Friday, October 5, 2018

Why Do Dogs Howl?

Why Do Dogs Howl?
Some dogs bark, some dogs whine and some dogs howl. But why? All three are instinctive methods of communicating, but howling tends to be more of a primitive trait that is found in certain breeds. Breeds that tend to howl more include: Huskies, German Shepherds, Beagles and other types of hounds.

Reasons for Howling
·         Greeting others
·         Friendly play with other howling dogs       
·         Attracting attention
·         Response to high pitched noises (e.g. ambulance)
·         Pain or discomfort
·         Separation anxiety and loneliness

While howling dogs can be both entertaining and annoying, two of the reasons for howling could signal an important health issue:

Pain or Discomfort
Some pets may howl because they are in physical discomfort.  You might hear the howling when the pet gets up or down.  If so, your pet could have arthritis, hip dysplasia, a torn ligament or some other health issue that needs to be addressed by your veterinarian.  

Separation Anxiety
If your pup howls when you are gone it could be Separation Anxiety. The howling is a way for them to try to reconnect with their pack (you).  A howling dog is lonely and crying out for help. Separation anxiety can get worse with time if not addressed and although you may not be home to hear the howling it can be very disruptive to your neighbors and cause problems.  It also causes a great deal of stress for your pet.  The good news is that there ways to help a pet with separation anxiety.

Steps to Help Your Dog With Separation Anxiety

1.  Leave for short periods of time and build up the length of time slowly
2.   Walk your dog before leaving
3.   Give your dog something to do when you are gone (a toy, chew toy, music playing, etc)
4.   See about having a neighbor's dog to keep them company (many neighbors are happy to reciprocate) 
5.   Get a pet sitter or neighbor to check in on your pet during the day
6.   Take your pet to a doggie play facility  
7.   Consider getting another pet
8.   Use natural supplements for calming before you leave

Ask Ariel offers calming supplements that can help your pet with separation anxiety.  Please email us to learn more.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Ways To Get Your Cool Cat To Like You

Getting your cool cat to like you is a lot like dating, especially if you are bringing a new cat into your home. Here are steps to help make your “relationship” with your cool cat a life-long love affair.

Speak Their Language
Your common language is body language and understanding your cat’s body language as well as paying attention to what you are displaying can have a big impact. Consider getting down on their level. Also, avoid sudden movements and eye contact which can be conveyed as a sign of aggression.

Playing It “Hard To Get
Most cats are not like dogs that might greet you at the door with great enthusiasm. Many prefer to be in control and come to you on their terms.

You May Have To Work At It

Just like human relationships it may take work to get your cat to like you. The key is to find what it takes to make your cat happy by learning their likes and dislikes.

Stay Calm and Carry On
Generally, cats like calm and quiet. Exuberant interactions can scare your cat and send them running to a safe place. They also are very sensitive to stress, anger and frustration, so try to avoid showing those emotions to your cat.

Go Ahead and Spoil Them
Everyone likes to be spoiled a little and your cat is no different. Sharing a special treat as a reward for positive behavior can help solidify your relationship.  Give your cat some extra attention by engaging in an activity your kitty likes along with some extra kisses and cuddles.
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Adorable Family Dog - Young Cat-Friendly Female Husky For Adoption in Los Angeles

Adorable Shiloh needs a loving home. Shiloh is a young, petite Siberian Husky female who has an extraordinarily good temperament. She weighs under 40 pounds and is friendly with small dogs and even cats! Since most huskies have a strong prey drive, Shiloh is a rare exception. Shiloh is VERY cuddly and a real tail wagger. She was hit by a car in Santa Ana and Husky Haven Of Los Angeles rescued her. Shiloh has been through a lot but is now looking to find a wonderful family who can open their heart and their home to such a wonderful family dog. Shiloh is available through Husky Haven of Los Angeles. Please visit their website Husky Haven of Los Angeles or email:

Friday, September 28, 2018

Natural Pain Relief For Dogs

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Is Your Dog Limping? In Pain? Slowing Down? The Joint Support Kit can help. Backed by Research. Recommended By Veterinarians. Give your pets fast PAIN RELIEF directly in their food bowl!  The Joint Support Kit includes three scientifically natural remedies proven to help reduce inflammation and improve mobility.  Amazing Omegas, Curcumin For Pets and Arthrosoothe For Pets include research-backed, veterinary approved ingredients such as omega 3 fish oil, curcumin, glucosamine, boswellia, green lipped mussel and more.  The Kit gives your pet a variety of nutrients offering the best chance of your pet feeling better versus just relying on home remedy by itself.  

If your dog has difficulty getting up or down, has arthritis or just slowing down due to old age, providing natural remedies can help them get moving again.  Some pets may not want to go on walks any longer because they are in so much pain.  These vitamins can be used along with medications and often reduce or eliminate the need for pain medications.

$20 Savings when you purchase the kit vs buying the products separately. Please click here to learn more.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Is Your Pet's Antibiotic Use Becoming A Habit?

Pets can get infections every now and then.  Antibiotics can be a lifesaver, a necessary medication to treat the infection.  They are a pet's first line of defense when an infection is present. However, many times, rather than being a one-time cure, they become a way of life. That’s not to say sometimes a second dose or a different antibiotic is needed to knock out a bad infection, but all too often antibiotics are prescribed repeatedly for the same recurring, chronic infection rather than determining the root cause of the chronic infection in the first place.  Long term use of antibiotics can lead to many side effects including weakened immunity, bacteria resistance, yeast and digestive problems.  

If your pet is getting repeat infections, it's a sign that something is out of balance. It could be your pet has an underlying virus,  is allergic or intolerant to the food or stressed out.  Yes, it's possible for a pet that has had repeat infections to finally get better and overcome them, but this involves a natural, holistic approach.  Using immune support supplements such as the Immune Support Kit and making diet changes can be life-changing, especially  if the pet's weakened immunity is due to an underlying virus or food allergy.  Changing your pet's diet to a hypoallergenic, low-inflammatory diet can make a tremendous difference. 

Is your pet getting repeat infections?  Please feel free to email us at

Friday, September 14, 2018

Loyalty of a Companion Pet

When you hear the word loyalty you may picture the unwavering love and companionship of your faithful dog. However, there may be others (most likely those that have never had a dog) that question this loyalty and believe it is only driven by their dependency on us for food and shelter. Rest assured dog people, they only need to witness the excitement of a dog upon the return of their people to know this is not the case.

Let us not forget our felines…they may appear aloof and independent, but they are reciprocal by nature. If we just show them love, respect and loyalty first, they will return the loyalty to us many times over!

September is Happy Cat Month

Happy Cat Month was originated by the CATalyst Council, an organization focused on educating people on the health and welfare needs of companion cats. It was their hope, in the month of September, that people would stop and reevaluate the health needs of their cats. They found that many people believe that cats are self-sufficient and may neglect preventative healthcare, but it is important to remember a healthy cat is a happy cat.  

Ways to Celebrate Happy Cat Month
  1.  Take your cat to the veterinarian for a check-up
  2.  Review your cat's diet – cats are carnivores and need a feline appropriate diet (limited carbohydrates)
  3.  Provide preventative supplements (such as Power Probiotics and Amazing Omegas which help support their immune system) and supportive supplements (depending on their needs)
  4. Spend some extra time cuddling your kitty