Monday, August 5, 2013

FDA Issues Warning About Oral Ketoconazole Yeast Medication Tablets

The FDA has issued a drug safety warning FOR PEOPLE regarding the drug Ketoconazole (oral tablets) which also happens to be a  prescription yeast medication often prescribed for pets.

FDA Drug Safety Podcast: FDA limits usage of Nizoral (ketoconazole) oral tablets due to potentially fatal liver injury and risk of drug interactions and adrenal gland problems

The podcast warns of the potential safety issues for people but this drug is widely prescribed for pets.  The podcast doesn't mention if the same effects on the liver and drug interactions would occur with dogs, but if your dog is using this medication, please contact your veterinarian. 

Yeast overgrowth can be successfully treated in dogs using a natural, holistic approach.  Yeast infections often accompany poor digestion and antibiotic or steroid use.  Dogs with environmental and food allergies will often develop skin and ear infections and the use of the antibiotics can lead to a vicious cycle with the yeast.   If your dog is suffering from chronic yeast infections, the first step is to change your dog's diet, limiting food allergens and carbohydrates.  Second, use a natural antifungal as an alternative to Ketoconazole such as K9 Yeast Defense and Power Probiotic  


Symptoms of dog yeast infections can include:

  • Odor in the ear
  • Colored discharge in the ear  (frequently brown or black)
  • Redness or swelling of ears or on the skin
  • Scratching at the ears
  • Chronic licking of genitals
  • Shaking head or ears
  • Licking paws, chewing on the fur
  • Chronic skin infections
Cats can get yeast infections as well and can benefit from Power Probiotic and Notatum.  Dogs with yeast infections are often eating foods that they are allergic to and/or that are high in carbohydrates.  For example, some pet owners may be feeding their dog a raw frozen diet but it contains poultry (big allergen) or the pet owner may giving the dog treats such as dried sweet potatoes which have a high sugar content.  To learn more about how to help your pet overcome chronic yeast infections, please click here