Thursday, September 22, 2016

Bloodhound Finishes Half Marathon To Her Owner's Surprise

Love this story ...Has your pet ever surprised you with new talents you didn't know before? Last winter, Ludivine, a bloodhound, decided to join the Elkmont Half Marathon in Alabama to the surprise of her owner.  Ludivine lives on a farm near the starting line for the race and decided to investigate all the commotion. As the gun sounded, to start the race, she took off with the other racers and ran the entire 13.1 miles and finished 7thOf course she had a couple of stops, sniffing some road kill and taking a dip and drink from a nearby pond. There is talk of next year’s race being called the Hounddog Half with special recognition for 7th place. What a wonderful surprise for Ludivine's owner!  For the whole story as told to Runner's World click here

What wonderful ways has your pet surprised you?  Email us at