Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Supplements help Husky Juneau!


"Just wanted to let you know that since I put my husky, Juneau, on your supplements, his tummy has improved dramatically. There hasn't been one episode of issues ever since, and also, he is far less itchy than he was when we first brought him home. We are so happy to see him happy. And thank you also for they toy that came with our most recent order. Through some miracle, it is still in one piece. I would also like to add that not only have his tummy troubles made a complete turnaround... he is blowing his winter coat and his new one is incredibly soft and silky. A happier, even more exuberant personality is also shining through which I attribute to his overall better health."
Products used: Amazing Omegas, Power Probiotic
MC Segarra-Branes New York , May 2013