It is important to know that almost all puppies and kittens will have intestinal worms by the time they are 2 weeks old. They most often get them from their mother before birth through the placenta or soon after birth through mother's milk. The most common types of intestinal parasites in kittens and puppies are Hookworms, Roundworms, and Tapeworms.
It's best to get a stool sample done at your vet's office and use the proper medication to kill off the worms. Since the gastrointestinal tract houses the majority of your pet's immune system, it is important to get your puppy or kitten off on the right start. It's not unusual for pets that develop IBS in their early years, to have had repetitive cases of worms or giardia as a baby. It is extremely important that you provide extra immune system support to your pet to help prevent the worms from returning and to rebalance the natural intestinal flora. Colostrum for Pets + Power Probiotic is an excellent combination for all puppies and kittens with worms.
Hookworms -cause blood loss through the intestines and can cause a puppy or kitten and can lead to death from anemia (severe blood loss) if not treated. This worm can also be transmitted to humans through the skin.
Signs include: pale mucous membranes, dark tarry stools, constipation, loss of condition, poor appetite, dry cough, and sudden death.
Roundworms- This worm also causes blood loss through the intestines, is present often at birth in these babies, and can be transmitted to humans.
Signs include: abdominal distension (bloated belly), colicky pain, anorexia, scanty feces, coughing due to larval migration, weakness, sudden death.
Tapeworms- They are the most common parasite and are caused by the pet eating/swallowing fleas carrying the tapeworm eggs. This is the only way to get tapeworms, by eating infected fleas. These worms are not dangerous, and cause no other real harm to the pet.
Signs include: dragging or rubbing the anus on the ground, and visible tapeworm segments on the feces. Causes or risk factors are eating viscera of rabbits or rodents, and fleas in the environment.
The most common method of diagnosis is through fecal examination, however, receiving a negative fecal report cannot guarantee that your kitten or puppy does not have internal parasites. The result may give a false negative if the infestation is not severe, making it ever more important to use supporting supplements; such as Colostrum for Pets plus Power Probiotic.