Friday, October 3, 2014

Pet Suite Options Are Now an Added Feature in New Homes

Standard Pacific, a California-based home builder, has begun to sell homes that include an option of adding a pet suite that is especially designed for your family pet. These suites are being offered in 27 of its 190 developments nationwide.  Jeffrey Lake, Vice President and National Director of architecture says "Devotion to pets is second-to-none...they are family" 

Their research backed them up.  It found that people are more sensitive to the needs of their four legged family members and consider them when buying a home.  Important factors for some families include whether the home is located near walking trails, has cat-friendly interior design, apartment complexes with dog-washing facilities, or space for a dog run. Considering that nearly 70% of households have pets,and pet spending in America is predicted to top $60 billion in 2014, the home-builder is "banking" on pet-friendly residential design gaining in popularity 

The selected Standard Pacific homes have an optional 170-square-foot "pet suite." These suites include everything from a tiled washing station with leash tie-downs, a hand-held sprayer, and a pet dryer. It also includes a water station; automated feeders; a large bunk-style bed; cabinets (for toys, treats and food); a stackable washer and dryer; a French door that opens to a puppy run; and a flat-screen TV. There is also no need to worry about resale value, it is designed to be easily converted to a functioning room.  

Danielle Tocco, a spokeswoman for Standard Pacific, recently told the Los Angeles Times, that the "prices are beginning at $1,500, but are typically around $8,000 or more" The Avignon community, in California, features the largest plan and can add up to $35,000 to the home price.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Soft-Coated Wheaton Terrier Diagnosed with PLN

Q:  My Wheaton Terrier was diagnosed with PLN Protein-Losing Nephropathy.  Is there anything I can do from a natural standpoint to try to help him?

A:  So sorry your dog was diagnosed with Protein-Losing Nephropathy.   (PLN) is a disease where the filtering mechanism of the kidneys is defective and the dog loses protein through the urine.  It can be a life long condition that will need special care. Certain breeds have a genetic predisposition to PLN and other protein losing diseases such as Protein-losing Enteropathy (PLE). Most common breeds effected are Soft-Coated Wheaton Terriers, Bernese Mountain Dog, Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers.  Usually the  first sign of PLN is an increase in urination and drinking.  Other symptoms could include: listlessness/depression, decreased appetite, vomiting, weight loss, changes in skin and coat, poor growth in young dogs, and edema (swelling) 

Treating Protein-Losing Nephropathy consists of managing symptoms and slowing the progression of the disease. Since conventional veterinary treatments are limited, using a holistic approach with natural supplements can greatly help.  Kidney Health Protein Support helps pets to break down the protein, better absorb and utilize the protein.  This is key with this condition.  Renelix is a powerful kidney detox that helps to flush out toxins and improve kidney function.  Purrfect Pet CoQ10 is an essential antioxidant that is very important for kidney function. While many pets will eat a prescription kidney diet, we have found that using a natural diet, free of glutenous grains with limited, but highly bioavailable protein is best.  Avoid dry food as it is hard to digest and dogs with kidney disease need a high moisture diet.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Safer Air Travel for Your Pet

The Department Of Transportation (DOT) estimates that more than 2 million animals are transported by air in the United States annually. Unfortunately, there has been an increase in incidents during air travel, including; animals deaths, injuries and losses. This has led the DOT to require that domestic carriers with more than 60 seats, begin to report  the events in an annual report.  The law states that all events involving cats and dogs (it does not include other animals) be reported starting on January 1, 2015The new regulation applies not only to personal pets, but also to any cats or dogs that are transported, such as animals shipped by breeders (the previous rule did not cover breeder shipments). This will help pet owners to make an informed decision on the selecting a carrier for the safe travels of their pets.  
Here are tips to help your pet fly safely

  • Fit to fly.  Consider leaving your pet at home, if they are very young, very old or not in good health. 
  • Do your research. Regulations and fees vary depending on airlines and whether your pet flies in the cabin or as checked baggage. Be sure to check an airline's history of flying animals. Certain breeds can  also have more breathing difficulties and airlines may have restrictions (may not be able to fly in cargo hold). These breeds include pets with short snouts ( ie. pugs, and Persian cats)  Incidents of pets being lost, injured or dying have increased in recent years.  
  • Consider a pets-only airline. Pet Airways offers climate-controlled cabins outfitted with individual crates, and a flight attendant checks on the animals every 15 minutes. After landing, pets are given a bathroom break, and can be picked up by their owners at the airline’s Pet Lounge at participating airports.
  • Prepare the carrier. Make sure your kennel has room for your pet to turn around and stand without hitting its head. Check with your airline to determine any crate dimension requirements. The USDA requires the following: food and water dishes, "Live Animal" stickers, upright arrows and bedding.
  • ID tags. Attach contact information to both your pet's collar and its carrier.
  • Exercise. Before the flight, play with your cat or take your dog for a walk. 
  • Relax. Cesar Millan recommends using lavender oil as an "association scent" to help your pet relaxed while flying. In the weeks before the flight, he suggests putting a drop of oil on your hands at feeding times or before walks. Once onboard, “the positive association will allow him to calm down and remain relaxed.”

Monday, September 22, 2014

Holistic Treatments for Canine Kennel Cough

Could we be next?
What is Kennel Cough?
Kennel Cough is a very contagious canine respiratory disease, similar to the common cold in humans. It is also known as Tracheobronchitis and Bordetella.  As the name would lead you to believe it is inflammation of the trachea and bronchi and that "honking" sound they are making is the classic symptom.  It is usually contracted when dogs are in close contact, for example when they are at kennels, boarding facilities, shelters, dog parks or even the vet clinic. The most at risk are puppies, senior dogs, and dogs with compromised immune systems.  Even if your dog has been vaccinated it is still possible for them to contract kennel cough. 


  • Dry hacking cough is the most common symptom
  • Cough may sound like honking
  • Retching
  • Watery nasal discharge
  • In mild cases, dogs would likely be active and eating normally
  • In severe cases, symptoms progress and can include pneumonia, inappetence, fever, and lethargy 

The symptoms usually appear about 5-10 days after exposure to an infected dog, and can last for up to 3 weeks, though symptoms may improve considerably within a few days. It is thought that dogs can remain contagious for several weeks after symptoms clear up.

Most often the diagnosis can be made by symptoms and pet history. However, blood test and bacterial cultures may be performed to determine what type of virus is causing the kennel cough.  

  • Dogs with kennel cough should be isolated from other dogs.
  • Your vet will recommend treatment based on the severity of illness in your dog. Many dogs recover without treatment, so your dog may simply require monitoring to ensure the symptoms are not worsening
  • Supportive care is very important—be sure your dog is eating, drinking and in a stress-free environment.
  • Holistic treatments can help pets recover faster and feel better. Silver Immune or NotaSAN and QuentaSAN capsules or drops all fight infection and can be used along with antibiotics.    Power Probiotic provides important immune support and is essential to use especially if antibiotics are used.  Antibiotics kill off the friendly bacteria along with the bad bacteria.  The friendly bacteria are needed to prevent a repeat infection and also to support the immune system as kennel cough can spread and cause pneumonia.
  • A cough suppressant may be prescribed, and in some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed to combat bacterial infections, but the supplements are most important since kennel cough is viral in nature. If your dog has symptoms such as fever, lethargy and loss of appetite, more intensive treatment will be recommended.
  • Avoid exposure to irritating fumes that could increase inflammation
  • Pressure from a collar can make kennel cough symptoms worse, so switching to a harness is recommended for the duration of the illness.
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Does Your Dog Suffer From Luxating Patella?

"Oh my gosh... my dog was fine running around and all of a sudden he was stopped in his tracks and was holding up his leg.  Then just as suddenly he lowers his leg and starts to walk normally again.  What is wrong?" Your dog could be suffering from luxating patella.  

What is it and who can have the condition?
The kneecap moves up and down in a groove and the patella ridges hold the kneecap in place. Luxating patella is when the knee cap easily moves out of position.  Any dog can have luxating patella. It may be caused from having  a very flat patella ridge (genetically predisposed in some breed) or in larger/giant breeds caused by problems with another joint such as the hip (hip dysplasia) or ankle, causing a ergonomic change, thus leading to luxating patella.

Some breeds that are more genetic predisposed
  • Miniature and toy Poodles
  • Maltese
  • Jack Russell Terriers
  • Yorkies
  • Pomeranians
  • Pekingese
  • Chihuahuas
  • Papillions
  • Boston Terriers
Grades of Luxating Patella
Grade 1
Kneecap pops out intermittently, but can be popped right back in (usually by itself). The pet does not experience pain as a Grade 1
Grade 2
The knee is less stable and pops out of place and doesn't always pop back in automatically.  Manual manipulation is usually required. Pet can begin to have pain.
Grade 3
The kneecap sits outside the groove most of the time, can be positioned back, but will pop right back out.  The pet will be in persistent pain and arthritic changes.
Grade 4
This is the worst-case scenario, the knee cap is outside the groove all the time and will not stay in the groove when popped back in.  The dog will have a hard time walking and will suffer from pain, arthritis and degenerative joint disease. They often will stand knock-knees and toes turned inward.

Treating the Condition
Being proactive is key , no matter how young or old, to prevent surgery ( which carries risks and a difficult recovery) and a diminished quality of life for your dog. 
  • Help your dog maintain a healthy body weight. 
  • Keep your pet moving- It is important to exercise your pet regularly to maintain muscle tone that will help protect the knee joint.
  • Give your dog joint support supplements as soon as the problem is observed. Early start of supplements can help prevent problems later on.
Ultra-Flex Collagen for Pets is especially helpful as it is great for small pets! It is a once a day, easy to administer food based product. Ultra-Flex is veterinary-approved and helps with tendons, ligaments and joint support.The Joint Support Kit  and  Canine Comfort Natural Pain Relief  are especially helpful too for this condition.
  • Chiropractic and acupuncture treatments may help
  • Feed your dog an anti-inflammatory diet using fresh foods
When to Seek Surgery for Your Pet
If the quality of life of your dog is diminished, pain is constant and the non-surgical options have not helped, surgery should be considered.  Supplements should still be continued after surgery to strengthen the joints and ligaments.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Animal Cruelty Now A Felony In All 50 States

It may be shocking to think it took this long , but on March 14, 2014, South Dakota became the final state to enact a felony provision for animal cruelty.  There is still more that needs to be done and some states are working on it, such as Massachusetts with there PAWS act, or Protecting Animal Welfare and Safety Act, that has passed and awaits the governor's signature.

The PAWS act requires:

  • Stiffening of penalties for animal abuse-increasing the maximum prison sentence to seven years for a first offense, and up to 10 years for a subsequent offense
  • Requiring veterinarians to report suspected mistreatment to the police (vets who don’t report abuse would be reported to the Board of Registration in Veterinary Medicine)
  • Offenders could face fines, which have been increased to $5,000 for a first offense and $10,000 for a subsequent offense.
In other states,  New Jersey passed State Senate. S. 1870  which will require pet shops in the state to provide consumers with certain identifying information regarding the animals they sell, thus cracking down on puppy mills and New York is working on the Consolidated Animal Crimes Bill (A.775b/S.6643) which improves enforcement by placing animal crimes under the penal code vs. under the farming and agriculture statues.

To see what is being done in your state, you can visit the Humane Society website under legislation.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Reverse Sneezing in Dogs

What is wrong with my dog? Why does he have episodes of snorting and gagging? These comments describe what is commonly called "Reverse Sneezing".  Reverse sneezing is when the pet is pulling air rapidly in vs. a regular sneeze when air is pushed out through the nose.  It is not know exactly why these episodes occur, but it thought to be an irritation of the  soft palate, which results in a spasm.  It could be caused from many factors including: eating or drinking, exercise, allergies, post-nasal drip, and irritating chemicals (cleaners, air fresheners, perfumes). 

A reverse sneezing episode can be scary and last for several seconds, and may make the owner think they are choking or having an asthma attack,  but is not usually considered harmful. However, if your pet has frequent episodes, it is a good idea to visit your vet to rule out other causes (collapsing trachea, nasal tumors or polyps, foreign bodies in the nasal passages or mouth). To help halt the episode, try massaging your pet's throat to stop the spasm or covering your pet’s nostrils very briefly. 

If your pet has other signs of allergies (scratching, licking, chewing at the paws, etc), then post-nasal drip may be the culprit.  Using K9 Yeast Defense and Power Probiotic along with AllerEaze can help.   Yeast is often a contributor to skin problems, ear infections and genital licking.  Yeast congregates in moist areas such as the throat and mucous membranes.  Diets high in carbohydrates such as grains and starchy foods can contribute to yeast overgrowth.