Pancreatitis in cats is a condition that requires immediate attention by a veterinarian. Cats can develop chronic or acute pancreatitis. Symptoms may be subtle initially and easy to miss. Symptoms include include loss of appetite, fever, weight loss, dehydration, fatigue, depression, and increased heart rate. If your kitty displays these symptoms or just isn't acting like herself, please contact your veterinarian right away as pancreatitis can be fatal.
Cats require both short-term and long-term treatment of pancreatitis. Short-term, fluid therapy will be needed for cats that are diagnosed with pancreatitis. Food may need to be withheld for up to 48 hours if the cat is vomiting. Your veterinarian may also prescribe corticosteroids and metronidazole for chronic pancreatitis. Long-term, cats that have had a bout of pancreatitis need to eat a reduced fat, anti-inflammatory diet free of grains. Also, using digestive enzymes specific for pancreatitis is essential. Lypozyme for Pets is a powerful yet small, easy to administer powdered natural enzyme that can be mixed into food. It is veterinary-approved and has a stronger potency and purity than digestive enzymes purchased at a pet store. Cats will generally eat it readily as it has minimal taste and odor. Since the liver and intestinal tract are integrally related to the health of the pancreas, using the Power Probiotic and Liver/Gallbladder Support will help your kitty's pancreatic function and overall health. These three products are included in the Pancreatitis and Liver Support Kit at a discounted package price. If you provide your cat's diet and heath issues, we can include a low-fat, anti-inflammatory diet that is appropriate for your kitty on the packing slip that comes with the product directions
If your cat has been diagnosed with pancreatitis and you need help, please email us at