human is more
complicated than simply multiplying by 7. To truly determine a pet's equivalent human
age, you must consider size (smaller dogs live longer, thus age slower), breed
(some breeds have shorter lifespan), and lifestyle elements (diet, activity
level, healthcare, etc.) all of which factor into the calculation.
Myth: A wet nose
means a healthy dog
Veterinarians have found that the dampness of the dog’s nose
does not necessarily mean they are sick.
The nose could be damp because of licking and similarly could be dry to being out in the weather (wind or sun).
Myth: Dogs will
only respect their alpha
Researchers have found that the relationship within a “pack”
is more like a human family vs. having a leader. Think of the relationship with your dog as
more of a parent-child relationship. It
is best to teach your pet to respect all human and pet family members, not just the alpha.