Monday, September 2, 2013
Injured Husky - Donations Needed For Husky Haven of LA
Please make a donation to Husky Haven of LA to help Kiara (pictured on right) who is being fostered by these lovely people, the McDonald Family. Kiara was adopted and returned from various LA Shelters and had saved by Rhonda Hallden of Husky Haven. Finally, she was adopted by an experienced husky owner and within a few hours, an accident occured and Kiara was injured falling down the stairs. The adopter returned Kiara and has not offered to help or contribute with Kiara's medical care. It's hard enough to place an older rescue dog like Kiara in a loving home but to have her returned injured after less than a day is cruel. Kiara is getting treated with acuscope, supplements and veterinary visits. This is a very difficult situation and even a $5 contribution would help Kiara on her way. It's easy to make a donation by going to the Husky Haven of LA website.
Here is the complete story from the Husky Haven Website page:
RETURNED "KIARA" Update-Kiara was returned after a few dys at her 8th attempt at a home..It was no fault of hers. The adopter had more stairs than she will be able to maneuver on a regular basis. IN FACT, she had a slip/fall and we are now treating her with hopes of improving a rear leg injury. She is now in the competent hands of our fosters; the McDoanlds of San Juan who are the adopters of our girl MADDIE.. AS well as traditional vet medicine, she is being given therapeutic treatments courtesy of our good friend, adopter and supporter Susan Davis, Founder WE cover the dogs we have committed to FOR LIFE.
And in KIARA's case, we are so grateful to all our supporters who lend a hand..(More on her hopeful progress will be coming) Pict: Janet & Mac with their HH girl tripod MADDIE out of Hrb shelter and MISS KIARA..
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