Monday, April 3, 2017

Causes Of Blood and Mucous In Your Pet's Stool

If you notice blood or mucous in your pet’s stool, it is important to take your pet to your veterinarian right away for a fecal exam.   Listed below are some of the causes:  

Possible Causes of Blood and Mucous in a Pet's Stool
  • Parasites/Worms-such as Giardia which is a single-cell organism that infects a dog’s intestine.
  • Colitis - Pets with colitis can have mucous or blood in their stool.
  • Dietary Indiscretions- food allergies, food intolerances or when the diet is changed too abruptly
  • Foreign Body/Bowel Obstructions-Dogs may eat things that they cannot digest such as a sock or toy which can result in a surgical emergency if the object isn't passed quickly
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)- which is an irritation and inflammation in the large intestine
  • Colon Cancer or Intestinal Lymphoma- the pet may have diarrhea, vomiting and discomfort similar to IBD
  • Bacterial overgrowth--Pets can get into trash but also some breeds are more prone to SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
  • Parvovirus- most commonly seen in puppies, parvo is a virus that attacks the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, causing diarrhea with blood and mucus.
Many of these conditions can decrease absorption of nutrients, affect their appetite and cause pets to lose weight rapidly.  Once your veterinarian determines the cause and your pet is treated, you can then consider natural supplements and diet changes to help relieve any continued discomfort or symptoms.  For example, giardia, worms and parasites can be treated short-term with medication, but may leave ongoing inflammation in some pets.  Us Power Probiotic along with our  IBD Kit to help relieve digestive discomfort long-term.  The Kit repopulates friendly flora, helps control harmful bacteria and relieves indigestion and stomach discomfort in pets.

Author:  Susan Blake Davis
First posted:  4/3/2017
Updated:  2/2/2024