Thursday, October 1, 2015

Ultra-Flex Collagen Helps 15 Year Old Cat Lose Weight

Our 15 yr old feline Fred  says he loves the way “Ultra-Flex Collagen Support” makes him feel.   We only do ¼ of a capsule in the morning with his food along with the Power Probiotic.   We do Lypozyme at the dinner feeding.  Within one month we saw improvements in the way he would get out of his bed, up and down stairs and walk around his outside courtyard.  Now after 2 months, he is actually running and playing some with our 11 yr old cat.  He has even lost ½ lb since he is able to run and play more.   The other day, I saw him run across the yard, which was the first time in a year.   Fred says that  his other felines should definitely  give it a try so they can feel young again!