Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Minature Schnauzer with Pancreatitis Benefits From Holistic Care

Hello Susan,

I just wanted to drop you a quick note again to say thanks.
Sadly, our dog, Sparky passed away on January 16 this year. He was feeling fine until the last day or two. But on that day, while laying next to me on the couch watching TV, he had heart failure and mercifully died quickly. Our vet said that along with his diabetes, and a "mass" on his liver (we never knew if it was benign or malignant) he also had a heart murmur.

Looking back on last year at this time, he had a serious bout of pancreatitis. But with your helpful and kind nutrition guidance, we were able to pull him through that and he enjoyed another year of quality life - walks in the park, eating normally, fun rides in the car, etc. We were blessed to have had that time with him. Your guidance helped Sparky have that year with us and we are very thankful.

Hopefully, when the time comes for us to adopt another animal friend, we will remember the lessons we learned from you.

Best regards,
Paul Mally

Supplements for Dogs and Cats with Pancreatitis